Enrollment fees

Enrollment fees are charges or discounts applied to a registration. This stage of the enrollment shows the enrollment fees that may apply to the current registration. You can also add notes to the registration and override possible issues or restrictions in this stage.


Enrollment fees are used when enrolling, enrolling from a deposit, enrolling from waitlist, or transferring an enrollment.

Go to section

Type of Registration


Registration Effective Date


Usage Fee

Membership Fees

POS Product Fees

Grand Total

Staff Notes

Customer Notes

Questions for Racing Activities

Questions for Activities

Questions for Memberships

Checklist Items




The following options are included on the Enrollment Fees page, with the option to Enroll or Enroll and Pay (or Submit for enrolling from waitlist) at the bottom of the page:

Type of Registration


Option for a standard enrollment where the full fee is due or scheduled.

Enroll with payment plan


Enroll using a default payment plan.

  • If there are multiple payment plans attached to the activity, there is a dropdown list with payment plan options. To use the default payment plan, select Enroll with default payment plan.

  • Click Schedule of Payments to view the Default Schedule of Payments dialog box for this activity, which includes payment schedule dates and amounts due.


Automatic payments

To set up automatic payments:

  1. Select Automatically charge scheduled payments.

  2. From the dropdown list, select a payer.

  3. Note: By default, the payer is the customer you select on the same page.

  4. Select one of the following:

    • Select Credit Card, then enter a Card Number and Card Expiration date.

    • Select Electronic Check, then select an Account Type, Account Number and Routing Number.


Note: To pay by electronic check, this option must be enabled on the Financial Configuration page.



To ensure that automated billing for customers is processed, you can attach a second form of payment for automated billing to the customer. ACTIVE Net uses the second payment method if the first one fails.


  1. From the Type of Registration section on the Activity Enrollment page, click the underlined link under the A BACKUP FORM OF PAYMENT IS OPTIONAL FOR AUTOMATED BILLING description to go to the Change Backup Payment Setup page and enter or modify the backup information associated with the activity.

  2. Select one of the following payment methods, then provide the payment information:

    • Use credit card?

      1. Enter in the Card Number box the backup credit card number to be added or charged for automatic renewal. (Required)

      2. Enter in the Expiration box the expiry date of the backup credit card (in MMYY format) to be used for the automatic renewal. (Required)

      Note: You cannot specify an alternate payer for the Backup Form of Payment for Automated Billing option.

    • Use bank account?

      1. Select an account type (checking or savings) that you want to be charged for automatic renewal from the Account Type dropdown list.

      2. Enter in the Account Number box the account number of the bank account.

      3. Enter in the Routing Number box the routing number. This number directs the payment to the correct financial institution.

      Note: This option is configured by the setting Allow payment by electronic check? If the setting is not selected, the electronic check payment type will not be displayed globally on the staff interface.

  3. Click Submit at the bottom of the page to proceed to the Activity Enrollment page.


Note: The BACKUP FORM OF PAYMENT for Automated Billing option is only enabled when you select the Automatically Charge Payments checkbox in the Automatic Payment Plan section on the Change Payment Plan for Activity page.

Enroll with deposit of $

Option for an enrollment where the spot is held for the customer and an initial payment is made towards the balance of the enrollment charges.


Enter the deposit amount of the amount field.

Add to Waiting List

Option to add the customer to the waitlist.


Note for a waitlist list to be created for an activity, the Allow Wait Listing checkbox must be selected on the Change Activity Details page.


Enter coupon code

Option to enter the code number of a coupon to apply to the registration.


Click the Apply button to apply the coupon to the fees (the coupon code will be included in the Valid coupons entered field and the coupon discount will be included in the Fees section).

Select coupon code

Option to select the coupon code from a predefined list.

Valid coupons entered

List of coupons that have been applied to the registration.

Registration Effective Date

Use this section to set a different effective date when a registration will occur.

  1. Select Override Registration Effective Date.

  2. Click the calendar icon and select a Specific Start Date and time.


Tip: If you make changes such as adding fees or adjusting fee amounts (e.g. discounts or scholarships), you can immediately apply those updates to the customer. Click Reload All Charges, or refresh your browser.



  • Any dynamic fee adjustments you make apply only to the customer, not to the activities the customer is registering in.

  • If the customer you are signing up has not received a scholarship or financial aid award, the Financial Aid Program fee (discount) is hidden.


Checkbox to select which charges and discounts will be applied to the enrollment.


Some fees may be included by default (the checkbox is automatically selected), but may be deselected, if necessary.


Checkbox to enable the Include? checkbox if it is disabled by default.


Note: The Override? checkbox only appears next to a charge if the charge is configured to allow overrides.

Charge Name

Description of the fee.


Default value of the fee, which may be changed by entering a new value in the Actual field.


Option to change the actual cost of a fee if user has override authority.


This option will only be available for fees which allow amount overrides.

Seats Requested

Option to change the number of seats requested for this registration.  


This option will only be available if the activity is enabled for quantity-based enrollments.

Activity Total

Calculated subtotal of all fees.


Calculated tax total.

Less Deposit (only for Enroll with Deposit transactions)

Amount already paid by deposit.


Calculated total of the registration.

Pending Refund for Transfer From (only for Transfer Enrollment transactions)

Refund pending from activity the customer has transferred out of.

Usage Fee

(this section appears only if a usage fee is linked to this activity)


Checkbox to select whether the usage fee will be applied to the enrollment.


Amount of the usage fee to apply to the enrollment.


Note: You can override the Actual amount if you have Front Desk: Registration/Membership/Daycare – Override Fees security profile option.

Membership Fees

(this section appears only if this activity requires any current membership as a prerequisite)


Checkbox to select which membership fees will be applied to the enrollment.



