Activity lists

Use this page to list and summarize all the activity lists currently attached to an activity.


Select the Activity Lists checkbox on the Change Activity Type page for this link to appear on the Activity Functions page.

Go to section

General Information

Activity List


    1. Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Activities.

    2. Search for and select an activity.

    3. Click Activity List.


To add

On the Activity Lists page, click Add New to go to the Change Activity Lists page, where you can create a new record.


To modify

On the Activity Lists page, click an underlined activity type Name link to go to the Change Activity Lists page, where you can make changes.


The following options are included on the Change Activity Lists page:

Name of Field Type Description

General Information

List Name


The name assigned to the list.

At enrollment, apply charges from activity package AND each individual activity in list


If you select this checkbox, then for customers who enroll in this activity package:

  • The activity package fees consist of all the specific activity's fees.

  • The activity package fees flow into the corresponding GL account, which belongs to the individual activities.

  • You are able to refund for the individual activities included in the activity package.

Activity List

Activity list based on specific activities


Select this option to base the activity list on user-selected specific activities.


For activity lists based on specific activities, customers cannot register for the parent activity, but they can register for one or more sub-activities.



Link to the Activity Search page, where you can select activities for which the coupon is valid.


You can select activities with private lessons or regular activities.

Exclude from registration outside of activities lists


To prevent a customer from viewing or registering for an individual activity in the list, select this option.

Enroll customer for all activities


Option to indicate if the customer is automatically registered for all activities in the activity list when they register for the main activity.

Customer to select between __ and __ activities to enroll

Button, numeric

Enter a numeric range (minimum to maximum) of activities to register for.

Activity list based on activity categories


Select this option to base the activity list on activity categories.


For activity lists based on activity categories, customers can register for one or more sub-activities within a parent activity that matches the activity category.

Activity Category

Dropdown list

Activity category attached to the activity list.


You can specify activity categories on the Change Activity Detail page.

Activity Other Category

Dropdown list

Activity other category attached to the activity list.


You can specify activity other categories on the Change Activity Other Detail page.

# of Activities to Enroll


Indicates how many activities from this activity category and activity other category combination the customer has to select when they register for the main activity.


The number of activities textbox is required if you have selected either an activity category and/or activity other category.

Add another


Click this link to add another row of categories and other categories.