Setting attendance codes for an activity type

Use the Set Attendance Codes page to specify attendance codes for a particular activity type.


    1. Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Activity Types.

    2. Click the Set Attendance Codes link for the activity type that you want to specify attendance codes for.

    3. To allow attendance for activities that use this activity type, select Allow Attendance Entry.

    4. Select Enable Activity Type Specific Attendance Codes.

    5. In the Participant Attendance Codes section, select the attendance codes that you want to use for participants in this activity type:

      1. In the Available Attendance Codes box, Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select attendance codes.

      2. Click >> to move the codes to the Selected Attendance Codes box.

    6. Under the Instructor Attendance Codes section, select the attendance codes that you want to use for instructors in this activity type:

      1. In the Available Attendance Codes box, Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select attendance codes.

      2. Click >> to move the codes to the Selected Attendance Codes box.

    7. (Optional) To set a Default Instructor Attendance Code, select it from the dropdown list.

    8. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding or modifying an attendance code

Adding or modifying an activity type

Entering attendance

Overview of attendance


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