Online configuration

Online settings determine standard settings for the customer (public access) site, including settings for activities, facilities, customers, and online reservations.

Go to section


Online Website Tracking

Activities/Daycare Programs

Activity/Daycare Program Search



Facilities/Equipment Search Defaults

Request Account


Online Reservation

Online Reservation Landing Page (for new CUI Reservation module)

Online Membership

Membership Search Defaults

My Account Configuration


Online Calendars (Redesigned CUI only)


Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up online settings, you must complete the following settings:

Customer Types


Administration > System Settings > Configuration - Online

Modifying Online Settings

On the System Settings - OnLine page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Public URL Tab Wording Text

You can enter a public URL tab description of a site or enter an organization name in this textbox, and it will be displayed in the URL tab on the staff site and public site.


Note: If nothing is entered in this textbox, the default description ACTIVE Net - Online Recreation Activities will be shown on the public site.


Tip: You can also change this wording at the site level: On the Change Site Detail page for a particular site, go to the Override System Settings > Online > General section.

Privacy Policy Text Text

The privacy policy to be displayed on the customer site.


When the Privacy Policy link is selected on the customer site, three things will appear: Organization information, agency's privacy policy and Active's policy.


If nothing is entered in this text field, the following will appear on the customer site under Privacy Policy: "Please call for policy details".

Terms of Use Text


Terms of use text to be displayed on the customer site.

Postal Mail Opt-in Question


Label for the checkbox in the Mailing Address section of a customer account record in the customer (public access) site that asks the customer whether they want to be included in the agency's postal mailing list.

Email Opt-in Question Text

Label for the checkbox in the Contact Information section of a customer account record in the customer (public access) site that asks the customer whether they want to be included in the agency's emailing list.

Subject for 'Tell a Friend' Emails


Default text that will appear in the Subject line of the email that will be sent if the Tell a Friend button is clicked in the Activity Details page on the customer site.

'Tell a Friend' Email Disclaimer


Text that will appear in the Disclaimer portion of the email that will be sent if the Tell a Friend button is clicked in the Activity Details page on the customer site.


This Disclaimer text will be added at the end of the body of the email and cannot be edited.

OnLine Waiver Initials Text


Text that will appear beside the online waiver initials field if initials are required to signify acceptance of the waiver.


This text will normally describe whose initials should be entered in the field (for example: parent's initials if registrant is a minor).


Note that the waiver must be scrolled through completely in order for the Agree checkbox to be accessible.

No Promotional Email Customer Disclaimer


Customize the non-promotional disclaimer text which appears in emails sent through Communications.

Unsubscription Link Click Through Text


Customize the unsubscription text which appears in emails sent through Communications.

This allows customers to opt-out of mailing lists.

Pre-waiver Information Text


Customize the text of the pre-waiver information text displayed to consumers in the CUI Waiver and information section.

Online Website Tracking

Tracking with Google Analytics Checkbox

Allow ACTIVE Net to use Google Analytics tracking.


Note: To enable the other options in this section, select this option.

Analytics Type Dropdown list Select whether you want to use:
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Universal Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Analytics 4

with ACTIVE Net.

Google Analytics Tracking ID* Text Enter your Google Analytics account number/tracking ID.
Google Analytics Transaction Affiliation Text Enter your Google Analytics transaction affiliation.
The transaction affiliation is an arbitrary label that ACTIVE Net sends to Google Analytics so that Google Analytics can recognize and label data from this ACTIVE Net site properly when compared to other sites that you may also be monitoring. This label can be anything, as long as it is distinguishes this site from any other sites that you may be monitoring with Google Analytics.
Basic Page Tracking? Checkbox Enable basic page tracking using Google Analytics.
Basic page tracking tracks all page views in all ACTIVE Net pages. It tracks site traffic as well as the origin of that traffic (e.g. mobile vs desktop).
Cross Domain Linking Tracking? Checkbox Enable cross domain linking tracking using Google Analytics.
Enable this option if you are using your Google Analytics account to track website traffic across multiple sites, even if some of these sites are not ACTIVE Net sites.
Secondary Domains* Text

Enter a comma-separated list of all the domains not owned by the ACTIVE Network that you are tracking using Google Analytics.


This option is available only if you are using Google Universal Analytics and have selected the Cross Domain Linking Tracking option above.



Ecommerce Tracking? Checkbox Enable ecommerce tracking using Google Analytics.

This option tracks purchase amounts including transaction totals (to the penny), and transaction identifiers (the SKU in Google Analytics corresponds to the transaction number in ACTIVE Net).


Select this option if you want to use Google Analytics to track how much money is going through your site (together with the information that you already get from Active Net reports).


We do not support using ecommerce tracking together with multiple currencies in ACTIVE Net. We also do not support using enhanced ecommerce tracking.

Container ID Text Enter your Google Container ID.

The following Google Tag Manager functions are supported:

  • Basic Page Tracking
  • Cross Domain Linking Tracking
  • Ecommerce Tracking

To enable Google Tag Manager, see Using Google Tag Manager to view CUI tracking statistics.

