Internet - staff settings

Internet settings determine the standard settings for the customer site.


To refresh the customer site after making changes to this page, select Reload HTML from the Administration > Web Admin menu link.

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Online Receipt Queuing Settings

Registration Settings

Email Configuration

Logon Support Email Settings

Front Desk Receipt Email Settings

Front Desk Waiver Email Settings

Participant Registration Confirmation Email Settings

Reservation Permit Contract Email Settings

New Account Email Settings

Disable Licensing Settings

Geo Coding

QR Code and E-Wallet


Administration > System Settings > Configuration - Internet Staff

How are they added or modified?

On the System Settings - Internet page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Online Receipt Queuing Settings

Note: ACTIVE Net goes through multiple steps in order to process and finalize an online customer receipt. During periods of high volume online transactions, ACTIVE Net can automatically defer some of these steps to a later (low volume) time in order to reduce customer wait times on the public access site. Receipts that are being deferred in this way will remain in a pending state until they are completed.


The options in this section refer to emails that ACTIVE Net sends automatically to staff and/or customers at different stages in this process.

Staff Online Queued Receipts Notification Email Text

Enter the email address of a staff member or group that will be notified when a period of high transaction volume begins and receipts are being queued in a pending state.


This email address will also be notified if any queued receipt encounters a processing error and requires manual processing from the Pending Online Receipts page.

Customer Queued Receipt Email Subject Text

Enter text for the subject line of the customer queued receipt email.


ACTIVE Net automatically sends this email to customers whose receipts have begun processing but have been temporarily queued because of high transaction volume.


Note: To prevent this email from being sent to customers, leave this option (and the following option) blank.

Customer Queued Receipt Email Text Text

Enter introductory text to appear in the customer queued receipt email.


ACTIVE Net automatically sends this email to customers whose receipts have begun processing but have been temporarily queued because of high transaction volume.


Note: To prevent this email from being sent to customers, leave this option (and the previous option) blank.

Customer Queued Receipt Complete Email Subject Text

Enter text for the subject line of the customer queued receipt complete email.


ACTIVE Net automatically sends this email to customers whose receipts were previously in a pending state but have now been processed and completed.


Note: To prevent this email from being sent to customers, leave this option (and the following option) blank.

Customer Queued Receipt Complete Email Text Text

Enter introductory text to appear in the customer queued receipt complete email.


ACTIVE Net automatically sends this email to customers whose receipts were previously in a pending state but have now been processed and completed.


Note: To prevent this email from being sent to customers, leave this option (and the previous option) blank.

Customer Queued Receipt Failed Email Subject Text

Enter text for the subject line of the customer queued receipt failed email.


ACTIVE Net automatically sends this email when a pending online receipt encounters a processing error and cannot be re-processed from the Pending Online Receipts page.


Note: To prevent this email from being sent to customers, leave this option (and the following option) blank.

Customer Queued Receipt Failed Email Text Text

Enter introductory text to appear in the customer queued receipt failed email.


ACTIVE Net automatically sends this email when a pending online receipt encounters a processing error and cannot be re-processed from the Pending Online Receipts page.


Note: To prevent this email from being sent to customers, leave this option (and the following option) blank.

Registration Settings

Open Time on First Day Time

Enter the default registration start time to use when creating new seasons and terms: all new seasons or terms will automatically use this registration start time by default.


If you choose to specify a default time here, you will also have the option of overriding this time for individual seasons or terms.

End Time on Last Day Time

Enter the default registration end time to use when creating new seasons and terms: all new seasons or terms will automatically use this registration end time by default.


If you choose to specify a default time here, you will also have the option of overriding this time for individual seasons or terms.

Email Configuration

Outgoing mail server (SMTP) Text Enter the name of the SMTP server that you want to use for outgoing emails from ACTIVE Net.
Keep Setting in Trainer After Copy To Trainer Checkbox Leave this option blank if you do not want emails to be sent from your Trainer environment. Whenever you copy your current environment to trainer, ACTIVE Net will automatically clear the SMTP settings that control email.
If you want to be able to send out emails from your Trainer environment, select this option.
Mail server port Text Enter the network port number to use to connect to the SMTP server above.
E-mail Default "From" Name Text The name that will appear in the From field when an email is generated from the outgoing mail server.
"From" Address Text

The From email address that will appear when a system email is generated from the outgoing mail server.

By default, the organization name is used for the “From” Address field.

“Reply-to” Address Text

The Reply email address that will appear when customers are replying to a system email.

Display Site Specific 'My Account' Link Checkbox Choose whether to display the site specific URL or the general URL in automatic emails sent to customers:
  • Select this checkbox to include the site specific URL in automatic emails.

  • Note: Site specific URLs contain the site ID, but not the site name.

