
A site is the administrative controlling body that controls the financial information for all components of ACTIVE Net. 


Each site has its own 3 digit extension added to the end of a receipt.


A site should be maintained for each location that operates as its own business unit.


Within sites are centers. Within centers are facilities, the spaces reserved for a permit or an activity.

Go to section


Site-Specific Public URL



Customize UI

Modify Online Intro


Override Financial Configuration

Override Receipt Text

Override System Settings

Override Reservation Configuration

Override POS Configuration

Override Registration Configuration

Override Customer Configuration

Override Daycare Configuration

Override Membership Configuration

Prerequisite Components

Prior to entering sites, the following data points must be configured:




Zip Codes

Geographic Areas

GL Accounts

POS Layouts


Administration > Locations > Sites


Note: You must have the Administration: Location – Configuration (Multi-Site) security profile enabled on your account to view all sites in your organization. Without this profile, you will only see sites you are assigned to.

Adding and Modifying

From the Site List page, you can modify:


Note: Under the Site-specific Public URL column at right, the links are site-specific, but all appear as Public URL in order to save space on the page.


To add

From the Site List page, clicking the Add New button will bring you to the Change Site Detail page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

To modify site-specific G/L accounts:

    1. Click Accounts in the row for the site you want to modify.

    2. On the GL Account List page, click the account Name for the account you want to edit.

    3. Modify the G/L account, and click Save.


See also G/L Accounts.


From the Site List page, clicking an underlined site Name brings you to the Change Site Detail page, allowing you to modify the following fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Site Name Text

The name of the site. 


Prints on receipt for this site.


EBS Account ID Numeric

Within Oracle CRM, this number uniquely identifies the organization which owns the transactions.


Note: You can only see this field when you are logged on as a super administrator.

EBS Site ID Numeric

Within Oracle CRM, this number identifies the site address where remittance payments are sent.


Note: You can only see this field when you are logged on as a super administrator.

EBS Account Manager ID Numeric

Within Oracle CRM, this ID identifies the account manager or sales representative who receives commissions for the revenue generated through the customer’s transactions.


Note: You can only see this field when you are logged on as a super administrator.

CRM Address ID


Enter the ID for the site, as set up in ActiveCRM.


If you have multiple sites, this links the site to the organization created in ActiveCRM so ACTIVE Net can use the mailing address for that organization.


This allows you to remit payments for individual sites.


Note: You can only see this field when you are logged on as an Administrator


Dropdown list

Address information for the site. 


Prints on receipt for this site.



Dropdown list

The country in which the site is located.


This field only appears if the Allow international addresses option is selected in System Settings - General.


Note: If a country is selected whose states are not in ACTIVE Net's database (for example: Afghanistan) the dropdown list for States disappears, and a text box will appear in its place. Here you can manually enter the name of the state, and the State field will no longer be a required field.

City, State, Zip

Dropdown list/Text

Address information for the site.


Prints on the receipt for this site.


Geographic Area

Dropdown list

The geographic area for the site as selected from a previously defined list. 


The geographic area can be used as criteria for reporting.

Email Address


The email address of the site.

Site-Specific Public URL

Click the Public URL link to go to that particular public site.


To view the full URL for the particular public site, hover your mouse over the Public URL link, and view the URL in the status bar of your web browser (lower left).


Phone Phone Phone information for the site. 
Prints on the receipt for this site.
Phone 2 Phone Alternate phone information for the site. 
Prints on the receipt for this site.
Fax Phone Fax information for the site. 
Prints on the receipt for this site.


Name Text The name of the tax to be charged.
% Rate Numeric The tax rate percentage to be charged.
State Dropdown list The state or province where the tax is applicable.
If left blank, the tax is applicable regardless of state or province.
GL Account Dropdown list The GL account where revenue received for this tax will be collected.

Tax from State table

Dropdown list

Option to apply the tax based on the address of the registrant relative to the address of the event.


This allows organizers to configure which taxes a given registrant pays, based on that registrant's home state.



Option to absorb the tax cost into the charges so that the charge comes out to the entered price including tax.

Customize UI

Use Site Customize UI?


Select this option to customize the user interface for the selected site.


These are the same fields that are available on the Customize UI page.


Note: For the Visual Style effects, to use the system-level setting and override site-specific settings, select Use System Setting.

Modify Online Intro

Modify Online Intro

Dropdown list

Click Modify Online Intro to modify details for the introduction page for a selected public site.


These are the same fields that are available on the ACTIVE NetIntroduction page.

Override Reservation Configuration

Default Reservation Type Dropdown list The type of reservation defaulted to on the admin side as selected from a list of 2 options:
  • Regular Reservation - Individual days are booked as separate time blocks in the permit.

  • Continuous Reservation - Individual days are booked as a continuous time block with a single check-in and check-out time.