Activities/ Daycare Programs

Default Registration Page Dropdown list The default page that will be loaded when a connection is made to the customer site as chosen from a dropdown list.
The best-practices recommendation is to use the introductory page so that a customer will be given links to all the options available to them.
Pending Customer BCC Email The email address to be copied on the confirmation email that will be sent to a customer with a pending account creation.
Enrollment Notification Email Email The email address to send a message to when a successful enrollment occurs.
This functionality might be used when starting up with online registration however as volume increases the email volume will likely become too great.
No action is required upon receiving this email, the customer is already enrolled successfully.
"No Internet Registration" Text Text The message that will be displayed when internet registration is not available for an activity.  
Activities are not available for internet registration when the no internet registration option is selected in Activity Details.

"Team Enrollment Only" Text


The message that will be displayed on the customer (public access) site for activities that require team enrollment.

Waiver Text


The text to be displayed as a waiver during enrollment. 


The customer will need to choose Submit to continue with the registration after reading the waiver.  


This is recorded in place of a signature for online registrations.


If blank, the waiver section is bypassed during enrollment.

Private Lesson Fee Changed Text


The text to display when an online customer on the public site makes changes to booked private lessons that affect fees.


The default text is:


"We're sorry, but the changes you have made will affect the amount for these lessons. We do not allow changes to amounts to take place in our consumer portal. Please contact us to make these changes."

Allow withdrawal no later than # days before the Activity starts


Allow online customers to withdraw from their own registrations over the public site.


Enter the deadline in number of days before the activity starts that refunds are allowed.

Allow refund to credit card?


Allow online customers to withdraw from their own registrations over the public site to their credit cards.


Note: It can be enabled only when Allow Withdrawal online? (Activity Only) is checked.

Allow transfer no later than # days before the Activity starts


Allow online customers to transfer from one activity to another on the public site.


Enter the deadline in number of days before the activity starts that transfers are allowed.

Allow registration in contract Online?


Option to turn off enrollment in contracts on the customer (public access) site.


If this option is selected, the system will then ignore any coupon codes entered that are attached to a contract, and online registration into the contract will not be possible.


The ability to enroll in contracts will still be possible on the staff site.

Allow adding a new family member or friend during registration?


Option to turn off the ability for customers to add family members and friends during activity registration on the customer (public access) site.

Hide 'Add Another' button in shopping cart?


Select to turn off the Register Another button on the public shopping cart page.


This prevents users from adding multiple activities or programs in a single transaction.

Allow Activity Wish Lists?


Option to enable or disable customer wish lists on the public access site.

Show Comments/Requests for Staff on assign participant screen for activity?


  • Select to display the Comments/Requests for Staff text area on the Assign Participants page on the public site and allow customers to enter comments.

  • Clear to hide the Comments/Requests for Staff text area.

Activity/Daycare Program Search

Set the options for activity and daycare searching on the public site.


There are two search areas: the Main Search Bar and Advanced Search.


The Advanced Search area is divided into sections based on use - What (activity details, instructor, etc.), Where (site, location, etc.), and When.

To configure search options:

  1. Select Include Activity Searching.

  2. Note: You must select this option to enable the other search options.

  3. From the Default Sort dropdown list, select how to order customers' search results.

  4. In the Activities Per Page field, enter the number of activity search results to display on each page.

  5. To hide all closed and cancelled activities from consumers in the CUI search results, select the Hide all closed/cancelled activities in online search results checkbox.

  6. To hide all closed programs from consumers in the CUI search results, select the Hide all closed programs in online search results checkbox.

  7. In the Main Search Bar section, do the following:

    1. To include a search field, select the corresponding checkbox, then

    2. In the default dropdown list, select a default value for that field.

    3. Note: For Days of the Week, use the checkboxes to select specific days of the week.

    4. If applicable, select the default general time period to search for activities which match the customers' criteria from the Include Search Select list. For example, select Include Site, then select a default site.

    5. To allow consumers to search activities/FlexReg programs by the configured Starting from Price, select the Include price range filter (new CUI only) checkbox and then optionally configure the price range filters available to consumers.

  1. In the Advanced Search section, do the following:

    1. To include a search field, select the corresponding checkbox, then

    2. In the default dropdown list, select a default value for that field.

    3. Note: The Starting Date After date is auto-filled based on the starting date for a term or semester, but you can use the calendar button to select a different default search start date.

    4. Under Result Format, select which types of results formatting to include.

  1. At the bottom of the page, click Save.


Revenue site determines taxes for online transactions?


The option to have the taxes determined based on the revenue site instead of the transaction site.


For example: One activity in the 'Community West' site would be eligible for 7% tax but another activity in the 'Community North' site would be eligible for 8% tax.


To ensure the correct tax is charged based on where the activity occurs, this option will need to be selected.


Alternatively, if an agency is required to charge 8% for all transactions done over the internet because the main office is in 'Community North', they would want to set up the 'Internet' site record with an 8% tax and deselect this option.

Hide Credit Card Holder Name and Billing Address on Order Confirmation and Payment Information Page. Checkbox The option to hide the credit card holder's name and billing address on the Order Confirmation, and Payment Information page, on the customer (public access) site.
This information will also be hidden on the Online Receipt page.

