
You can use charges as templates when adding fees, discounts or scholarships to activities, membership packages, daycare programs, lendable equipment, or the facility charge matrix.

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General Information

Charge Context

Fee Information

Discount Information

Scholarship Information

Tax Information

Activity Fee Qualifications

Advanced Reservation Options

Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up charges, configure the following items:

GL accounts



Click Specify Qualifying Items to open the Global Discounts page, where you can view existing global discounts or click Add New to create new ones.


The following options are included on the Change Charge Detail page.


Note: Any changes you make to the advanced facility options charges are rolled out to the corresponding standard charges in the charge matrix. Any permits with these charges are updated when you reload the charges for the permit.

Name of Field



General Information

Charge Name


The name of the charge that you see as an option to select when adding charges to activities, membership packages, daycare programs or the facility charge matrix.


Charge Type


The type of the charge.


The options are:

  • Fee - This fee is charged to the customer (the Fee Information section is displayed).

  • Discount - This is a discount that can be applied to fees (the Discount Information section is displayed).

  • Scholarship/Financial Aid - This is a scholarship that can be applied to fees (the Scholarship/Financial Aid section is displayed).


Dropdown list

The default site attached to the charge.


This is overridden if you attach this charge to an activity, package, program, or facility with a different site.

Allow Override

Dropdown list

Select whether or not to allow staff users to change the amount of this fee at the time of sale:

  • Always

  • Never

  • By Password


If you select By Password, the ability to override depends on the staff user's permissions: Staff with the Front Desk: Registration/Membership/Daycare - Override Fees permission are able to override this fee. Staff without this permission must get a staff membership with this permission to enter their password to override this fee.

Customer Type

Dropdown list

(Optional) Select a customer type for the charge.

Default Prefill Condition

Dropdown list

The condition under which this fee should be automatically charged.


Select one of the following options:

  • Never

  • Always

  • If Resident

  • If Non-resident

  • If Minor

  • If Senior

  • If Internet (transaction is on the public site)

  • If Member

  • If Non-member


The prefill condition is applied in the following ways:

  • If the prefill condition is met then the fee is automatically charged.

  • If the prefill condition is not met, or if the prefill condition is Never, then the fee is not automatically charged. Staff can still select the fee from a list.

  • All fees with applicable prefill conditions are charged (e.g. if customer is both a member and a resident, all fees with either condition are charged).

  • This option only affects activity or daycare program charges.


Note: Except for If Member and If Non-member, prefill conditions are not applied for charges used for global discounts on the staff site.

Unit of Measure

Dropdown list

The measure by which this fee is charged.


Select from the following options:

  • Each

  • Per Hour

  • Per Day

  • Per Week

  • Per Month

  • Per Class

  • Per Person


This option only applies to daycare program or facility charges.

Note that Per Person charges only apply to the Facility Management module and do NOT apply to the legacy reservation modules.

Charge Description


Description of the charge.

Prevent Further Use?


Option to retire this charge so that staff can no longer select it when adding charges to items.


Any existing transactions that currently use this charge will remain unchanged.

Charge Context

Specify the module(s) that the charge applies to.

Charge Context  


Select one or more of the following:

  • Daycare

  • Membership

  • POS

  • Registration

  • Reservation

  • Equipment Lending


All checkboxes are selected by default (change default settings at Administration > Financial Settings > Charges > Search Criteria > ... > Change Charge Detail).

Charges Links to Specific Module(s)


  • Administration > Daycare Settings > Programs > select > function page > Change Fees > Change Program Fee Detail > Charge Name

  • Administration > Equipment Settings > Equipment Charge Matrix > ... > Change Standard Equipment Charge > Charge Name

  • Administration > Facility Settings > Facility Charge Matrix > ... > Change Standard Facility Charge > Charge Name

  • Administration > Registration Settings > Activities > ... > function page > Change Fees > ... > Change Activity Fee Detail > Charge Name

  • Administration > POS Settings > ... > Change POS Product Detail > Fee Splits (Optional) > Description drop down

Fee Information

(This section appears only if the Charge Type is Fee.)

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The default general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee goes.


You can override this account at the activity, package, program, or facility standard charge level.

Default Fee


The default amount of this fee.


You can override this amount at the activity, package, program, or facility standard charge level.


Note: If you want to use this fee for tracking purposes only, then you can use an amount of zero.

