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Schedule types

Schedule types are attached to permits and used to determine if a rental is to be charged. 


The typical schedule types configured are: Rental, Internal, Maintenance and Co-Sponsor. By setting up these recommended schedule types, you can report not only on the charged permits but also on non-charged reservations that may be internal use, maintenance reservations, or donation rentals.


Schedule types can be automatically assigned to event types so that the user does not need to choose during the reservation process. A schedule type must be assigned to the event type for reservation on the customer site (event types without a schedule type do not show up online).

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General Information

Reservation Fee Page Settings

Where are they found?


How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Schedule Types List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Schedule Type Detail page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Schedule Types List page, clicking an underlined schedule type Description displays the Change Schedule Type Detail Item page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Schedule Type Detail Item page, you will find the following input fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

General Information

Description Text The name of the schedule type to be selected at the time of creating the permit or when adding schedule types to the event type.
Site Dropdown list The site attached to the schedule type, as selected from a predefined list.
The site selected will be the only site where the schedule type can be used, unless the user has multi-site permission.
Selecting All Sites will make the schedule type available to all sites.
Type Code Text A one character abbreviation for the schedule type.

Calendar Color


Color assigned to the schedule type.


This is the color that will appear for the booking assignment in the flex scheduler (different types of reservations will be assigned different colors).


Clicking the Select link opens a page where you can select a color.


Note that leagues, daycare sessions, activity meeting dates and private lessons will already be automatically assigned a calendar colors, but these default colors can be changed.

Booking Assignment


Type of booking assignment assigned to the schedule type (for example: daycare sessions).

Pay Instructor For?


Selecting this checkbox indicates the instructor will be paid for the booking and enables the dropdown list for the default instructor rate.

Default [Organization] Department

Dropdown list

Select the default department where instructor reservation payroll goes to.

Default Instructor Rate

Dropdown list

The default role determines the amount that the instructor is paid.


The specific charges that are assigned to each instructor role are configured on the Change Instructor Role Detail page.

Reservation Page Fee Settings

Charge Customer For this Type?


Option to charge for permits created with this schedule type.  


The specific charges depend also on customer type and the Charge Matrix.


Note: Disable this option to hide the Fees and Initial Payment sections during the reservation process.

Auto complete receipt if no charges?


Option to automatically finish the reservation and create a receipt and permit without returning to the pending receipt page for permits that use this schedule type.


Note: This option is automatically disabled if the Charge Customer For this Type? option above is disabled.

*Hide Notes section?


Option to hide the Notes section during the reservation process for permits that use this schedule type.

*Hide Disclaimers section?


Option to hide the Disclaimers section during the reservation process for permits that use this schedule type.

*Hide Checklist Items section?


Option to hide the Checklist Items section during the reservation process for permits that use this schedule type.

*Hide Approval Stages section?


Option to hide the Approval Stages section during the reservation process for permits that use this schedule type.

*Hide Custom Questions section?


Option to hide the Custom Questions section during the reservation process for permits that use this schedule type.


Note: If all of the options in this section with an asterisk (*) are selected, the system will skip the Reservation Fees page during the reservation process.

Select customer default?

Radio buttons

Option to select a customer for permits that use this schedule type.


Choose one of the following:

  • To prompt the user to select a customer, select None(prompt for customer).

  • To always use a drop-in customer for this schedule type, select Drop-In Customer.

  • To always use the system user who is making the reservation as the customer for this schedule type, select Logged in User.