Allow Adding New Payer Online?


Option to create a new payer to pay for the registration without having to first create a new customer record in your agency's database.  


Selecting this option will attach the payment to the registrant's record, with the payer's name appearing on the receipt.


Note that Hide Credit Card Holder Name and Billing Address on Order Confirmation and Payment Information Page cannot be selected when this option is selected.

Allow Public Payment by Gift Card?


Option to allow gift cards to be used during payments on the customer (public access) site.

Hide Payment Plan Schedule at Online Checkout?


Select this option to hide payment plan schedules from consumers on the CUI Checkout page.

Allow Online Users to choose whether to apply an eligible scholarship to a registration


Offer consumers in the CUI the choice to apply an eligible scholarship to an activity, Flexreg program or membership registration (if this setting is unselected, then all eligible scholarships are automatically applied to the registration).

For CUI individual Users:

For Online Transactions, paying off outstanding balances is


Option to configure whether payments for outstanding balances is required.


The pay on account? checkbox in the Customers section needs to be selected for these options to be enabled.


The options are:

  • Optional - Indicates that during online transactions, the payment for the outstanding account balance will always be optional.

  • Required - Indicates that during online transactions, payment for the outstanding account balance will always be required in order to complete the online transaction (regardless of the number of days that the balance has been outstanding).

  • Note: If you have customers on payment plans, then this setting is not recommended as they will be forced to pay outstanding balances regardless of the settings on their payment plans.

  • Required if outstanding balance is more than ____ - Indicates that during  online transactions, payment for the outstanding account balance will be required to complete the online transaction if the amount owed is greater than the specified amount.

  • Required if outstanding balance has been due for ___ days or more - Indicates that during online transactions, payment for the outstanding balance will be required in order to complete the transactions if the amount due has been due for the specified number of days.

  • Note: An outstanding balance is not the total balance on the payment plan, but the amount that is overdue or past due.

Outstanding Balance Optional Payment Message


Text that will appear on the public site if a payment is optional on an outstanding balance.


The default wording is 'Your account has an unpaid balance of ___.  No minimum payment is required at this time, however, we encourage you to keep your account up to date.'


Note: This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Payment Required for Outstanding Balance Warning


Text that will appear on the public site if a payment is required on an outstanding balance.


The default wording is 'Your account has an unpaid balance of $___. Payment will be required to complete your order'.

For CUI Agent Users:

For Online Transactions, paying off a Company's outstanding balance is:


Option to configure whether agents must pay off outstanding company balances.


The options are:

  • Optional - Indicates that during online transactions, payment by an agent for a company's outstanding account balance will always be optional.

  • Required - Indicates that during online transactions, payment by an agent for a company's outstanding account balance will always be required in order to complete the online transaction (regardless of the number of days that the balance has been outstanding).

  • Note: If you have companies on payment plans, then this setting is not recommended as they will be forced to pay outstanding balances regardless of the settings on their payment plans.

  • Required if the Company's outstanding balance is more than ____ - Indicates that during  online transactions, payment by an agent for a company's outstanding account balance will be required to complete the online transaction if the amount owed is greater than the specified amount.

  • Required if outstanding balance has been due for ___ days or more - Indicates that during online transactions, payment by an agent for a company's outstanding balance will be required in order to complete the transactions if the amount due has been due for the specified number of days.

  • Note: An outstanding balance is not the total balance on the payment plan, but the amount that is overdue or past due.

Company Outstanding Balance Optional Payment Message


Text that will appear on the public site if a payment is optional on a Company's outstanding balance.


The default wording is 'Just a reminder: Your {company label} {company name} has an unpaid balance of ___. Thank you for keeping your account up to date.'


Note: This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Payment Required for Company Outstanding Balance Warning


Text that will appear on the public site if a payment is required on a Company's outstanding balance.


The default wording is 'Your {company label} {company name} has an unpaid balance of $___. A minimum payment of $___ will be required to complete your order'.


Reservation Notification Email Email The email address to send a message to when a successful reservation occurs.
This email should trigger staff to check pending reservations and approve reservations as needed.
Reservation Receipt Text Text The text that will print on the online receipt for facilities or equipment reservation created on the customer site.
Waiver Text Text The text to be displayed as a waiver during reservation.
The customer will need to choose Submit to continue with the reservation after reading the waiver. 
This is recorded in place of a signature.
If blank, the waiver section is bypassed during reservation process.
Default Online Permit Administrator Dropdown list Select the system user that you want to use as the default permit administrator for permits that are created on the public site.
To specify that online permits should have no permit administrator, leave this option blank.
To add a staff user to this dropdown list, select Permit Administrator? at Administration > System Settings > System Users > General section.
Apply estimated fee for reservation? Checkbox Option to control if and when estimated fees are applied and collected for permits and reservation requests created online.
If left unchecked, no fee will be estimated and applied to the reservation automatically, unless staff manually apply fees during the approval process.
If checked, estimated fees for permits will be applied and collected immediately.
Estimated fees for reservation requests will be applied according to the radio buttons below.
Collect deposits before/after approval and create estimated payment plan for reservation requests? Radio button/Dropdown list If selected, estimated fees for reservation requests will be applied according to the following options:
  • To collect the deposit fee and apply all fees before staff approve the reservation, select before from the dropdown list. The customer is given an estimate of all fees when reserving on the public site.

