Roster (expanded)

This report displays an expanded version of the activity roster, with more enrollee information, including payment details.


The report can be configured to display different kinds of customer information by selecting various report options.


A legend of the different types of enrollments can be found at the bottom of the report.


Click the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page to go to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.


The following fields are available on the Activity Roster (Expanded) page:

Name of Field




Report Filter


The following filters are available on the Activity Roster (Expanded) page: Activity, Parent Season, Child Season, Organization Department, Activity Category, Activity TypeActivity Start Date Range, Center, Supervisor, Instructor, Team, Charges, Activity Skill, Coupons, POS Product, and Transaction Date and Time Range.


Note that the center associated with an activity is the center where the first activity booking/meeting occurs.


So if someone selects one or more centers for the new filter, the report includes only those activities whose first booking is at a facility belonging to that center.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about reports and their filters.


Type of Transactions

Dropdown list

Option to display different types of transactions, as selected from a predefined list.


The options include:

  • All - Displays all transactions for the selected activities (this includes all customers who have withdrawn or transferred).

  • Roster - Displays the enrollee roster for the selected activities (this does not include participants who have withdrawn, transferred or are scheduled to be enrolled).

  • Waiting List - Displays only the customers who are waitlisted for the selected activities. These names will appear in the order that they are listed on the Change Waiting List page.


Note that a transaction legend is displayed at the bottom of the report.

Activity Status

Dropdown list

Option to only include activities with a particular status, as selected from a predefined list.


The options include:

  • Open - Activities that are still open for registration.

  • Closed - Activities that have been closed for registration.

  • Cancelled - Activities that have been cancelled and will not be held anymore.

  • Tentative - Activities that are scheduled but not yet fully certain to run. Activities whose enrollment are way below the minimum enrollment required may be placed on Tentative status. Note that retired activities that are copied to a new season will also get this status, until the status is changed to Open.

  • On Hold - Activities that have some technical issues (for example, instructor may not be available) and may end up not running.

  • Retired - Activities that will not be offered anymore.

  • Date Conflicted - Activities whose facility schedules have conflicting dates. These activities may end up not running at their original facilities so will need to have them updated prior to being switched to Open.

  • Any Status - Include all activities regardless of status.


Dropdown list

Include enrollees on the list based on their residency status:

  • Active Residents (have current residency status)

  • Non-Residents (do not have residency status)

  • Expired Residents (have residency status, but it has expired)

  • All Customers

Customer Name Format

Dropdown list

Option to list customers by Lastname, Firstname, or Firstname Lastname.


Dropdown list

Option to include memberships of customers in the report depending on their status.


The options are:

  • All Customers - include both retired and active customers

  • Exclude Retired - retired customers will not be included

  • Only Retired - will only include retired customers

Include Medical Alert Notes?


Option to include medical alert notes on the roster.


Medical alert notes are medical notes for agency staff that are entered on the customer record (for example: customer allergies or medication).

Show Prerequisites?


Option to display activity prerequisites on the activity roster.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.


This option is unavailable if you have selected Output as an Enrollee List? below.

Optional Fields 1, 2, 3, and 4


Dropdown list

Option to display up to 4 optional customer detail fields on the roster, as selected from the following: Cell Phone, Customer #, Date of Birth, Email, Customer AddressEmergency Contact Name 1, Emergency phone 1, Emergency Contact Name 2, Emergency phone 2Home Phone, Other Phone, Pager,Primary Payer Name, Primary Payer Address, Member Number, and Work Phone.

Team/Group Roster


Option to display the team roster on the report.


These will be displayed after the individual enrollees are listed.


If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type below, then this option is disabled.

Include Team Contacts?


Option to include team contacts on the roster.


These will be displayed in the team roster.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.

Include League Contacts?


Option to include league contacts on the roster.


These will be displayed in the team roster.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.

Show All Activity Custom Questions?


Option to display all of the custom questions and customers' answers on the roster.


Custom questions are attached to activities and are asked during a transaction to gather additional information about customers.


Note: When you select this option, the report displays all custom questions attached to the activity and all custom questions (not attached) where customers have provided answers.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.

Show Specific Custom Questions


Link to the custom questions page where specific custom questions can be selected.


These will be the only custom questions and answers that will appear on the roster.


To remove a custom questions from the list, select the custom questions, then click the Remove button.

In the Custom Question Text to Print dropdown list, select which text to display on the report:
  • Full Question, OR

  • Title Only

Show Coupons?


Option to show on the roster the activity coupons that were redeemed by customers during registration.


Coupons are promotional tools used to provide discounts to registration or merchandise fees, or for marketing campaigns.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.


This option is unavailable if you have selected Output as an Enrollee List? below.

Show Customer Skills?

Dropdown list

Select an option from the Show Customer Skills dropdown list to specify whether or not to display customer skills on the report.


The options are:

  • None

  • Only Specific Customer Skills

  • All Customer Skills


Note: When you select Show Customer Skills, the evaluator's name is also included on the report.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.

