Reservation groups

A reservation group is a collection of facilities or equipment with predefined options selected so that they can be reserved quickly using the Quick Reserve feature without prompting the customer.


Typically, facilities or equipment are grouped by the type (for example: Courts) or by duration of event (for example, you might have Tennis Courts and Racquetball Courts as separate groups if the typical duration of booking differs).

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Availability Display



Equipment Packages


Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up reservation groups, the following data points must be configured:

Event Types

Schedule Types

Customer Types

Facilities Equipment Types



To Add Reservation Groups:

From the Reservation Groups page, click the Add New button brings you to the Change Reservation Group page, allowing you to create a new record.

To Modify Reservation Groups:

From the Reservation Groups page, click an underlined reservation Group Name displays Change Reservation Group page, allowing you to change details as necessary.


The Change Reservation Group page contains the following fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Group Name Text

The name of the group as will be displayed on the Quick Reserve page.


Display Image Dropdown list

Setting to set a background image for a reservation group on the landing page of the new CUI Reservation module.

Event Type Dropdown list The event type, as selected from a predefined list.
Schedule Type Dropdown list The schedule type, as selected from a predefined list.  
The schedule type will determine if reservations made in this group will be charged (depending also on customer type and Charge Matrix).
Default Customer Type Dropdown list The customer type that will be used for drop-in customers.  
But if a customer is identified, their customer type will be used.
Note: The customer type determines the fees that will be charged.
Site Dropdown list The site attached to the facility group, as selected from a predefined list.
The site selected will be the only site where the facility group can be used, unless the user has multi-site permission.
Selecting All Sites will make the facility group available to all sites.
Center Dropdown list Select a center for this reservation group, or leave this option blank.
The centers that display in this list will change depending on what you have selected in the Site list above.
If you select a center from this list, then the list of facilities that displays below will automatically narrow down to only include facilities that are linked to this center.
Show Online Checkbox Option to show this facility group in the customer (public access) site.

Availability Display

Starting Time Time The start time to display facilities or equipment in this group for Quick Reserve, in HH:MM AM/PM format.
Ending Time Time The end time for displaying facilities or equipment in this group for Quick Reserve, in HH:MM AM/PM format.
Time Increment Number The increment in minutes by which to display facility or equipment availability on the Quick Reserve page. 
This determines the time periods for which facilities or equipment in this group can be reserved.
For example, if your start time is 8:30 and the time increment is 60 minutes, you will only be able to book at 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, etc. However if the time increment is 30 minutes, you will be able to book at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, etc.
The time increment should be set to the most commonly used times, although it can be changed at the time of creating the Quick Reserve booking for exceptional circumstances.


Available Facilities


Displayed is a list of all facilities maintained in the system that can be attached to facility groups. 


A group may have multiple facilities and a facility may be attached to multiple groups.


To add a facility to a group, highlight the name of the facility in the left column (Available Facilities) and click the right arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Facilities).


To remove a facility from a group, highlight the name of the facility under the right column (Selected Facilities) and click the left arrow to move it back to the left column (Available Facilities).


To reorder the facilities under the Selected Facilities column, highlight the facility you wish to move and use the move to top, move up one, move to bottom, and move down one links.


Available Equipment


Displayed is a list of all equipment maintained in the system that can be attached to equipment groups. 


A group may be linked to multiple equipment records and equipment may be attached to multiple groups.


To add equipment to a group, highlight the name of the equipment in the left column (Available Equipment) and click the right arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Equipment).


To remove equipment from a group, highlight the name of the equipment under the right column (Selected Equipment) and click the left arrow to move it back to the left column (Available Equipment).


To reorder the equipment under the Selected Equipment column, highlight the equipment you wish to move and use the move to top, move up one, move to bottom, and move down one links.

Equipment Packages

Equipment Packages



Displayed is a list of all equipment packages maintained in the system that can be attached to package groups. 


A group may have multiple equipment packages and equipment packages may be attached to multiple groups.


To add equipment packages to a package group, highlight the name of the equipment package in the left column (Available Equipment Packages) and click the right arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Equipment Packages).


To remove equipment packages from a package group, highlight the name of the equipment package under the right column (Selected Equipment Packages) and click the left arrow to move it back to the left column (Available Equipment Packages).


To reorder the equipment packages under the Selected Equipment Packages column, highlight the equipment package you wish to move and use the move to top, move up one, move to bottom, and move down one links.


Available Instructors


Displayed is a list of all instructors maintained in the system that can be attached to instructor groups. 


A group may have multiple instructors and instructors may be attached to multiple groups.


To add instructors to an instructor group, highlight the name of the instructor in the left column (Available Instructors) and click the right arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Instructors).


To remove instructors from a group, highlight the name of the instructor under the right column (Selected Instructor) and click the left arrow to move it back to the left column (Available Instructor).


To reorder the instructor under the Selected Instructor column, highlight the instructor you wish to move and use the move to top, move up one, move to bottom, and move down one links.