Pass layouts

The pass layout feature is where membership cards are designed.


Pass layouts are used when printing a card during the pass production process. The card produced is used by a client to gain access to a facility that has been set up as an entry point for their pass.


Some agencies will want to have multiple card layouts designed. This can be useful if there is no scanner at some or all of the entry points. In this case cards could be color coded to allow for easy visual identification of different packages.

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Custom Questions

Advanced design

Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up general defaults, the following data points must be configured:

Files Uploaded


Administration > Membership Settings > Pass layouts

Adding and Modifying Pass Layouts

To add

From the Pass Layout List page, clicking on the Add New button will open the Change Pass Layout Detail page, allowing you to create the details for a new record.


To modify

From the Pass Layout List page, clicking an underlined pass layout Name displays the Change Pass Layout Detail page, allowing you to change details as necessary.


The Change Pass Layout Detail page contains the following fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field






The name of the pass layout as it will appear in the list when maintaining packages.




  • Enter the text for the caption (the heading printed at the top of the card).

  • Select the formatting for the caption (Bold, Italic, or Underlined).

Print Picture


Select if there is a picture of the client stored on the system, and if the picture should be printed on the card.

Print Barcode


Select if the barcode should print on the card.


Agencies using magstripe printers and cards will not need to print the barcode.

Print Name


Select whether to print client’s name on the card, and if so, what format to use:

  • Blank (no name)

  • First Name, Last Name (e.g. John Smith)

  • Last Name, First Name (e.g. Smith, John)

  • Last Name Only (e.g. Smith)

  • First Name Only (e.g. John)

  • Initial Name (e.g. J. Smith)


Note: If the customer has a middle name on their profile, the middle name is printed after the first name.

Print Pass Number


Select if the pass number is to be printed on the card.


This can be useful if for some reason the scanner was not available and the pass number needed to be entered manually to record the usage.

Print Expiration Date


Select if the expiration date of the pass is to be printed on the card.

Encode Magstripe


Select if printing magstripe cards.


Note that the magstripe prefix and suffix is entered in the  workstation record.

Include Date of Birth?


Select to include the cutomer's date of birth on their membership pass card.


Logo Image

Dropdown list

The logo to be displayed on the card.


Recommended image size: 350 × 170 pixels.


Use a high-quality image (160ppi or higher) for best results.

Background Image

Dropdown list

The background image to be displayed on the card.


Recommended image size: 540 × 340 pixels.


Use a high-quality image (160ppi or higher) for best results.

Custom Questions

Print Question Text?


Select to print the question answer on the card.


If this option is deselected, only the answer to the question will be printed on the card.


Note that this feature is also available for customized pass cards.

Available Questions


List of custom questions in the system that have not been attached to the card.


Custom questions are asked when the card is validated.


A card may have multiple questions and a question may be attached to multiple cards.


To attach a custom question to a card, highlight the custom question on the left column (Available Questions) and click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Questions).


Note that this feature is also available for customized pass cards.

Selected Questions


List of all custom questions that are attached to the card. These questions will be asked when the card is validated.


To remove a custom question from a card, highlight the custom question on the right column (Selected Questions) and click the left-pointing arrow to return it to the left column (Available Questions).


Note that this feature is also available for customized pass cards.

Move to top


Option to move a selected custom question to the top of the list.


The question on top will be asked first during the card validation.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move to top hyperlink.

Move up one


Option to move a selected custom question one position up on the list.


The questions are asked during the card validation from top to bottom.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move up one hyperlink.

Move to bottom


Option to move a selected custom question to the bottom of the list.


The bottom question will be asked last during the card validation.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move to bottom hyperlink.

Move down one


Option to move a selected custom question one position down on the list.


The questions are asked during the card validation from top to bottom.


Select a custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move down one hyperlink.

Advanced Design

Use Custom Layout?


Option to upload a custom layout.

Local File to Upload


Option to browse to a custom layout that you would like to upload.

Sample Layout:







|||| |||||||| (Barcode)
Pass Number#