  • To apply all fees to the reservation without collecting the deposit fee (and before staff approve the reservation) select after from the dropdown list. The customer is given an estimate of all fees when reserving on the public site.

Collect all estimated fee before approval for reservation requests? Radio button If selected, all estimated fees for reservation requests will be applied and collected immediately.
Show schedule details on facility calendar?


Option to display reservation details on the customer (public access) site's facility calendar.


To allow customers to view details of reservation dates/times and facilities, select this option.

Show event names on facility calendar?


Option to display event names on the calendar. 

You may want to display event names if you want your customers to have information about public events happening at your facilities (for example, they might want to see the schedule for minor hockey games).


Note: This option is only available if Show schedule details on facility calendar? is selected above.

Facilities/Equipment Search Defaults

Facilities Search Defaults

Detail By

Dropdown list

Default value for the Detail list in customer facility searches on the customer (public access) site.


Dropdown list

Default value for the Location list in customer facility searches on the customer (public access) site.

Facility Type

Dropdown list

Default value for the Facility Type list in customer facility searches on the customer (public access) site.


Dropdown list

Default value for the Amenity list in customer facility searches on the customer (public access) site.

Show Locker Rooms


Option to show locker rooms in customer facility searches on the customer (public access) site.

Equipment Search Defaults

Detail By

Dropdown list

Default value for the Detail list in customer equipment searches on the customer (public access) site.


Dropdown list

Default value for the Location list in customer equipment searches on the customer (public access) site.

Equipment Category

Dropdown list

Default value for the Equipment Category list in customer equipment searches on the customer (public access) site.

Equipment Type

Dropdown list

Default value for the Equipment Type list in customer equipment searches on the customer (public access) site.


Dropdown list

Default value for the Accessory list in customer equipment searches on the customer (public access) site.

Show Locker Rooms


Option to show locker rooms in customer equipment searches on the customer (public access) site.

Request Account

Note: This allows individual organizations to customize instructions on the Request Account page on the public site.

Allow customers to request an account?


Option to turn off the ability for customers to request accounts on the customer (public access) site.

Create Customer Form

Radio buttons

To divide the process of requesting an account into multiple short successive pages, select Multi step.


To display all of the options and required fields for requesting an account on a single long page, select Single step.


Note: This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Validate street address on Request Account?


Option to validate the customer's street address when an account is requested from the customer (public access) site.


If selected, the customer's street address will be matched against the street address in the database.


If there is no match, the customer will be presented with alternatives (similarly spelled or similar sounding streets) from which they can choose, or they can manually correct the address they entered, or leave it as it is, and it will be accepted.


If the customer accepts an alternative address, the city and zip code fields will be automatically filled in.

Hide group heading on Request Account page?


Option to hide group headings on the customer (public access) site.


If this option is selected, the fields will appear without group headings.

Allow ‘Submit & Add Family Member’ on Request Account?


Enable or disable the ability for customers to add a family member when creating an account on the public site.


  • If selected, customers can add family members when creating an account on the public site.

  • If unselected, customers cannot add family members when creating an account on the public site.


Tip: You can also control this function at the site level: On the Change Site Detail page for a particular site, go to the Override System Settings > Online > Request Account section.

Request Account Basic Instructions


Option to change text that appears at the top of the Request Account page.


If this text is not modified, default text will appear in it's place.

Contact Information


Text to display at the top of the Contact Information step during the process of requesting a new customer account on the public access site.


During the Contact Information step, customers are prompted to enter their phone numbers and email address.


Note: This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Personal Information


Text to display at the top of the Personal Information step during the process of requesting a new customer account on the public access site.


During the Personal Information step, customers are prompted to enter their gender, date of birth, and other personal details.


Note: This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Emergency Contact


Text to display at the top of the Emergency Contact step during the process of requesting a new customer account on the public access site.


During the Emergency Contact step, customers are prompted to enter the name and phone number for someone who can be contacted in case of an emergency.


Note: This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Account Information


Text to display at the top of the Account Information step during the process of requesting a new customer account on the public access site.


During the Account Information step, customers are prompted to enter their password and security question for the public access site.


Note: This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Security Information - Login


Option to change text that appears near the bottom of the Request Account page, above the Login Name text field.


If this text is not modified, default text will appear in its place.


Note: The login name is not case-sensitive. For example, "johndoe" is the same as "JohnDoe."

Security Information - Password


Option to change text that appears near the bottom of the Request Account page, above the Password text field.


If this text is not modified, default text will appear in its place.


Note: The password is case-sensitive. For example, "johndoe" is not the same as "JohnDoe."

Security Information - Question


Option to change text that appears near the bottom of the Request Account page, above the Question? text field.


If this text is not modified, default text will appear in it's place.


Default Customer Type when Create New Clean Customer

Dropdown list

Default customer type to use on the public access site when a new customer is created who is not based on any existing customers.


