Locker fees

Locker fees are attached to locker rooms and charged to customers who rent lockers. A locker fee varies depending on locker size and rental time period.


A locker may have multiple charges, and may include discounts, which are special types of charges.


Note: The name of this page will change if the Locker name has been changed in Facility Configuration.

Go to section

Primary Charge

General Information

Fee Information

Discount Information

Tax Information

Age Qualification


Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up locker fees, the following data points must be configured:


GL Accounts

Where are they found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Facility Settings > Locker room*.

    3. Select the desired locker room.

    4. Select the Change Locker Fees link.


*Note: The menu option will change if the Locker room wording has been changed in Facility Configuration.

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Locker Fee List page, clicking the Add New button displays the Change Locker Fee page, where a new locker fee record can be added.


To modify

From the Locker Fee List page, clicking an underlined fee Description link displays the Change Locker Fee page.


The Change Locker Fee page contains details about the selected charge as defined below, allowing you to make any necessary changes, and Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Primary Charge

Charge Name Dropdown list

The description of the charge to attach to this locker, as selected from a predefined list.


General Information

Size Dropdown list Size of the locker for which the charge is applicable, as selected from a predefined list.
Fee Order Numeric The order defining where this fee will appear in the list of charges.
In cases where multiple fees apply to a locker, agencies often wish to have the most commonly used fee appear first on the list.
Required, and must be greater than zero.
Prefill Condition Dropdown list The condition under which this fee would be automatically charged, as selected from a predefined list.

  • Never: The fee will be displayed but is not charged automatically, unless manually selected.

  • Always: The fee will always be charged automatically, unless deselected.

  • If Resident: The fee is charged automatically if the customer is a resident.

  • If Non-resident: The fee is charged automatically if the customer is a non-resident.

  • If Minor: The fee is charged automatically if the customer qualifies as a minor based on the system setting age for minors.

  • If Senior: The fee is charged automatically if the customer qualifies as a senior based on the system setting age for seniors.

  • If Internet: The fee is charged automatically if the transaction is on the customer (public access) site.

  • If Member: The feeis charged automatically if the customer has a current Membership.

  • If Non-member: The fee is charged automatically if the customer has a current Membership.


All fees with applicable prefill conditions will be charged.


For example: If the prefill condition on one fee is Resident and the prefill condition on another fee is Member, and the customer is a resident member, both fees will be charged.


Customer Type Dropdown list Customer type under which a customer is classified, as selected from a predefined list. This determines the charges to be applied, as set in the Charge Matrix.
The default customer type could be set at System Settings > Online.
Primary Fee Checkbox Option to make this fee a standard fee for the locker.
Primary fees will be displayed on the customer (public access) site as the standard fee.  
Description Text A brief description of the fee for this locker.
Defaults to the text from the charge description but may be changed.
Allow Override Dropdown list The option to allow a user to change the amount of this fee at the time of sale, as selected from a predefined list.
Possible values are Always, Never, and By Password (authority to override depends on user's login permissions).

Fee Information

G/L Account Dropdown list The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee will go, as selected from a predefined list.
Defaults to the G/L account from the charge record.
Required (if charge is not a discount).
Fee Amount Numeric The amount of this fee.
If a default amount was entered when creating the charge record, this field will default to that amount, but it can be changed as necessary.
Note that this is an optional field, therefore the fee can be a zero dollar value if desired for tracking purposes.
Unit of Measure Dropdown list The measure by which this fee is charged, as selected from a list of 5 options:
  • Each

  • Per Hour

  • Per Day

  • Per Week

  • Per Month

Discountable? Checkbox Select if a discount can be applied to this fee.

Discount Information

This is a Discount? Checkbox Select if this fee is a discount rather than a charge.
Discount Type Dropdown list Select whether this will be a fixed amount or percentage discount.
Note: Field will only be active if the fee is a discount.
Discount Percent Numeric The discount percentage (if it is a percentage discount).
Note: If the discount is a fixed amount discount, the discount amount is entered in the Fee Amount field above.
This field will only be active if the fee is a discount.

Tax Information

Taxable by tax 1? (tax 2, tax 3, tax4) Checkboxes Option to select which taxes (as defined in the site record) are to be charged for this locker.

Age Qualification

Minimum Age Numeric The minimum age (in years) required to be eligible for the fee.
Maximum Age Numeric The maximum age (in years) required to be eligible for the fee.


Activation Date Date Date when the locker fee will be in effect; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.
Expiration Date Date Date when the locker fee will no longer be in effect; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.