Show Specific Customer Skills


  1. Click the Show Specific Customer Skills link to pop-up the Skill List page.

  2. From the Skill List page, select the customer skills to display on the report.

  3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer skills, select the customer skill in the listbox then click the Remove button.


Note: The Show Specific Customer Skills listbox is only visible if the Show Customer Skills dropdown list above is set to Only Specific Customer Skills.

Show Incomplete Waivers Only?


Option to only include on the roster those customers who have incomplete waivers in the activity.


These are waivers that still require the customer's signature in order to be considered complete.

Show Charges for Customer?


Option to include customer's charges on the roster.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.

Show Customer Earned Education Unit


Select this checkbox to include education units in an activity description.


Education units represent the number of instructional hours a particular course/activity contributes towards a student's credits.

Show Customer Alternate Keys?


Option to include alternate keys and information relating to alternate keys in this report.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.

Show Customer Pass Numbers?


Option to include customer pass numbers and information relating to customer pass numbers in this report.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.

Show Customer Type


Display customer types (e.g. student, alumni etc.) on the report.

Output Type

Dropdown list

The output type or format of the report.


The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format).


If you want to export this report using a plain format and no subtotals so that you can easily manipulate the figures in a spreadsheet, select Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format).

Output as an Enrollee List?


Option to show a list of all enrollees in selected activities without grouping them together by activity.


While a Roster shows a list of enrollees grouped together for each activity (for example: for use by instructors), an Enrollee List only shows a general list of all enrollees for all selected activities (for example:for use by admin staff only).

Include Customer's Transaction Notes?


Option to include customer's transaction notes on the roster.


Customer transaction notes are entered during activity registration.

Include Staff's Transaction Notes?


Option to include agency staff's transaction notes on the roster.


Staff transaction notes are entered during activity registration.

Only Outstanding Balances


Option to only include customers with outstanding balances (payment amounts due) on the roster.

Show POS merchandise totals?


Option to include POS merchandise purchased by each customer for an activity on the roster.


If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type above, then this option has no effect.

Include Head of Household?


Option to include the head of household on the roster.


The name of the head of household will appear immediately below the enrollee's name.

Use Head of Household Contact Information?


Option to display the head of household's contact information on the roster.


These will be displayed in place of the enrollee's contact information.

Show  Bib Numbers?


Option to display bib numbers on the roster.

Show  Corral Numbers?


Option to display corral numbers on the roster.

Include Trial?


Option to show a list of all enrollees who are registered in trial classes on the roster.

Include Planned Absences?


Option to include a sub-section that lists the dates of planned absences for each full-time enrollee.


Note: If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type, then only one of the following options can be selected at the same time:

  • Show Charges for Customer?

  • Show Prerequisites?

  • Show all Activity Custom Questions?

  • Show Coupons?

  • Show Customer Alternate Keys?

  • Show Customer Pass Numbers?

  • Include Team Contacts?

  • Include League Contacts?

  • Include Planned Absences?

  • Show Customer Skills?

  • Show POS merchandise totals?


If you want to select this option but it is unavailable, try changing the Output Type.

Include Make-up Class Customers?


Option to include make-up class customers as part of the roster.

Show Sub Totals and Grand Totals


Option to include subtotals and grand totals on the roster.


If you have selected Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format) as the Output Type above, then this option is disabled.

Print Rosters That Have Changed Since


Option to only print rosters that have changed since a selected date.


Only rosters that have been modified since this date will be displayed.

Sort Contents By

Dropdown list

Option to sort contents by different options, as selected from a predefined list.


The options include:

  • Enrollee Name - Enrollees will be listed on the activity roster in alphabetical order.

  • Age + Enrollee Name - Enrollees will be listed on the activity roster by age (beginning with the youngest), then by name in alphabetical order.

  • Geographic Area + Entry Order - Enrollees will be listed on the activity roster grouped by geographic area, then the order in which they enrolled.

  • Geographic Area + Enrollees Name - Enrollees will be listed on the activity roster grouped by geographic area, then the name in alphabetical order.

  • Entry Order - Enrollees will be listed on the activity roster in the order in which they enrolled.

  • Gender - Enrollees will be grouped on the activity roster by their gender.

  • Bib + Corral  - Enrollees will be sorted and listed on the activity roster by bib number followed by corral number.

  • Corral + Bib - Enrollees will be sorted and listed on the activity roster by corral number followed by bib number.

Sort Pages By

Dropdown list

Option to sort pages by:

  • Activity Name

  • Activity Number

  • Instructor Name

Sort Private Lesson Rosters by

Dropdown list

Option to sort private lesson rosters either by:

  • Enrollee Name

  • Booking Date + Time


Note: This option will only be displayed when you select Instructor Name in the Sort Pages By dropdown list.


Note: Once this option is selected, the option Sort Contents by will only take effect on regular activity roster content.

Show Private Lessons in Summary Form?


Select the Show Private Lessons in Summary Form? checkbox to replace private lesson details with a summary on the report.

Save Report Definition

Report Title


Option to save the report definition for later use.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about report titles.

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