Note: For organizations that use customer types to define the primary customer in a family account and the primary membership holder, select the primary customer type here.

Default Customer Type when Create Customer Based on Other

Radio buttons

Default customer type to use on the public access site when a new customer is created who is based on an existing customer.


Note: For organizations that use customer types to define the primary customer in a family account and the primary membership holder, select the second radio button and either leave the dropdown list blank or select a secondary customer type.

Allow online users to

Allow customers to perform the following functions on the online site:

Change account information Checkbox Option to allow customers to change their account information. 
If this option is not selected, the customer will need to contact a system user on the admin site to change any information.
Pay from account Checkbox Option to allow customers to use their credit on account for internet transactions. 
If this option is not selected, the customer will be required to pay by credit card for any outstanding charges.


This option also enables the Pay on Account link on the customer (public access) site.

Enroll Checkbox Option to allow enrollment on the customer site.
If this option is not selected, the customer will be able to view courses online but not register.
Change their address Checkbox Option to allow customers to change their address. 
If this option is not selected, the customer will need to contact a system user on the admin site to change their address information.
Change their authorized pickups Checkbox Allow customers to add or remove which customers are allowed to pick up a family member from a location.
Change their birth date and grade Checkbox Option to allow customers to change their birth date and grade. 
If this option is not selected, the customer will need to contact a system user on the admin site to change this information.
Change their family role Checkbox Select this option to allow customers to change their family role (e.g. Adult or Child) after logging onto the public site.
View and change medical alert Checkbox
  • Select to display Medical Alert text area on all Create/Edit Customer pages on the public site.

  • Clear to hide the Medical Alert text area.

View their SSN after initial entry Checkbox
  • Select to allow customers to view their SSN on the public site after entering it.

  • Clear to hide customers' SSNs (using asterisks/bullets) after they enter it on the public site.

Change their SSN Checkbox
  • Select to allow customers to change their SSN on the public site.

  • Clear to prevent customers from changing their SSN on the public site.

Change their family member/ friend type?


Option to allow customers to change their family member friend type.


If this option is not selected, the customers will need to contact a system user on the admin site to change this information.

Modify their reservations


Allow customers to modify existing reservations on the public site.


Note: Customers can only modify reservations for facilty and equipment types set as Allow Reservation to be Modified Online.

Allow Authorized Agents to


Enable authorized agents to be representatives for a company, and perform reservations or donations on its behalf.


Note: To make reservations or donations, first enable the Admin Online checkbox on the Company Authorized Agents page.


You can do the following:

  • Click the Make reservations for Company checkbox to allow agents to make reservations.

  • Click the Make donations for Company checkbox to make donations.

Online user setup

Must be approved by staff


Option to require new accounts created on the customer site to be approved in the admin site prior to being able to use them for transactions.


If selected, online account requests are considered pending until they are approved by admin staff.


Note that if the new Enable New Sign in and Sign up Workflow setting is enabled, then this setting does NOT apply to the CUI site. New customer accounts no longer require staff approval.

Is only activated after user completes email validation Checkbox Option to activate online user accounts only after email validation.
If selected, an activation email will be sent to the customer's email address, and they have to click on a link to activate their online account.
This ensures that the account cannot be activated if the customer did not give a valid email address.

Note that if the new Enable New Sign in and Sign up Workflow setting is enabled, then this setting does NOT apply to the CUI site. New customers are required to verify their email addresses to activate their accounts.

Automatically a resident Checkbox Option to default new accounts to be resident.
This means that customers created online will automatically be resident.
If this option is checked, addresses entered online will not be validated against the street database.
Agencies who use charges that are residency dependant would not want this option selected.

Login configuration

Note that if the new Enable New Sign in and Sign up Workflow setting is enabled, then the following system settings do NOT apply to the CUI site:

  • Force login name to be email address
  • Allow email address to be used as Login
  • Allow Membership Pass Number to be used as Login
  • Allow Alternate Key

New customers are required to provide their email address to create a new account and can only use their email address to sign into the CUI (membership pass numbers and alternate keys are not supported).

Force login name to be email address Checkbox Option to force users on the customer (public access) site to use their email address as their login.


Note: If Force login name to be the E-mail address is selected, the Allow email address to be used as Login, Allow Membership Pass Number to be used as Login and the Default Login format options will be disabled for the Online Account section of the Customer Configuration page.

Allow email address to be used as Login


Option to allow users on the customer (public access) site to log in using their email address.


If selected, an email address field will be available to allow users to log in using their email address (instead of their login name).


The customer's correct password is still required to log in successfully.

Allow Membership Pass Number to be used as Login Checkbox Option to allow users on the customer (public access) site to log in using their membership pass number.
If selected, a pass number field is enabled.
The customer's correct password is still required to log in successfully.
Default Login format Dropdown list Select a default login format from the dropdown list to configure the login page on the public site:
  • Login ID/Cutomer#

  • Email

  • Pass#

Enable "Forget your Login ?" link Hyperlink Option to enable a Forgot your login? prompt on the customer site.
When selected, a public access user will see a Forgotten? link on login page.
Clicking on the link will display a page that allows users to enter their email address.
If only one customer has that email address, and haas a login name, the login name will be emailed to the user.