  • Unselect this checkbox to include the general URL in automatic emails.

Logon Support Email Settings

Forgot Your Password Email Subject


The text that appears on the subject line of an email that informs a customer of their password.


The email is sent if a customer requests to be sent their password.

Forgot Your Password Email Text


Enter text to appear in the body of the email that informs a customer of their password.


The email is sent if a customer requests to be sent their password.

Forgot Your Login Name Email Subject


The text that appears in the body of the email that informs a customer of their login name.


The email is sent if a customer requests to be sent their password.

Forgot Your Login Name Email Text


Enter text to appear in the body of the email that informs a customer of their login name.

Front Desk Receipt Email Settings

Send receipt email automatically? Checkbox Option to automatically send an email of the receipt to the payer if a valid email address is entered in the customer record.


Note: Receipt confirmations are only sent out to the customer who paid for the registration.

Include online account access link?


Option to have the online account access instructions and link  included in the receipt emails.


If this checkbox is deselected, the online account access instructions and link will not be included in receipt emails.

Receipt Email Subject


Subject line of the email when a receipt is emailed to a customer.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

 Receipt Email Text


Text that will be in the body of the email when a receipt is emailed to a customer.

Front Desk Waiver Email Settings

Send waiver email automatically?


Default: Unchecked

If this setting is checked, once the transaction is finished, the signed waiver(s) will be automatically emailed to the customer.

Signed Waiver Email Subject


Subject line of the email when a waiver is emailed to a customer.

If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Default text: Waiver Confirmation

Signed Waiver Email Text


Text that will be in the body of the email when a waiver is emailed to a customer.

Participant Registration Confirmation Email Settings

Send confirmation email automatically?

Checkbox Option to automatically send an email of the registration confirmation to the registrant if a valid email address is entered in the customer record.


Note: Registration confirmations are only sent out to registrants who did not pay for any part of the registration.


Users can view and print their own confirmations from the My Account page on the customer (public access) site.

Registration Confirmation Email Subject


Text that will appear in the subject line when a registration confirmation is emailed to a customer.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Registration Confirmation Email Text


Text that will appear in the body of the email when a registration confirmation is emailed to a customer.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Reservation Permit Contract Email Settings

Include system generated header and footer?


Disable this option to remove all system-generated text from the following types of emails:

  • Pending permit email

  • Denied or cancelled permit email

  • On hold permit email

  • Approved permit email


If this option is unchecked, the only text that will appear in these emails is text that you have customized.

Include online account access link?


If this option is enabled, then the permit contracts that you email to customers will include a hyperlink that points to the customer's account on the public site.


If this option is disabled, then the hyperlink does not appear.

Send pending permit email automatically?


Option to enable emails that are sent automatically when a pending permit contract request is made online.

Pending Permit Email Subject


Text that will appear in the subject line for pending permit contract emails that are sent when a pending permit contract request is made online.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Pending Permit Email Text


Text that will appear in the body for pending permit contract emails that are sent when a pending permit contract request is made online.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Send approved permit email automatically?


Option to enable emails that are sent automatically when a pending permit contract request made online is approved.

Approved Permit Email Subject


Text that will appear in the subject line that is sent when a pending permit contract request made online is approved.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Approved Permit Email Text


Text that will appear in the body of the email that is sent when a pending permit contract request made online is approved.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Send denied or cancelled permit email automatically?


Option to enable emails that are sent automatically when a pending permit contract request made online is denied or cancelled.

Denied or Cancelled Permit Email Subject


Text that will appear in the subject line that is sent when a pending permit contract request made on online is denied or cancelled.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Denied or Cancelled Permit Email Text 


Text that will be in the body of the email that is sent when a pending permit contract request made online is denied or cancelled.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Send on hold permit email automatically?


Option to enable emails that are sent automatically when a pending permit contract request made online is on hold.

On Hold Permit Email Subject


Text that will appear in the subject line that is sent when a pending permit contract request made online is on hold.


If this field is left blank, the default text will be automatically be used.

On Hold Permit Email Text


Text that will appear in the body of the email that is sent when a pending permit contract request made online is on hold.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

New Account Email Settings

Send account request email automatically?

  • To automatically send an email to the registrant who requests an account (and supplies a valid email address), select this checkbox.

  • To suppress account request emails, deselect this checkbox.

Account Request Email Subject Text Customize the text which appears in the subject line when customers receive an automatic email upon requesting a new account that needs to be approved by staff.
Note: You can also customize this text for specific sites.
Account Request Email Text Text Customize the text which appears in the email body when customers receive an automatic email upon requesting a new account that needs to be approved by staff.
Note: You can also customize this text for specific sites.
Approved Customer Email Subject Text Text that will appear in the subject line that is sent when an account that was created online is approved.
If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Approved Customer Email Text


Text that will be in the body of the email that is sent when an account that was created online is approved.

