Adding or modifying an activity or daycare program category

Activity categories are used to classify activities and daycare programs. To decide what your activity categories should be, look at your most recent brochure. Exclude headings that are not for programs that clients can register for in advance, such as drop-in programs, rentals, and upcoming events. The remaining headings should correspond to your activity categories. If your brochure has two or more levels, you can use activity other categories.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. Enter the Name, GL Account, Default Expense GL Account, and/or any other information in the Activity Category section:

    4. To have activities/programs in this category qualify for sales commission, select Qualifies for Commission? in the Commission Tracking section.

    5. Select an search channel to categorize the activity category for easier searching through the public interface:

      1. In the Search Channels section, select a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 channels in the Available list.

      2. Note: These channels are used to constrain which channels and sub-channels are available to select at the activity level for activities in this category.

      3. To move the selected channels to the Selected list, click the >> (right arrow) button.

    6. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Overview of activities

Adding or modifying an activity

Adding or modifying an activity other category/sub-category

Adding or modifying an activity type


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