Alternate key types

Alternate key types are the unique identifiers for customers in a third-party system. For example: a participant's student number in the student information system (SIS) can be an alternate key in ACTIVE Net.

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Alternate Key Type Details

Entry Points for this Alternate Key Type

Scanning Details

Change Alternate Key Entry Point Time


The following options are included on the Change Alternate Key Type Detail page:

Name of Field Type Description

Alternate Key Type Details



Name of the alternate key type.

Prevent Further Use?


Option to retire the alternate key type so that it does not appear in the list of available alternate key types.

Must be unique


Option to make alternate key types unique for each customer.


If deselected, the alternate key type can be duplicated for multiple customers.

Use as direct access in customer search page


Prerequisite: Select Must be unique, above.


To automatically select this customer when the unique alternate key type is entered, select this option.

Numeric only


Option to make the alternate key type numeric only.


If deselected, alternate key types can be alpha-numeric (a mix of letters and numbers).

Include in Add New Customer Page


Option to include this alternate key type when creating a new customer account.


This includes selecting a status (if there are any for this alternate type key type), and an alternate key ID number.

Use as customer search criteria


Include this alternate key type as search criteria for a customer search.

Add Alternate Key Status


Link to the Alternate Key Status page, where you can select alternate key statuses.

Entry Points for this Alternate Key Type

Available Entry Points


List of all available entry points for this alternate key type.


To assign an entry point to this alternate key type, highlight the entry point in the Available Entry Points list, then click the right arrow button to assign it as a Selected Entry Point.

Selected Entry Points


List of all selected entry points for this alternate key type.


Customers can only access entry points that are in this list.


To remove an entry point from this alternate key type, highlight the option in the Selected Entry Points list, then click the left arrow button to return the Available Entry Points.

Scanning Details

Magnetic stripe


Select this option to specify that the alternate key type card has a magnetic stripe:

  • If selected, the options below are enabled.

  • If deselected, the options below are disabled.


Tip: If you disable the options below, do not delete their contents. If you enable them again at a later time, then this saves the next user from re-entering the information.

Track 1/ Track 2


Indicates the card track for which the alternate key type is encoded.


Track 1 is selected by default.



Field number where the alternate key type is found on the magnetic stripe.


Note that only positive whole numbers between 1 and 999 are valid.

From position


Indicates the start position of the alternate key on the magnetic stripe.


Note that only positive whole numbers between 1 and 999 are valid.

To position


Indicates the end position of the alternate key on the magnetic stripe.


Note that only positive whole numbers between 1 and 999 are valid.

Optical barcode


Indicates the alternate key type card has an optical barcode.


If selected, the following options are enabled. If deselected, the following options are disabled.


Note that if you disable the following options, do not clear their contents. If the options are enabled again in the future, then the next staff user does not have to re-enter the information.

Valid length(s) (separate with commas)


The valid length(s) for the alternate key.


You can use commas to separate multiple valid length(s) (for example: 10, 11, 12 etc).


Note that only positive whole numbers between 1 and 9999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 are valid.

From position


Indicates the start position of the alternate key on the optical barcode.


Note that only positive whole numbers between 1 and 999 are valid.

To position


Indicates the end position of the alternate key on the optical barcode.


Note that only positive whole numbers between 1 and 999 are valid.



Identifier found on the barcode.


Note that only positive whole numbers between 1 and 999 are valid.

Identifier position


Placement where the identifier is found on the barcode.


Note that only positive whole numbers between 1 and 999 are valid.


To specify valid entry point days and times for alternate key types, click Change Status Entry Point Times. On the Select Status to Change Entry Point Times page, click the Alternate Key Type Status link to go to the Change Alternate Key Entry Point Entry Time page.


The following options are included on the Change Alternate Key Entry Point Time page:

Name of Field Type Description

Change Alternate Key Entry Point Time

Entry Point

Dropdown list

Name of the valid entry point for the alternate key.

Days of Week

Dropdown list

Days of the week the entry point is valid for the alternate key.

Start Time

Dropdown list

Time that the entry point becomes valid for the alternate key.

End Time

Dropdown list

Time that the entry point becomes invalid for the alternate key.