POS membership discounts list

This page allows you to create and modify POS membership discounts.


Prerequisite: Only users with the Administration: POS – POS Membership Discounts security profile will be able to apply the POS membership discount. (Administration > System Settings > System User Profile).

Go to section


Quantity Restriction

Qualifying Customers


Qualifying Products


Administration > POS Settings > Product Membership Discounts

Creating and Modifying

To create

Go to the POS Membership Discounts List page (Administration > POS Settings > POS Membership Discounts).


Clicking Add New brings you to the Change POS Membership Discount page, allowing you to create a new discount.


To modify

Go to the POS Membership Discounts List page (Administration > POS Settings > POS Membership Discounts).


Clicking a Discount Name link displays the Change POS Membership Discount page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change POS Membership Discount page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the discount at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Discount Name Text

Name of the POS membership discount.

Product Discount

Dropdown list

The discount type, as selected from the predefined list.


Note: You must predefine the percentage based or fixed discount type on the Change POS Product Detail page (Discount Information section).

Prevent Further Use? Checkbox Select this option to disable the POS membership discount.

Quantity Restriction

Minimum Quantity


The minimum quantity of discount that must be selected in a receipt in order to be eligible for the POS membership discount.

Maximum Quantity


The maximum quantity of discount that must be selected in a receipt in order to be eligible for the POS membership discount.

Qualifying Customers

Select which customers to apply the product discount to. Apply to:

All Customers

Dropdown list

If this option is selected, all customers will qualify for the POS membership discount.

Members Only

Dropdown list

Select Members Only, then select one or more packages or package categories. Only members of the selected packages and package categories qualify for the discount.

  • Link to the Package Search page where packages for which the POS membership discount is valid can be selected. To remove a package from the list, select it and then click the Remove button.

  • Link to the Package Category Search pages where package categories for which the POS membership discount is valid can be selected. To remove a package category from the list, select it and then click the Remove button.

Non-Members Only

Dropdown list

If this option is selected, all non-members will qualify for the POS membership discount.


Select when the discount is valid.

Good From Date


Date when the POS membership discount will be in effect; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.

To Date


Date when the POS membership discount will no longer be in effect; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.

Months of Year


Months of the year when the discount will occur.


Include all months of the year when it will occur as specific months can be removed later, if required.


Minimum one month required.

Weeks of Month



Weeks of the month when the discount will occur.


Generally, this only needs to be changed from the default (all weeks selected) if the discount will not be applied every week.


Minimum one week required.

Days of Week


Days of the week when the discount will occur.


Include all days of the week when it will occur as specific days can be removed later, if required.


Minimum one day required.

Qualifying Products

POS Product


Link to the POS Product Search page where POS products for which the discount is valid can be selected.
To remove a POS product from the list, select the product and then click the Remove button.

Product Department


Link to the Product Department List page where product departments for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a product department from the list, select the department and then click the Remove button.

Product Class


Link to the Product Class List page where product classes for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a product class from the list, select the class and then click the Remove button.

Product Sub-Class


Link to the Product Sub-Class List page where product sub-classes for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a product sub-class from the list, select the sub-class and then click the Remove button.