Internet Reservation Process Dropdown list The reservation process for the customer (public access) site, as selected from either Permit or Reservation Request.
If Permit is selected, the reservation permits are issued right away.
If Reservation Request, is selected, the reservations can be requested, but the permit will have to be approved by admin staff before it is issued.
Default Check-in Time Time The default check-in time for continuous reservations. 
This can be changed at the time of creating a permit.
Default Check-out Time Time The default check-out time for continuous reservations.
This can be changed at the time of creating a permit.

Tentative Permits

Expire This Many Days After Entry


Number of days after the permit is entered that it will expire.

Expiration Alert Email Address


Email address that the expiration alert will be sent to when it about to expire.

Sen Alert This Many Days Before Ex


Number of days before the permit expires to sent out the expiration alert.




List of all unassigned questions that can be assigned to a selected site.


To assign a question to the site, highlight the question in the Available listbox, then click the left arrow button to assign the question to the site.

Move to the top


Option to move a selected custom question to the top of the list.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move to top hyperlink

Move up one


Option to move a selected custom question one position up on the list.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move up one hyperlink.

Move to the bottom


Option to move a selected custom question to the bottom of the list.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move to bottom hyperlink.

Move down one


Option to move a selected custom question to the bottom of the list.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move to bottom hyperlink.



List of all unassigned questions that can be assigned to this site.

To remove a question from  the site, highlight the question in the Selected listbox, then click the left arrow button to return the option to the Available listbox.

Override Financial Configuration

Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts?


Do one of the following:

  • To use G/L accounts specific to this site, select Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts?

  • To use default G/L accounts across all sites on the system, leave this option blank.


Note: If you enable site-specific GL accounts and then later disable them here, ACTIVE Net reverts those transactions to default system-wide GL accounts.


To add or modify site-specific G/L accounts, see Modifying site-specific accounts.

Multi-person charges/discounts require different people?

Dropdown list

Option to require that different people be enrolled in programs or activities to qualify for the multi-person charge or discount as selected from a predefined list.


If No is selected, the same customer can be enrolled in different activities or programs and receive the charge or discount.

Multi-person charges/discounts require same person?

Dropdown list


Option to require that the same person be enrolled in programs or activities to qualify for the multi-person charge or discount as selected from a predefined list.


If No is selected, different customers can be enrolled in programs or activities and receive the charge or discount.

Using the dropdown lists, select which payment methods to allow for this particular site:

  • Allow Payment with a Credit Memo

  • Allow Payment with a Payment Plan

  • Allow Payment by Cash

  • Default refund type for Mass Refund

    • By Check

    • To Account

  • Allow Cash Refunds

  • Allow Payment by Electronic Check - staff

  • Allow Payment by Electronic Check - public


Note: These settings override payment methods set on the Financial Configuration page (system level).


Default Payment Frequency

From the dropdown list, select the default payment frequency for on-the-fly payment plans (created during a transaction, rather than existing payment plans) associated with transactions on the staff interface:
  • Use System Default - use the setting on the Financial Configuration page

  • Weekly

  • Every other week

  • Twice a month

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Every four weeks


Note: These settings override payment methods set on the Financial Configuration page (system level).

Late Fees

Use the Charge late fee on Overdue Amount dropdown list to select whether to charge late fees on overdue amounts on transactions processed at this particular site.


Note: This setting overrides the Late Fee settings on the Financial Configuration page (system level).

Merchant Name


Option to override the merchant name entered on the System Settings - Financial page.


If overridden at the site level, any transaction performed at this site will display the site name on all of it's receipts.

Override System Credit Card Options?


If this site uses different credit card processor data than the default information entered in the Financial Configuration page > Credit Card Processor Data section, then select this option.


When this option is selected, a site-specific Credit Card Processor Data section appears, in which you can enter information for this site to override the default settings.

Deferred Revenue Settings

Enable Deferred Revenue for Activities? Dropdown list To override global deferred revenue settings and enable or disable deferred revenue for this site, select Yes or No.
Deferred Activity Revenue GL Account Dropdown list Select the GL account that you want to use for deferred revenue for activities.
Note: If Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts? is selected (above), you will be able to select a GL account from a list of all site-specific GL accounts with the Deferred Revenue Account type.
If Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts? is disabled, you will be able to select a GL account from a list of all system GL accounts with the Deferred Revenue Account type.
Enable Deferred Revenue for Flexreg? Dropdown list To override global deferred revenue settings and enable or disable deferred revenue for this site, select Yes or No.
Deferred Flexreg Revenue GL Account Dropdown list Select the GL account that you want to use for deferred revenue for flexreg programs.
Note: If Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts? is selected (above), you will be able to select a GL account from a list of all site-specific GL accounts with the Deferred Revenue Account type.
If Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts? is disabled, you will be able to select a GL account from a list of all system GL accounts with the Deferred Revenue Account type.
Enable Deferred Revenue for Reservations? Dropdown list To override global deferred revenue settings and enable or disable deferred revenue for this site, select Yes or No.
Deferred Reservation Revenue GL Account Dropdown list Select the GL account that you want to use for deferred revenue for reservations.
Note: If Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts? is selected (above), you will be able to select a GL account from a list of all site-specific GL accounts with the Deferred Revenue Account type.
If Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts? is disabled, you will be able to select a GL account from a list of all system GL accounts with the Deferred Revenue Account type.
Enable Deferred Revenue for Memberships? Dropdown list To override global deferred revenue settings and enable or disable deferred revenue for this site, select Yes or No.
Deferred Membership Revenue GL Account Dropdown list Select the GL account that you want to use for deferred revenue for membership packages.
Note: If Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts? is selected (above), you will be able to select a GL account from a list of all site-specific GL accounts with the Deferred Revenue Account type.
If Enable site-specific System G/L Accounts? is disabled, you will be able to select a GL account from a list of all system GL accounts with the Deferred Revenue Account type.