Default Quantity


The default quantity determines the number of times a fee with the unit of measure Each is charged.


This option only affects facility or daycare program charges.

Last Minute Rate


Select this checkbox to configure a last minute fee which applies to a reservation made within a specified time period prior to the booking.

Last Minute Fee


The last minute fee amount.


Note: this field appears only if the Last Minute Rate checkbox is selected.

Prior to booking

Numeric and dropdown list

Enter the time period between the reservation and the booking during which the Last Minute Fee is applicable and select either Days or Hours in the dropdown.


Note: this field appears only if the Last Minute Rate checkbox is selected.

Online Question


Question to ask on the public site to determine if this charge (or discount) should apply to the registration.


The question is displayed with a checkbox for the customer to select, so word the question appropriately.


This option only affects activity charges.

Primary Fee?


The Primary Fee is the standard fee for a package or activity. 


This is the fee that is displayed on the public site as the standard fee.


Primary fees are also used in activities when calculating instructor payments if the instructor is being paid as a percentage of primary fees.


This option only affects activity or membership package charges.



Option to make this charge a security deposit for permits. 


When you create a new permit, you can collect deposits prior to other permit fees.


This option only affects facility charges.



Select whether or not discounts can be applied to this fee.

Exclude from Payment Plans?


Select this option if this fee must be paid for immediately and may not be included in a payment plan.


Clear this option if this fee may be included in a payment plan.

Claim Charge?


Select this option to specify that this charge is used to deduct amounts from permit security deposits.


For example, if a customer damages a facility during a permit and you want to deduct the damage from the permit's security deposit before you return it to the customer, set up a claim charge to serve as a damage fee.


For more information about charging claim charges, see Charging a customer for damages against a permit deposit.

Trial Class Fee?


If you select this checkbox for the fee charge and attach it to an activity, program or package fee charge structure, it is treated as the trial class fee and is applied when a trial class is booked for that activity.

Charge Once?


Option to charge this fee only once per permit.


If you link this charge to more than one facility, then you may have some multiple-facility permits that attempt to charge this fee for each facility. Select this option if in these situations you only want to charge this fee once for the whole permit.


This option only affects facility charges.

Automatically add to new activity?


Option to automatically link this charge to new activities as soon as you create them.


This option only affects activity charges.

Extra Booking Fees?


To allow users to apply extra booking fees when making a rental through the staff site, select this option.


You can set a specific date and time range for the extra booking fees, and they are included in the Permit Extra Booking Fees report.

Discount Information

(These fields appear if the Charge Type is Discount.)

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The default general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee goes.


You can override this account at the activity, package, program, or facility standard charge level.

Discount Group Number - Enter a number to assign the discount to a particular group.


Note: To prevent this discount from being combined with other discounts in the same group, select Exclude other discounts in same group number.

Type of Discount

Dropdown list

Select if this discount is set up to be a fixed or percentage discount.

Percentage Numeric If the discount is set up as a percentage amount, enter the percentage that you want to discount.
Fixed Amount Numeric If the discount is set up as a fixed amount, enter the amount that you want to discount.

Last Minute Rate


Select this checkbox to configure a last minute discount which is applied to a reservation made within a specified time period prior to the booking.

Last Minute Percentage


The last minute percentage discount.


Note: this field appears only if the Last Minute Rate checkbox is selected and can only accept a value if the Type of Discount is Percentage Discount.

Last Minute Fixed Amount


The last minute fixed discount amount.


Note: this field appears only if the Last Minute Rate checkbox is selected and can only accept a value if the Type of Discount is Fixed Discount.

Prior to booking

Numeric and dropdown list

Enter the time period between the reservation and the booking during which the last minute discount  is applied and select either Days or Hours in the dropdown.


Note: this field appears only if the Last Minute Rate checkbox is selected.

Online Question Text Question to ask on the customer site to determine if this discount should apply to the registration.
The question will be displayed with a checkbox for the customer to select, so word the question appropriately.
This option only affects activity charges.
Trial Class Discounts? Checkbox If you select this checkbox for the discount and if it is attached to an activity, program or package fee discount, it is treated as a trial class discount and applied when a trial class is booked for that activity.
Automatically add to new activity? Checkbox Option to automatically add this charge when you create a new activity.
This option only affects activity charges.