  • If a customer signs up for a new membership during the same transaction, "Member" fees are selected by default.

  • If the customer was previously enrolled in the prerequisite membership, but the membership has expired, the customer qualifies for a renewal discount on the new membership.


A description of the membership fee.

Waive Fee?

Option to waive the membership fee if user has override authority.


This option will only be available for membership fees which allow overrides.


If a prerequisite membership is set to not be sold until the customer is removed from the waiting list and enrolled in the activity, the estimated amount due for the prerequisite membership is displayed here.


See wait list settings for prerequisite memberships.

Membership Total

Calculated total of membership fees.

Due Now

If the prerequisite membership is sold to the customer at the same time as the enrollment fees, the membership fee is displayed here.


If the customer is wait listed and the prerequisite membership is not sold yet, the amount Due Now is 0.


A message is displayed to remind the customer that the membership fee is deferred: Payment is due upon actual registration.

POS Product Fees

(this section appears only if POS products are linked to the activity as merchandise for sale)


Image of the POS product.


Description of the POS product.


If the product has features attached, the features will be displayed in this column, with a dropdown list of feature values. For example: if the product has a size feature, the list may have the following size values (S, M, L, XL, etc). The customer can choose the appropriate value of the feature or features (a product can have up to 2 features attached).


To add more than one of this product with different feature selection, click the Add New Selection button to add another features row. For example: the first row may be for Small Red Shirts, while the 2nd row may be for Large Blue Shirts.


Quantity of the POS product to purchase.


If the product has features attached and multiple feature combinations are purchased; each feature row will have its own Quantity field and the total quantity will be calculated in the main Quantity field. For example: the customer may purchase 5 Small Red Shirts and 10 Large Blue Shirts so the total Quantity field will have a value of 15.


Total amount of the POS product to purchase, calculated by multiplying the product's unit price by the quantity.

POS Product Total

Calculated total of POS product fees.

Grand Total

Grand Total

Calculated total of all fees for the registration.

Staff Notes

Staff Notes

Staff notes to attach to this enrollment. 


They are used for internal reference about the registration (for example: reminders to the instructor), and will not be printed on the customer receipt, but can be printed on the roster.


They can be a combination of standard notes (selected from a dropdown list) and typed notes.

Customer Notes

Customer Notes

Customer notes to attach to this enrollment. 


They are used for customer reference about the registration (for example: reminders for the first day of the activity).


They will be printed on the customer receipt, and can be also printed on the roster.


These notes can be a combination of standard notes (selected from a dropdown list) and typed notes.

Questions for Racing Activities

(this section appears only if this activity is configured as a racing activity)

Expected finish time

Expected finish time, entered in HH:MM:SS format.


If there are minimum and maximum expected finish times attached to the activity, they will be displayed beside this field, and the customer's expected finish time will need to fall within these time parameters.


If there aren't minimum and maximum expected finish times attached to the activity, the customer may enter the expected finish time of their choice.

Manual bib number assignment

Option to assign a bib number manually to a race participant.


This will only appear if the manual bib assignment option is enabled.


If the selected bib number has already been chosen by a previous registrant, a warning message will appear, and the system will display the next highest available number.


If the activity is configured to automatically assign bib numbers this field can be left blank.


Note that only staff whose profiles are assigned the permission to manually change bib numbers will be able to perform this function. If the permission is not granted, this option will not appear and manual bib assignment during the enrollment process will not be possible.

Questions for Activities

(this section appears only if custom questions are linked to the activity)

Custom Questions

Questions that are attached to the activity.


These questions will be asked when a customer registers for the activity.


Custom questions and answers may be printed on the roster, and all customer answers are saved in the customer's database record.


Custom questions and answers can be configured on the Change Custom Question page, where a variety of single or multiple answers can be selected.


A choice of how these questions can be displayed (radio buttons, dropdown lists, listboxes etc.) can also be selected.

Questions for Memberships

(this section appears only if custom questions are linked to a membership package that is a prerequisite for the activity)

Custom Questions

Questions that are attached to a membership package that is a prerequisite for the activity.


These questions will be asked when a customer registers for the activity.


Custom questions and answers may be printed on the roster, and all customer answers are saved in the customer's database record.


These questions and answers are also configured on the Change Custom Question page.

Checklist Items

(this section appears only if checklist items are linked to the activity)

Agree to waiver

Checkboxes to select to agree to waivers attached to the activity.


Note: All required waivers have to be selected before registration can continue.


Indicates whether the checklist item has to be completed or submitted before the enrollment will be allowed to continue.


Description of the checklist item.


Information items will display in plain text, while waivers will have a hyperlink (underline).


Clicking the link for waivers will display waiver information.


If the checklist item is included as an external attachment, clicking the link will allow you to download the attachment.


(this section appears only if there are conditions that need to be overridden)

Option to override

Checkboxes to select if there are conditions that need to be bypassed before registration can continue (age restrictions, maximum class size, etc).


Note: All override checkboxes have to be selected before registration can continue.


In this section, you can allocate the commission to the staff members using the following steps:


  1. Select a user from the System User dropdown list. The selected system user will get the commission.

  2. Enter a percentage in the % of Eligible Amount text box. This is the percentage of commission the staff will get as based on the eligible amount.

  3. Notes:

    • The Eligible Amount text box shows the eligible commission amount the staff should have as calculated with the key fee. (Cannot be edited)

    • The Actual Amount text box shows the actual amount the staff will receive.

  4. From the Add another column:

    • Click the Add another link to add another line for commission allocation.

    • Click the remove link to remove the line for commission allocation.

    • Click the clear link to clear the data for the commission allocation.

Other options

At the bottom of the page, you can do the following: