Overview of requests and permits

A reservation request is created when a user asks an agency or a facility to rent or use their facility. From the time the request is started, it can go through many changes until it gets all the approvals and the final payment is made. Once all the approvals and agreements are in place, the request status changes to a permit.


Permits are agreements between the agency or facility and a customer who wants to rent or use the facilities. This is the contract that finalizes the reservation. Use the Permits page to view reservation details such as facilities booked, dates and times, fees, and disclaimers.



A reservation request goes through several steps to become a permit:

    1. Search for a facility when a customer makes a request.

    2. Specify the date, time and other relevant dates.  

    3. Search for and add the customer to the request.

    4. Take the initial deposit.

    5. Send the request for approval according to your process.

    6. When the request is approved, ask the customer for the balance of the payment.  

    7. The request is now a permit and is considered a contract between the agency and the customer.  

Creating a new request

To start a new request to reserve a facility and create a reservation request:

    1. Go to Front Desk > Reserve Facility.

    2. Create the reservation.

    3. Manage reservation requests.

    4. After getting all the approvals, the request changes into a permit.

Managing a permit

To retrieve an existing permit, do the following:

    1. Go to Front Desk. In the side-bar, click Reserve and select Permits.  

    2. Search for and select the permit. This can be done using the original reservation request number or the permit number.

    3. Update or change the permit as necessary. See tasks related to permits.

    4. Save the changes.

Related topics

Reserving a facility

Managing reservation requests

Creating a permit master report


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