Scholarship Information

(These fields appear if the Charge Type is Scholarship/Financial Aid.)

Scholarship Type

Radio button

Scholarship can be configured to be either an individual or family scholarship.



  • The family scholarship is shared by family members, but not evenly distributed to each family member’s account.
  • Once the scholarship is assigned to a family or used, the scholarship cannot be modified.
  • The ‘Award Scholarship at Enrollment?’ check box is disabled for family scholarship.

Opening Balance


Amount of scholarship that the customer can use.


If you want this scholarship to have an unlimited opening balance so that customers can use it indefinitely (as long as it does not exceed the total scholarship amount, if applicable), leave this box empty.


Dropdown list

Season when the scholarship is available.


Dropdown list

Term when the scholarship is available.

Start Date


Date when the scholarship is in effect (becomes redeemable).


This date is automatically filled in as the start date of the selected season.

Expiration Date


Last date when the scholarship can be used.


This date is automatically filled in as the end date of the selected season.

G/L Account


The default general ledger account to which the revenue from this scholarship goes.


You can override this account at the activity, package, program, or facility standard charge level.

Online Question


Question to ask on the public site to determine if this charge (or discount) should apply to the reservation.


This question is displayed along with a checkbox for the customer to select, so word this question appropriately.

Trial Class Scholarships?


If you select this checkbox for the fee charge and attach it to a program's fee charge structure, it is treated as the trial class fee and applied when a trial class is booked for that activity.

Automatically add to new activity?


Option to automatically add this charge when you create a new activity.


This option only affects activity charges.

Award Scholarship at Enrollment


Select this option to automatically apply the scholarship to qualifying customers when they enroll in the activity.

Disable after first use


Select this option to configure a scholarship to be disabled after the first use.

Unselected by default.

Treat as Payment?


To designate a scholarship charge as a payment rather than an expense (i.e. it is not deducted from revenue):


  1. Select Treat as Payment.

  2. (Optional) To create a payment plan for the scholarship, select Create payment plan for payment.

  3. (Optional) To fund the scholarship using donations, select Use donation campaign to fund the scholarship. See Donation Campaigns. To specify a default donor, in the Donor Information section, select the corresponding Default payer button for a company or customer.


Note: Scholarships are applied to discounted fees, not the original fee.


That is, the discount is applied to the original fee, and then the scholarship is applied towards the discounted amount.

Scholarship Amount

To assign a single discount value to this scholarship, select Use a Single Discount.


To configure different discount values for the Activities, Flexreg Programs, and Membership Packages and Products modules, select Discount by Module.

Note: The options below are available if you have selected Use a Single Discount.

Unit of Measure

Dropdown list

This scholarship is applied once for each unit that you select here.


Note: You cannot modify the Unit of Measure for Activities, Membership Packages or Products . If this scholarship applies a percentage discount to Flexreg Programs, then you are not able to select a Unit of Measure other than Each.

Type of Scholarship

Dropdown list

Select whether this discount is a fixed or percentage discount.



Enter the percentage to discount when this scholarship is applied.


This option is only available if you have selected Percentage Discount for the Type of Scholarship above.

Default Amount


Enter the amount to discount when this scholarship is applied.


This option is only available if you have selected Fixed Discount for the Type of Scholarship above.

Note: The options below are available if you have selected Discount by Module.



For each module, enter the percentage to discount when this scholarship is applied.


Note: You can enter either a Percentage or a Default Amount for each module, but not both.

Default Amount


For each module, enter the amount to discount when this scholarship is applied.


Note: You can enter either a Percentage or a Default Amount for each module, but not both.

Unit of Measure

Dropdown list

For flexreg programs, if you have entered a Default Amount, then select a unit of measure. This scholarship discount will be applied once for each unit that you select here.


Note: You cannot modify the Unit of Measure for activities or membership packages. If this scholarship applies a percentage discount for flexreg programs, you are not able to select a Unit of Measure other than Each.

Define Eligibility Rules (Only for Application Process)

Select questions to use to determine whether or not a customer is eligible for this scholarship. These questions appear in the Eligibility section of the Scholarship Application Form.


Note: This section is only availiable if you have enabled the Enhanced Scholarship Process option on the Financial Configuration page.

Custom Questions (Only for Application Process)

Select any other questions to ask when a customer applies for this scholarship. These questions appear in the Other Information section of the Scholarship Application Form.


