Customer listing

This report shows a list of customers and their details such as name, address, age, gender, phone numbers, and geographic area.

Go to section

Custom Lists


Sort Options

Save Report Definition


Reports > Population Reports > Customer Listing


Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.


The following fields are available on the Customer Listing page:

Name of Field Type Description

Custom Lists

Custom List Dropdown list

Title of custom list to use in the customer listing, as selected from a predefined list.


The custom list defines the criteria for inclusion of customers in the report.


Click the Preview/Edit List link to view or edit the custom list.

Show additional filter options Checkbox

Option to select additional filters to the custom list to fine tune the list of customers to include in the report.


Selecting the checkbox will display the various sections of filter criteria (Population, Finance, Transaction, Registration, Facility, Membership, Daycare, Leagues, POS, Gift Cards, Donations, Locker).


Click the More>>> link of a particular section to expand it, allowing you to add filter criteria.


Click the <<<Less link  to collapse the section.


Note: Adding filter criteria will limit the report only to include customers who meet all the selected criteria in the custom list. For example: if an activity is added as a filter, only customers in the custom list who registered in the activity will be included in the list.




Dropdown list


Option to filter reports by customer status. The options are:

  • All Customers - includes both retired and active customers.

  • Exclude Retired - includes only active customers.

  • Only Retired - includes only retired customers.

Show Customer Alternate Keys?


Option to include alternate keys and information relating to the alternate keys in the report.

Show Customer Pass Numbers?


Option to include customer pass numbers and information relating to customer pass numbers in this report.

Show Customer Address

Dropdown list

Option to show either the mailing address or the residential address for each customer in the report.


Note: To show the mailing address by default and show the residential address only if the customer has no mailing address, select Use Residential Address if without Mailing Address.


Dropdown list

Include enrollees on the list based on their residency status:

  • Active Residents (have current residency status)

  • Non-Residents (do not have residency status)

  • Expired Residents (have residency status, but it has expired)

  • All Customers

Output type

Dropdown list

The output type or format of the report, as selected from a predefined list.


The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format).

Sort Options

Sort Options Dropdown list Sort order to use when displaying the report, as selected from Customer Name, Age + Customer Name, Zip Code + Customer Name, Zip Code + Address.

Save Report Definition

Report Title


Option to save the report definition for later use.


Click here link to learn more about report definitions.

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