Account setup

Customers are required to create passwords that are at least 8 characters in length and include at least one letter and one number.

Passwords will expire after 90 days. After 5 attempts to enter an incorrect password, the account will be locked out.

Maximum Failed Logon Retires


The maximum number of times that a logon is attempted before the customer is locked out.

Account Lockout Message


Message that will accompany the account lockout.

Account Suspended Message


Message that will display on the staff and customer (public access) site if a customer's account has been suspended.

Online Reservation

Online Reservation

Use this section to customize settings for reservations through the public interface. You can customize text for the following:



  • Reserve Introduction

  • Reserve Button Text

  • Reserve Title

  • Reserve Text - Instructions for how to make reservations

Quick Reservations

  • Quick Reserve Introduction

  • Quick Reserve Button Text

  • Quick Reserve Title

  • Quick Reserve Text - Instructions for how to make quick reservations

View Facilities

  • View Facilities Button Text

  • View Facilities Title

  • View Facilities Text - Instructions for viewing available facilities

Interactive Maps

  • View Interactive Maps Button Text

  • View Interactive Maps Title

  • View Interactive Maps Text - Instructions or details for using interactive facility maps


  • View Equipment Button Text

  • View Equipment Title

  • View Equipment Text - Instructions for viewing available equipment

Reservation Groups

  • Reservation Group Text

  • Reservation Group Explanation Text - Instructions for reserving multiple facilities or equipment at the same time

Online Quick Reservations

  • Online Quick Reserve Intro Text One - Introduction or instructions for doing quick reservations on the public interface

  • Online Quick Reserve Intro Text Two - Second introduction or instructions for doing quick reservations on the public interface

Reserve Introduction Text The introductory text that will display on the Online Reserve Options page when the Reserve button is selected from the horizontal tab on the customer site.
Reserve Button Text Text Text displayed on the first button in the Online Reserve Options page that will bring the user to the Facility Reservation page on the customer site.
Reserve Title Text Title displayed on the left side of the first button in the Online Reserve Options page on the customer site.
Reserve Text Text Text displayed below the Reserve Title and the first button in the Online Reserve Options page.
Quick Reserve Button Text Text Text displayed on the second button in the Online Reserve Options page that will bring the user to the Online Quick Reserve page on the customer site.
Quick Reserve Title Text Title displayed on the left side of the second button in the Online Reserve Options page on the customer site.
Quick Reserve Text Text Text displayed below the Quick Reserve Title and the second button in the Online Reserve Options page.
View Facilities Button Text Text Text displayed on the third button in the Online Reserve Options page that will bring the user to the Facility List page on the customer site.
View Facilities Title Text Title displayed on the left side of the third button in the Online Reserve Options page on the customer site.
View Facilities Text Text Text displayed below the View Facilities Title and the third button in the Online Reserve Options page.

Reservation Group Text


Label displayed for the Facility Group field in the Online Quick Reserve page.

Reservation Group Explanation Text Text Text displayed on the right side of the Facility Group field in the Online Quick Reserve page.
Online Quick Reserve Intro Text One Text Text displayed on the top of the Online Quick Reserve page before the Selection section.
Online Quick Reserve Intro Text Two Text Text displayed below the Selection section of the Online Quick Reserve page.
The text appears after a facility group has been selected.
Quick Reservation Intro Text Text displayed on the CUI > Reservations>

Quick reservation page.

Hide "Set Time Range" Checkbox Select this checkbox to prevent customers in the CUI Quick Reservation workflow from adjusting the time range. Reservations will then be made following only the predefined time range.

Online Reservation Landing Page (for new CUI Reservation module)

This section is used to customize the landing page of the new CUI reservation module.

Customize Primary Section:
Banner Image Dropdown list Setting to select the Banner Image for the landing page of the new CUI Reservation module.
Banner Text Text Configure the banner text that appears on the CUI > Reservations page.
Customize Reservation Group Section:
Customize Reservation Group Section NA To display the Reservation module > landing page > Reserve section, select at least two reservation groups in Available Reservation Group and then move them to the Selected Reservation Group. If required, adjust the reservation group sequence or edit the Display Heading for a reservation group.
Note that if only one reservation group is selected, then the Reservation module > landing page > Reserve section is hidden.
Quick Reserve Introduction Text Text Configure the quick reserve introduction text that appears on the CUI > Reservations page.
Quick Reserve Button Text Text Configure the quick reserve button text that appears on the CUI > Reservations page.
Customize Event Type Section:
Event Type Title Text Text Configure the event type title text that appears on the CUI > Reservations page.
Additional Announcement Text Text Configure the additional announcement text that appears on the CUI > Reservations page.
Customize Event Type Section NA

To display the Reservation module > landing page > Popular events section, select at least four event types in Available Event Type and then move them to the Selected Event Type. If required, adjust the event type sequence or edit the Display Heading for an event type.

Note that if less than four event types are selected, then the Reservation module > landing page > Popular events section is hidden.