Note: This section is only availiable if you have enabled the Enhanced Scholarship Process option on the Financial Configuration page.

Donor Information

Donor Company


Company that contributed to the scholarship/ financial aid.

New Company


Click the New Company link to go to the Change Company Detail page, where you can create a new company record.

Show name on receipts and online?


Option to display the donor company's name on receipts and on the public site.

Add Another


To add another donor company, click this link.

Donor Customer


Customer that contributed to the scholarship/ financial aid.

New Customer


Click the New Customer link to go to the Add New Customer page, where you can create a new company record.

Show name on receipts and online?


Option to display the donor company's name on receipts and on the public site.

Add Another


To add another donor customer, click this link.

Tax Information



To select the taxes that apply to this fee, select this option.

Activity Fee Qualifications

Activate (and show) Qualifying Activity Options?


Option to activate and show qualifying activity options.


This triggers an activity fee or discount based on a customer’s previous registration for any activity.



Link to the Activity Search page, where you can select activities for which the global discount is valid.

Activity Category


Link to the Activity Category page, where you can select categories for which the global discount is valid.

Activity Group Number


The number of activities (outside of the activity where the multi-person discount is defined) whose enrollments contribute to the defining activity’s global discount.


Customers registered in activities (other than the activity where the multi-person discount is defined) only receive a global discount if their activity also has a multi-person discount attached.


Note that you must set the Activity Group Match Characters setting on the Registration Settings - Configuration page to '0' for this feature to be enabled.

Any Activity?


If you select this option, all activities qualify for the discount.


If you deselect this option, only the specified activities qualify for the global discount.


Minimum Number of Registrations


Enter the minimum number of registrations for the qualifying activity during the specified time range in order to qualify for the discount.

Maximum Number of Registrations


Enter the maximum number of registrations for the qualifying activity during the specified time range in order to qualify for the discount.


Note: These options apply to both activity registration qualifications and multi-person charge qualifications.

Within the last ____(months) Optional


Option to define a time range for displaying activity options.

Parent Season


Link to the Parent Season List page, where you can select seasons for which the global discount is valid.

Child Season


Link to the Child Season List page, where you can select terms for which the global discount is valid.

Advanced Reservation Options

(These options only affect facility charges)


Radio button

Option to disable advanced reservation options.

Activate (and show) Advanced Options?

Radio button

Option to activate advanced facility options.  

Activate Date/Time Range Options

Radio button

The charge will be applied during the specified date/time range.

Note that this setting only applies to the Facility Management module.


When the charge is an extra booking fee with a specified date/time range that is different to the booking date/time range, if the Use Reservation Date/Time check box is selected for the extra booking fee, then the specified date/time range for the extra booking fee is used for the Activate Date/Time Range Options.

Months to Apply Charges



Months when this charge is applied.  


This allows you to create seasonal rates for facilities.

Days to Apply Charges

Apply On?


Months when this charge is applied.  


This allows you to create seasonal rates for facilities.

Start Time


The time of day that the charge is applicable for each day of the week.


If both the start and end times are blank, the charge applies to the entire time that the facility is open on this day of the week.

End Time


The time of day after which the charge is no longer applicable for each day of the week.


If both the start and end times are blank, the charge applies to the entire time that the facility is open on this day of the week.

Other Conditions

Attendance range


The range of attendance when this charge is applied.


This allows you to create different rates for permits depending on the number of people attending.


If you leave the range at 0 or blank, the charge is applied regardless of the attendance number booked in the permit.

Activation Range (in hours)


The range in hours when this charge is applied.


This allows you to create one rate for the first number of hours booked and another rate for additional hours.


If the leave the range at 0 or blank, the charge is applied regardless of the number of hours booked in the permit.

Calculate Hours on Total Amount


If you select this checkbox, the total number of hours is calculated (instead of for each reservation).

Activation Range (in days)


The range of days when this charge is applied.


This allows you to create one rate for the first number of days booked and another rate for additional days.


If you leave the range at 0 or blank, the charge is applied regardless of the number of days booked in the permit.

Do Not Activate if Hours / Days Outside Ranges


If you select this checkbox, the fee is not used unless the hours / days fall within the given range.


The range is satisfied if the total is greater than or equal to the minimum value and, if the maximum value is specified, the total is less than the maximum.