Roster (with payments)

This report displays a standard activity roster similar to the Roster (Brief) report, but will include payment details. The report can be configured to display different kinds of customer information by selecting various report options.


A legend of the different types of enrollments can be found at the bottom of the report.


Note: When comparing the Roster - With Payment to the Activity Revenue report or to the Net Revenue report by Activity Name, keep in mind that the Roster - With Payment includes tax but does not include refund charge amounts. As a result, the amounts in this report may not match up exactly to the amounts in either the Activity Revenue report (which does not include tax or refund charges) or the Net Revenue report (which includes both tax and refund charges).


Reports > Registration Reports > Roster (with Payments)


Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.



    1. Click the Activity link to pop-up the Activity Search page and then enter some criteria to select the activities. The activity search results will be displayed on the Select Activity page.

    2. From the Select Activity page, select the activities.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activities, you can select the activity in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Season link to pop-up the Season List page.

    2. From the Season List page, select the seasons.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the seasons, you can select the season in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Term link to pop-up the Term List page.

    2. From the Term List page, select the terms.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the terms, you can select the term in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Department link to pop-up the Department List page.

    2. From the Department List page, select the departments.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the departments, you can select the department in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Activity Category

    1. Click the Activity Category link to pop-up the Activity Category List page.

    2. From the Activity Category List page, select the activity categories.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activity categories, you can select the activity category in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Activity Type

    1. Click the Activity Type link to pop-up the Activity Type List page.

    2. From the Activity Type List page, select the activity types.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activity types, you can select the activity type in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Activity Start Date

    1. Click the calendar icon  beside the From box and select a Beginning Date for the activity from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon  beside the To box and select an Ending Date for the activity from the pop-up calendar.

    3. The day of the week field beside the calendar icon is automatically completed.

Activity Site

    1. Click the Activity Site link to pop-up the Activity Site List page.

    2. From the Activity Site List page, select the activity sites.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activity sites, you can select the activity site in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Center link to pop-up the Center List page.

    2. From the Center List page, select the centers.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the centers, you can select the center in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Supervisor link to pop-up the Supervisor List page.

    2. From the Supervisor List page, select the supervisors.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the supervisors, you can select the supervisor in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Instructor link to pop-up the Instructor Search page and then enter some criteria to select the instructors. The instructor search results will be displayed on the Instructor List page.

    2. From the Instructor List page, select the instructors.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the instructors, you can select the instructor in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Team link to pop-up the Team Search page and then enter some criteria to select the teams. The team search results will be displayed on the Team List page.

    2. From the Team List page, select the teams.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the teams, you can select the team in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Charges link to pop-up the Charges List page.

    2. From the Charges List page, select the charges.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the charges, you can select the charge in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Activity Skill

    1. Click the Activity Skill link to pop-up the Activity Skill List page.

    2. From the Activity Skill List page, select the activity skills.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activity skills, you can select the activity skill in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Team link to pop-up the Team Search page and then enter some criteria to select the teams. The team search results will be displayed on the Team List page.

    2. From the Team List page, select the teams.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the teams, you can select the team in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

POS Product

    1. Click the POS Product link to pop-up the POS Product Search page and then enter some criteria to select the teams. The team search results will be displayed on the POS Product List page.

    2. From the POS Product List page, select the POS products.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the POS products, you can select the POS product in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Transaction Date/Time

    1. Click the calendar icon beside the From box and select a Beginning Date of a transaction from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon beside the To box and select an Ending Date of a transaction from the pop-up calendar.

    3. The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be completed.

    4. Enter in the Time box the times of day for transaction.


Type of Transactions

Choose the option from the Type of Transactions drop-down list to display different types of transactions, as selected from a predefined list. The options include:

Activity Status

Choose one of the following options from the Activity Status drop-down list, to only include activities with that status. The options include:


Choose the option from the Residency drop-down list to include enrollees on the list based on their residency status. The options include:

Customer Name Format

Choose the option from the Customer Name Format drop-down list to list customers by:


Choose the option from the Retired drop-down list to include memberships of customers in the report depending on their status. The options are:

Include Medical Alert Notes?

Select the Include Medical Alert Notes? checkbox to include medical alert notes on the roster. Medical alert notes are medical notes for agency staff that are entered on the customer record (for example: customer allergies or medication).

Show Prerequisites?

Select the Show Prerequisites? checkbox to display activity prerequisites on the activity roster.

Calculate Age Based On

Select one checkbox from the Calculate Age Based On section to calculate age based on the options:

Optional Fields 1, 2, 3, and 4

Choose the option from the Optional Fields 1, 2, 3, and 4 drop-down lists to display up to 4 optional customer detail fields on the roster, as selected from the following:

Team/Group Roster

Select the Team/Group Roster checkbox to display the team/group roster on the report. These will be displayed after the individual enrollees are listed.

Include Team Contacts?

Select the Include Team Contacts? checkbox to include team contacts on the roster. These will be displayed in the team roster.

Sort by Team?  

Select the Sort by Team? checkbox to sort by team on the report.

Include Team Totals?

Select the Include Team Totals? checkbox to include team totals on the report.

Include League Contacts?

Select the Include League Contacts? checkbox to include league contacts on the roster. These will be displayed in the team roster.

Show Transaction Date and Time

Select the Show Transaction Date and Time checkbox to include registrant’s transaction dates and times on the report.

