Adding or modifying a facility or equipment schedule type

Schedule types are linked to permits to determine if a rental is to be charged. Some typical schedule types configured are Rental, Internal, Maintenance and Co-Sponsor.


You can assign schedule types to event types so that the user does not need to choose a schedule type during the reservation process.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. In the General Information section:

      1. Enter the Description and Site for this schedule type.

      2. Select a Calendar Color to associate with this schedule type when its bookings appear in the flex scheduler.

      3. To pay instructors that use this schedule type, if applicable, select Pay Instructor For?

    4. In the Reservation Fee Page Settings section:

      1. To charge a fee to customers booking with this schedule type, select Charge Customer For this Type?

      2. To automatically finish the reservation and create a receipt and permit without returning to the pending receipt page for permits that use this schedule type, select Auto complete receipt if no charges?

      3. Select any sections to hide during the reservation process for permits that use this schedule type.

      4. Note: If you choose to hide all of the sections that have options on this page, the system will skip the Reservation Fees page during the reservation process.

      5. Select the default customer for permits that use this schedule type.

    5. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Overview of permits

Adding or modifying a schedule type for internal administration or maintenance bookings

Adding or modifying a facility or equipment event type


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