Adding or modifying a schedule type for internal administration or maintenance bookings

You can speed up the process of making zero-charge internal bookings if you create a specific schedule type for them


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. Enter information into the General Information section the same way you would do for a regular schedule type.

    4. In the Reservation Fee Page Settings section:

      1. Disable Charge Customer For this Type?

      2. Select Auto complete receipt if no charges?

      3. Select options to hide sections that are not required for internal bookings.

      4. Note: If you choose to hide all of the sections that have options on this page, the system will skip the Reservation Fees page during the reservation process.

      5. Select either Drop-In Customer or Logged in User as the customer that you want to use for internal bookings.

      6. Note: The system will bypass the customer search and selection pages during the reservation process if you select either of these two options.

    5. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

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Creating an internal administration or maintenance booking

Adding or modifying a schedule type

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