Online Membership

Allow Credit Card renewals Online


Option to allow memberships to be set up for automatic renewal via credit card online.

Allow Payment Plan Auto renewal Online


Option to allow memberships to be set up for automatic renewal via payment plan online.

Allow ECP renewals Online


Option to allow memberships to be set up for automatic renewal via ECP online.

Allow adding a new family member or friend during sale


Option to turn off the ability for customers to add a family member or friend during the purchase of a membership on the customer (public access) site.

View Membership details without Login


Option to allow users on the public access site to view details about a membership package without being logged into their accounts.


Note: This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Membership Search Defaults

For Location Use

Radio buttons

Select how you want the online Location Search for membership packages to determine the pass location:

  • Centers package is valid at: The online Location filter displays a list of centers. When an online customer selects a center, only membership packages that are linked to that center are displayed.

  • Sites package is connected to: The online Location filter displyas a list of sites. When an online customer selects a site, only membership packages that are linked to that site are displayed.


Dropdown list

Select the default value for the Location filter on the public access membership search.


This list will display either centers or sites, depending on what you have selected for the For Location Use option above.


Dropdown list

Select the default value for the Category filter on the public access membership search.

Membership Type


Select/unselect this checkbox to display/hide the CUI > Memberships > Membership types filter.

Dropdown list

Select the default value for the CUI > Memberships > Membership types filter.

My Account Configuration

To customize the wording of the header for a sub-section on the customer site, modify the text in the Header Label field for the sub-section to change.


To customize the wording of the individual elements within each sub-section, modify the text in the Label field to the right of the element to change.


To customize the order of the elements within each sub-section, click and drag the double-arrow.JPG icon to the right of each element to move.



If you have enabled Administration > System Settings > Configuration - General > New CUI Configuration > Enable New CUI Account Option Pages and Workflows setting, then the settings on this My Account Configuration section are listed here.

Optional Text


Option to display text on the Account Options page on the customer (public access) site.


Text that is entered in this field will display in the upper right-hand corner of this page.

General Settings

Include "My Account" button on Online Intro page


Option to display the specified function on the Online Intro page on the customer site.

"My Account" Click Through Text



Account Activity Includes

Show Your Daily Schedule


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their family schedule.

List transactions that Needs Attention Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view transactions that require attention (for example: unsigned waivers or checklist items).
Account Deposits List Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their account deposits.
List Account Credits Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their debit/credit transactions and account balance.
Saved Credit Cards Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view or modify the credit cards or electronic checks that are linked to their account.
List Activity Grades Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view grades for activities they are enrolled in.
  • To add the customer's education unit information to the existing public access Activity Grades Details page, select the Include Education Unit Information checkbox.

  • To add the customer's GPA information to the existing public access Activity Grades Details page, select the Include GPA Information checkbox.


Note: The Include Education Unit Information and Include GPA Information checkboxes can be enabled only if the List Activity Grades checkbox is selected.

List Program Grades


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their program grades.

List of Prior Transactions Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their previous transactions (for example: Enroll or Reservations).

List Scholarships


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their scholarships.

Tax Receipt


Use this option to allow customers to print tax receipts from the public site.


To display amounts owed on payment plans, select Show Outstanding Payment Plan Amounts.

Gift Certificate List


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their gift cards.

Print Confirmation Card for Current Registrations


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site.

Show and Manage Your Wish List


Option to change the wording for the wish list function on the My Accounts page on the customer site.


Note: To enable or disable this option, see Allow Activity Wish Lists in the Activities/Daycare Programs section above.

Print Waivers


Option for customers to print their past waivers from the My Accounts page on the customer site.

Include Education Unit Information when List Activity Grades


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site.

Show Outstanding Payment Plan Amounts when Print Tax Receipts


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site.

Other Service

Register for Activities


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to register for activities on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
Schedule Activity Make-up Class


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to schedule make-up classes for activities on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
Make Reservations


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to make reservations on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
Modify Reservations


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to modify their reservations on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
View Sports Schedules


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to view their sports schedules on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
Purchase or Renew Memberships


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to purchase or renew memberships on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
Purchase Memberships


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to purchase memberships on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
Renew Memberships


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to renew their memberships on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
View Your Shopping Cart


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to view their shopping cart on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
View Coupons


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to view coupons on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
View Gift Cards


Option to display the specified function and allow customers to view gift cards on the My Accounts page on the customer site.



Option to display the specified function and allow customers to logoff on the My Accounts page on the customer site.

Manage Uploaded Files


Option to display a link to the Manage Uploaded Files page, where customers can view, edit, or delete their uploaded files.

Allow Customer to Upload Files to Permit


Option to allow customers to upload a new file and attach it to an existing permit, either during the reservation process or from the Manage Uploaded Files page afterwards.

Allow Instructor to Upload Files as Email attachment


Option to allow instructors to upload files using their online accounts on the public site.
This includes uploading a new file while sending an email.

Personal Information includes

Change Your Password


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to change their login name and password, as well as their secret question and answer.

Change Information About Family/Friends Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to change information about their family members or friends, as well as add a new family member or friend to their account.
Change Question Answers Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to change their answers to custom questions that were asked in their previous transactions.