Denied Customer Email Subject


Text that will appear in the subject line that is sent when an account that was created online is denied.


If this field is left blank, the default text will automatically be used.

Denied Customer Email Text Text Text that will be in the body of the email that is sent when account that was created online is denied.
New Account Confirmation Email Subject Text Enter the subject line for emails that will be sent to customers when they request a new account that does not need to be validated by email or approved by staff.
New Account Confirmation Email Text Text Enter text to appear in the body of emails that will be sent to customers when they request a new account that does not need to be validated by email or approved by staff.
Activate Account Email Subject Text Enter the subject line for emails that will be sent to customers when they request a new account that needs to be validated by email.
Activate Account Email Text Text Enter text to appear in the body of emails that will be sent to customers when they request a new account that needs to be validated by email.
Account Request for Family Member Email Subject Text Enter the subject line for emails that will be sent to customers when they request a new account for another family or team member.
Account Request for Family Member Email Text Text Enter text to appear in the body of emails that will be sent to customers when they request a new account for another family or team member.

Disable Licensing Settings

Registration Checkbox Option to disable activity registration on the customer site.
If selected, customers will not see the button to register in activities, but will see the text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox.
 Daycare Checkbox Option to disable daycare registration on the customer site.
If selected, customers will not see the button to register in daycare, but will see the text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox.
Facility Schedules Checkbox Option to disable viewing facility availability on the customer site.
If selected, customers will not see the View Facilities icon, but will see the text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox.
Equipment Schedules Checkbox Option to disable viewing equipment availability on the customer site.
If selected, customers will not see the View Facilities icon, but will see the text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox.
Reserve Button Checkbox Option to disable the Reserve button on the customer site.
If selected, customers will still be able to view the facilities and get information about their availability on the customer site but reservations will need to occur on the admin site.
The text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox will be displayed.
Reservation Checkbox Option to disable facility reservation on the customer site.
If selected, customers will still be able to view the facilities and get information about the availability on the customer site but reservations will need to occur on the admin site.
The text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox will be displayed.
Checkbox Option to disable Quick Facility reservation on the customer site.
If selected, customers will still be able to view the facilities and get information about the availability on the customer site but reservations will need to occur on the admin site.
The text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox will be displayed.
Online Calendars Checkbox Option to disable online calendars on the customer site.
Sport Checkbox Option to disable sports online (not in use at this time).
Membership Checkbox Option to disable membership sales online.
If selected, customers will still be able to view the membership information but registration in a membership will need to occur on the admin site.
The text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox will be displayed.
MyAccount Checkbox Option to disable modifications to customer accounts online. 
Customers will need to contact a staff user and have the information changed on the admin site.
Membership Renewals Checkbox Option to disable membership renewal online.
Customers will still be able to view the membership information but renewal of a membership will need to occur on the admin site.
Gift Card Checkbox Option to disable gift card sales online.
The text entered in the textbox opposite the checkbox will be displayed.
Note: You cannot enable gift card sales online unless you use system generated gift card numbers as specified in the Financial Configuration window.

Geo Coding

Enable Geo Coding Checkbox If you select this option, then you can enter longitude and latitude values for each of your centers. Once you have done this, then your online customers can view each activity on a map on the activity search page and the activity detail page.

QR Code and E-Wallet

Include check-in QR code in Online Receipts and Confirmation Emails for Program reservations Checkbox Select this option to include check-in QR codes in program reservation online receipts and confirmation emails.
Include check-in QR code in Online Receipts and Confirmation Emails for Activity reservations Checkbox Select this option to include check-in QR codes in activity reservation online receipts and confirmation emails.
Enable Apple Wallet to store the check-in card Checkbox Select this option to include a link in confirmation emails to store a check-in card in Apple Wallet (this option is NOT available if the above Include check-in QR code in Online Receipts and Confirmation Emails for reservations checkbox is NOT selected).
Include QR code in My Account page Checkbox Select this option to expedite the checking-in of consumers by displaying consumers’ QR codes on their CUI > My Account pages.
Note: As a prerequisite, to display the CUI > My Account link, the Administration > System Settings > Configuration – Online > Change account information checkbox must also be selected.

Gift Card

Enable Gift Card QR Code Checkbox Select this option to display QR codes on gift cards.
Enable Apple Wallet to store gift cards Checkbox Select this option to enable the Add to Apple Wallet function for gift card QR codes (this checkbox can only be selected after the Enable Gift Card QR Code checkbox is selected).
Enable Google Wallet to store gift cards Checkbox Select this option to enable the Add to Google Wallet function for gift card QR codes (this checkbox can only be selected after the Enable Gift Card QR Code checkbox is selected).

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