Uploading a file

You can upload files to ACTIVE Net to use throughout the system or for a specific customer. Upload image files and/or .pdf files.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. Enter the Display Name and Description for the uploaded file.

    4. Note: The Display Name is the name of the file that will display on the staff side. The Description is used for the link to the uploaded file when it is displayed on the customer site.

    5. Select the site to associate with this file, if necessary.

    6. To allow online instructors to select this file as an email attachment, select Visible to Online Instructor as Email Attachment.

    7. To use an uploaded graphic file as an icon for an interactive map, if applicable, select Use as Map Icons.

    8. To view or play a file that has already been uploaded, click View or Play.

    9. To specify the file that you want to upload, click Browse.

    10. Note: Recommended sizes (in pixels) for images are as follows:
      Intro page: 500 (width) x 350 (height)
      Banner: 250 (width) x 80 (height)
      Receipt and Statement logos: 350 (width) x 150 (height)

If you have enabled the new CUI Homepage, for a better visual effect, the recommended sizes (in pixels) for images are as follows:

Intro page: 1200 (width) x 500 (height)
Module image: 1000 (width) x 1000 (height)

    1. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Attaching an uploaded file to a specific permit

Adding or modifying a workstation

Adding or modifying a checklist item

Adding or modifying a pass layout


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