Evaluated Skills List


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their evaluated skills.

Change Your Address or Personal Information Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to change their address and personal information.

Account Payments include

Make payment/Show Current Balance


Option to display the Pay on Account function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view their account balance and make payments to their account.

Get a List of Prior Payments Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view a list of their previous payments and receipt details.
Select/Show Payment Details Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to view a list of their previous payments, filtered by transaction type and date range, with payment and transaction details.
Change auto-charge payment information Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow users to change their auto-charge payment information.

Instructor Information includes

Private Lesson Bookings Checkbox
  • To allow instructors to access the Private Lesson Bookings report on the public site (MyAccount page), select this checkbox.

  • To omit the report on the MyAccount page, clear this checkbox.

Roster-brief Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to run the Roster (brief) report for activities that they are teaching.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Roster-brief with payments Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to run the Roster (brief with payments) report for activities that they are teaching.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Roster expanded Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to run the Roster (expanded) report for activities that they are teaching.
To omit payment information on the public site Online Roster-expanded report (for example, fees, discounts and financial aid for students), clear the Include Payment Information checkbox. By default, this option is selected, and payment information is displayed on the report.

Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Attendance Sheet Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to view and print the standard Attendance Sheet for activities that they are teaching.
The standard Attendance Sheet is used to mark attendance for all meeting dates of an activity.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Attendance Sheet- daily Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to view and print the daily Attendance Sheet for activities that they are teaching.
The daily Attendance Sheet is used to mark attendance for a single meeting date of an activity, and includes time in, time out, and signature columns.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Customer Attendance


Select this option to allow instructors to run the report on the public site for activities that they are teaching.

Email Participants Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to send email to participants of activities that they are teaching.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Enter Pass/Fail Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to enter pass/fail marks of participants of activities that they are teaching.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Enter Attendance


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to enter attendance of the activities that they are teaching.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Edit Participant Skills


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to edit participants skills.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

View Bookings


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to view their bookings online.


Note: This function is only available to instructors who are authorized to perform online administration of their activities.

Payment Due


If you select this check box, the instructor can display the Instructor Payment Due Report with his/ her payment data on the public site.

Payment History Checkbox If you select this check box, the instructor can display the Instructor Payment History Report with his/ her payment data on the public site.
Activity Make-up Classes Report Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to run the Activity Make-up Classes report.
Instructor Attendance Checkbox Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site.
Available Hours Checkbox Option for instructors to update and confirm their own availability hours when they go to the My Accounts page on the public site.

Include Payment Information in Roster - expanded


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow instructors to include customer payment information in their rosters.

Allow Instructor to Record Own Attendance when Enter Attendance


Select this option to let instructors enter their attendance and their students' attendance.on the My Accounts page on the public site.


Note: This option is only enabled if the Edit Attendance checkbox is selected.

Allow Filter Activities by Season/Term for Online Instructor (only apply to those marked with *)


Select this option to enable filtering by season and term for instructor activity searches online.

Official Information includes

View Schedules


Select this option to allow officials with administrative permission for their leagues to view their personal schedules on the public site.

Team Management Services include

Manage Teams


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site and allow team contacts to manage their teams online.


Note: This function is only available to team contacts if online team administration is allowed for a particular activity.

Enter Scores Checkbox

Select this function to display the Enter Scores function on the My Account page of the customer (public access) site and allow team contacts to enter scores for designated league(s).

Team Roll-Over Checkbox Select this function to display the Team Roll-Over function on the My Account page of the public site and allow users to roll over teams from current activities to target activities.

Company information

Manage Companies


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site.

Manage Company Contracts


Select this function to display the Manage Company Contracts function on the My Account page of the customer site.

List Company Account Balance


Select this function to display the List Company Account Balance function on the My Account page of the customer site.

List Company Prior Transaction


Select this function to display the List Company Prior Transaction function on the My Account page of the customer site.

Private Lesson includes

Book Private Lessons


Option to display the specified function on the My Accounts page on the customer site.


Waiver Text


The text to be displayed as a waiver when the customer make a donation online. 


The customer will need to select the checkbox at the bottom of the waiver text box to continue with the donation after reading the waiver. 

Hide "Waiver Information" Online?


You can display or hide the waiver information for customers when they make a donation on the public site.


Use this option to omit waivers for transactions which only involve donations, and do not include reservations, registrations or other actions that might trigger liability.

  • If selected, the waiver information will be displayed when customers donate on the public site and the customers need to submit to continue with the donation after reading the waiver.

  • If unselected, the waiver information will not be displayed when customers donate on the public site.


Note: You can also control this function at the site level: On the Change Site Detail page for a particular site, go to the Override System Settings > Online > Donations section.

Login not required for online donation?


Select this option to allow customers to make donations online without requiring them to have a site login.

Online Calendars (Redesigned CUI only)

Allow user to view [#] weeks forward.

Dropdown list

Select the number of weeks in advance that are visible to consumers in redesigned online calendars.


Privacy Statement


Enter the required label in this field to To customize the label for the CUI > footer section > Privacy Statement link.

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