Show all Activity Custom Questions?

Choose the option from the Show all Activity Custom Questions? drop-down list to display all of the custom questions and customers' answers on the roster.


Custom questions are attached to activities and are asked during a transaction to gather additional information about customers.


Note: When you select this option, the report displays all custom questions attached to the activity and all custom questions (not attached) where customers have provided answers.

Show Specific Custom Questions

    1. Click the Show Specific Custom Questions link to pop-up the Custom Question List page.

    2. From the Custom Question List page, select the custom questions.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the custom questions, you can select the custom question in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Custom Question Text to Print

Choose the option from the Custom Question Text to Print drop-down list to select which text to be displayed on the report. The options are:

Show Coupons?

Select the Show Coupons? checkbox to display on the roster the activity coupons that were redeemed by customers during registration.


Note: Coupons are promotional tools used to provide discounts to registration or merchandise fees, or for marketing campaigns.

Show Customer Skills

Select an option from the Show Customer Skills dropdown list to specify whether or not to display customer skills on the report. The options are:


Note: When you select Show Customer Skills, the evaluator's name is also included on the report.

Show Specific Customer Skills

    1. Click the Show Specific Customer Skills link to pop-up the Skill List page.

    2. From the Skill List page, select the customer skills to display on the report.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer skills, select the customer skill in the list box then click the Remove button.


Note: The Show Specific Customer Skills listbox is only visible if the Show Customer Skills dropdown list above is set to Only Specific Customer Skills.

Show Incomplete Waivers Only?

Select the Show Incomplete Waivers Only? checkbox to only include on the roster those customers who have incomplete waivers in the activity.


These are waivers that still require the customer's signature in order to be considered complete.

Show Charges for Customer?

Select the Show Charges for Customer? checkbox to include customer's charges on the roster.

Show Customer Alternate Keys?

Select the Customer Alternate Keys? checkbox to include alternate keys and information relating to alternate keys on the report.

Show Customer Pass Numbers?

Select the Show Customer Pass Numbers? checkbox to include customer pass numbers and information relating to customer pass numbers on the report.

Show Customer Type?

Select the Show Customer Type? checkbox to include customer type on the report.

Output Type

Choose the option from the Output Type drop-down list to select the output type or format of the report, as selected from a predefined list. The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format).

If the Microsoft Excel Tabular Format is selected, then staff users can select none or only one of the following options to run the report:

Selecting Microsoft Excel Tabular Format automatically unselects the following report options:

Output as an Enrollee List?

Select the Output as an Enrollee List? checkbox to display a list of all enrollees in selected activities without grouping them together by activity.


Note: While a Roster shows a list of enrollees grouped together for each activity (for example: for use by instructors), an Enrollee List only shows a general list of all enrollees for all selected activities (for example: for use by admin staff only).

Include Customer's Transaction Notes?

Select the Include Customer's Transaction Notes? checkbox to include customer's transaction notes on the roster. Customer transaction notes are entered during activity registration.

Include Staff's Transaction Notes?

Select the Include Staff's Transaction Notes? checkbox to include agency staff's transaction notes on the roster. Staff transaction notes are entered during activity registration.

Only Outstanding Balances  

Select the Only Outstanding Balances checkbox to only include customers with outstanding balances (payment amounts due) on the roster.

Show POS merchandise totals?

Select the Show POS merchandise totals? checkbox to include POS merchandise purchased by each customer for an activity on the roster.

Include Head of Household?

Select the Include Head of Household? checkbox to include the head of household on the roster.


Note: The name of the head of household will appear immediately below the enrollee's name.

Use Head of Household Contact Information?

Select the Use Head of Household Contact Information? checkbox to display the head of household's contact information on the roster.


Note: These will be displayed in place of the enrollee's contact information.

Show Bib Numbers?

Select the Show Bib Numbers? checkbox to display bib numbers on the roster.

Show Corral Numbers?

Select the Show Corral Numbers? checkbox to display corral numbers on the roster.

Include Trial?

Select the Include Trial? checkbox to show a list of all enrollees who are registered in trial classes on the roster.

Include Planned Absences?

Select the Include Planned Absences? checkbox to include a sub-section that lists the dates of planned absences for each full-time enrollee.

Include Make-up Class Customers?

Select the Include Make-up Class Customers? checkbox to include make-up class customers as part of the roster.

in the report results:


Print Rosters That Have Changed Since

    1. Click the calendar icon beside the Print Rosters That Have Changed Since box and select a Beginning Date of print rosters that have changed from the pop-up calendar.

    2. The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be completed.


Note: Only rosters that have been modified since this date will be displayed.

Sort Contents by

Choose the option from the Sort Contents by drop-down list to sort contents by different options, as selected from a predefined list. The options include:

Sort Pages by

Choose the option from the Sort Pages by drop-down list to sort pages by different options, as selected from a predefined list. The options are:

Show Private Lessons in Summary Form?

Select the Show Private Lessons in Summary Form? checkbox to replace private lesson details with a summary on the report.

Run Report

Click the Run Report button to generate the report.

Save Report Definition

    1. Enter in the Report Title box the desired report title.

    2. Click Save to save the report definition using the current report title entered. If the report title has been changed, the original report title will be replaced by the new one.

    3. Click Save As to save another version of the report definition using a different report title.

    4. Click Recall/Schedule on top of the page to access a previously saved report definition from the Report Definitions page.

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