
Configure checklists to track waivers and other information during the registration or booking process for an activity, daycare program, membership package, or a facility event type.


Any waiver that requires a signature can be signed online on the public site or on the customer account functions page on the staff site.

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Checklist Item

Checklist Item Overrides

Prerequisite Components

Prior to attaching checklists to activities or event types, configure the following:


The following options are included on the Change Attachment page:

Name of Field Type Description

Checklist Item


Dropdown list

The name of the checklist item.


Checklist Item Overrides

Include Condition Dropdown list

The condition under which this checklist item is included:

  • Always: The checklist item is always included.

  • If Resident: The checklist item is included if the customer is a resident.

  • If Non-resident: The checklist item is included if the customer is a non-resident.

  • If Minor: The checklist item is included if the customer qualifies as a minor based on the system setting age for minors.

  • If Senior: The checklist item is included if the customer qualifies as a senior based on the system setting age for seniors.

  • If Member: The checklist item is included if the customer has a current membership.

  • If Non-member: The checklist item is included if the customer has a current membership.

  • If Internet Sale: The checklist item is included if the transaction is on the customer (public access) site.

  • If Age is less than or equal to: The checklist item is included if the age of the registrant is less than or equal to the Age Limit specified below. This Include Condition is only available for activity checklist items.



Age Limit


Maximum age for which the checklist item is required if the Include Condition is If Age is less than or equal to.


Note: This field is only available if the Include Condition is If Age is less than or equal to.

Required before due date?


Select this option if the waiver must be signed by the customer prior to the due date (as defined below). 


Note: You can run the activity roster to Show Incomplete Waivers.

Due nn Days Prior to Start


Number of days prior to the activity or rental start that the waiver is required.

Show Item OnLine?


Option to display the waiver on the customer site.

Can be Signed OnLine?


Option to allow customers to complete the waiver online.


If you do not select this option, then the checklist item has to be completed or signed on the staff side.


Note: If Show Item Online? is selected but Can be Signed Online? is not, then customers are able to view the checklist item on the public access site but cannot check the item off themselves. Only staff users are able to select this item. This applies to both waivers and information.

Required Before Completing Transaction?


Option to require the customer to sign the waiver before the transaction can be completed.

Show Item OnLine on Enrollment page?


Option to display the waiver on the Assign Participants page on the customer site.  


If this checkbox is disabled and the above Show Item Online checkbox is selected, the waiver will display on the Confirm Order and Submit Payment page instead.

CUI Digital Signature

Dropdown list

In the CUI Digital Signature dropdown, select if the waiver should be signed in the customer (public access) site by:

  • checking a Checkbox.

  • entering the customer's Initials.

  • signing or uploading an image of the customer's signature (E-signature).

Require Initials?


Option to require initials on the customer (public access) site.


Customers must enter initials for the waiver to be 'signed'.

Show Signature Line?


Option to show a signature line on the customer site.

Waiver duration


The number of days for which the waiver is valid.

Print Payer and Customer on Waiver?


Select this option to print both the payer and the customer on the waiver and also display their name on the Transaction Checklist page for customers.