Override Receipt Text

Override Receipt Text

Dropdown list

Clicking Override Receipt Text expands the fields where you can override system receipt text and configure them at the site level.


These are the same fields that are found on the System Settings - Text page.

Override System Settings

Override System Settings

Dropdown list

Clicking Override System Settings expands the fields where you can override systems settings and configure different settings for particular sites.


These are the same fields that are found on the:

Override POS Configuration

Short POS Receipts? Checkbox Option to print shorted receipts for POS transactions.  
The details for enrollments would be excluded from the receipt.
Default layout Dropdown list The POS layout to be associated with this site selected from a previously defined list.
This will determine what screen layout shows when selling POS products at this site.
This layout will only be used if there is no layout attached to the workstation record.  
If there is no layout identified here and there was not one in the workstation record, the layout will be taken from the POS configuration page.
If there is no layout attached to the workstation, site or default configuration page the user will be prompted with the Change Workstation Detail page.

POS Product Re-Order Alert Email Address

Email Address

The email address where the POS product re-order alert will be sent.

Override Registration Configuration

Click Override Registration Configuration expands the fields where you can override registration configuration and configure them at the site level.

Default Search Criteria

Activity Type

Dropdown list

The activity type, as selected from a predefined list.


For example: Activity Package, Personal Training or Private Lessons.

Status Dropdown list The status of the activity, as selected from a predefined list.
Include Dropdown list The different kind of activities, as selected from a predefined list.

Enrollment settings

Check for Duplicate Enrollments

Dropdown list

Selecting yes from the dropdown list will search for duplicate enrollments at the site level.

Check Age During Enrollments

Dropdown list

Selecting yes from the dropdown list will check age during enrollment at the site level.

Override Customer Configuration

Click Override Customer Configuration expands the fields where you can override customer configuration and configure them at the site level.

Default Search Criteria

Customer Type Dropdown list

Option to filter search by customer type, as selected from a predefined list.


Customer types are the primary method of dividing the customer base for facility charges.


The charge matrix assigns specific fees to each customer type.

Retired Dropdown list

Select a specific retired type from the dropdown list.

  • Include Retired: To include retired customers in your search.

  • Exclude Retired: To exclude retired customers from your search.

  • Only Retired: To only search for retired customers.

Created from

Dropdown list

Set the default created from filter setting for customer searches:

  • All sources (default) to include both customers created and NOT created from the prospective customer questionnaire form.
  • Prospect form to include only customers created from the prospective customer questionnaire form.
  • Non-prospect form to include only customers NOT created from the prospective customer questionnaire form.

Default Settings for New Customer

Agree to receive Promotional Email Dropdown list

Option to control the default setting of the promotional email option when creating new customer accounts.


Select No to opt out by default.

Customer View

Customer Record View Type

Dropdown list

Select the type of layout to use for viewing your customer records at this site.


Note: You can override this layout for individual staff users at Administration > System Settings > System Users > select a user > Options section.

Enhanced Customer View Layout Dropdown list

Select the type of enhanced customer view layout to use at this site.


To edit the layouts in this list, go to Administration > Population Settings > Configuration > Layout section. See Configuring enhanced customer account view.


Note: This option is only available if you have selected Use Enhanced Customer View as the Customer Record View Type above.

Override Daycare Configuration

Click Override Daycare Configuration expands the fields where  you can override daycare configuration and configure them at the site level.

Default Search Criteria

Program Type Dropdown list Type of the program, as selected from a predefined list.
Status Dropdown list Select the default program status that you want to use when searching for daycare programs (you can always change this status at the time you do the search).

Override Membership Configuration

Click Override Membership Configuration expands the fields where  you can override membership configuration and configure them at the site level.

Default Search Criteria

Status Dropdown list The status of the package selected from two options:
  • Open: This package will appear in the list of packages available to be sold. Active packages should be given a status of Open.

  • Closed: This package will not appear in the list of packages available to be sold. Packages which are no longer offered for sale should be given a status of Closed.

Entry Point Dropdown list Entry points are the physical locations where membership passes can be scanned.
They allow you to track and report on membership usage at a particular location.
You can select an entry point from the dropdown list.