POS/equipment lending layouts

The POS/Equipment Lending Layout page is where the point of sale/equipment lending screen layouts are maintained.


You can create an equipment lending layout in the same way that you create a POS layout.


The buttons on the screen when selling POS items or lending equipment are determined by the layout. 


Multiple POS/equipment lending layouts can be maintained with a primary layout linking the user to additional layouts.


POS/equipment lending layouts are optionally attached in a number of places: Workstations, Sites or POS configuration


The layout that will be used depends on which of these options has a layout defined. 


If there is no layout attached to the workstation record, the layout will be taken from the site record. 


If there is no layout attached to the site record the layout will be taken from the POS configuration page for POS layouts.


If there is no layout attached to the workstation, site or default configuration page, the user will be prompted with the Change Workstation Detail page.

Go to section


Layout Properties

Button Function

Button Appearance

Product Sale Options

Equipment Lending Options

Layout Button Options

Gift Card Options

Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up POS layouts, the following data points must be configured:

POS Products


Prior to setting up equipment lending layouts, the following data points must be configured:



The Change Layout Properties page contains the following options:

Name of Field Type Description


Copy Layout


Option to create a copy of the layout.


Clicking this link takes you to the page where you can enter the new name and site for the new layout.

Layout Properties



Name of layout as it will appear in the dropdown list when maintaining workstations.




Dropdown list


The site where the layout is attached, as selected from a predefined list.


The site selected will be the only site where the layout can be used, unless the user has multi-site permission.


Selecting All Sites will make the layout available to all sites.

To modify design

From the POS/Equipment Lending Layouts page, clicking the underlined Buttons link of the desired layout displays the Modify Button Layout page with the buttons for the selected layout loaded.


To change the functionality mapped to a specific button, click on the button to access the Change Button Details page.


This page contains the following fields, with the option to Save the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Button Function

Note: You must select one of the functions below.

Copy of Button
To copy the functionality of an existing POS button from the same layout to the current button mapping, select that button from the Copy of Button dropdown list.

Button Type

Select a type of button from the options below.

Link to Layout Dropdown list option

Display a list of layouts to display when this button is clicked.


Allows you to toggle between layouts.

Sell a Product Dropdown list option

Display the Product Sale Options section, where you can select a product to sell when this button is clicked.

Enter a Digit Dropdown list option Display a list of digits to select when this button is clicked:
  • 0 through 9

  • $5, $10 or $20

  • 00 or decimal point (.)

  • backspace

Perform a Function Dropdown list option Display a list of functions to perform when this button is clicked:
  • Finish / Tender: Completes the point of sale transaction. If a payment has been taken and the balance is zero, you will be brought directly to the Receipt page. If there is still an outstanding balance, you will be brought to the Pending Receipt page where the receipt can be added, paid for and attached to a customer, or returned to POS.

  • Alternate Receipt: Provides the option to switch to another receipt already in progress or to start a new receipt without completing the first one.

  • Commission Allocation: Allocate the commission to multiple products.

  • Change Price: Change price of next product (will bring up price entry box after product is selected).

  • Delete Last Item: Delete the last product selected.

  • Delete Selected Items: Delete multiple items you select in the item list at left.

  • Void Receipt: Void current receipt. Will only work if Tender button has not yet been selected.

  • Void Receipt and Reset Customer: Void current receipt and unlink any customer that has been linked to this transaction.

  • Payment Memo: Indicates that payment is being made with a payment memo.

  • Payment Charge: Indicates that the payment is being made with a credit card.

  • Payment Debit Card: Indicates that the payment is being made with a debit card.

  • Payment Gift Card: Indicates that the payment is being made with a gift card. When this button is clicked in POS, a window appears where you can enter a gift card number and a payment amount.

  • Payment Check: Indicates that the payment is being made with a check.

  • Payment Cash: Indicates that the payment is being made with cash.

  • Payment From Account: Take the payment from a customer's account balance.

  • Payment Other Payment Type: Indicates that the payment is being made with other payment type.

  • Open Cash Drawer: Option to open the cash drawer.

  • Select Customer: Option to attach a customer from the database to the transaction.

  • Scan Customer: Option to attach a customer to the transaction by swiping their member card or manually entering their ID number.

  • Refund Item: Refund the next POS item to be selected.

  • Product Search: Option to search for the product.

  • Print Daily Close Report: Option to print a Daily Close report directly on the POS printer.

  • Add Charge: Option to add a charge that it not linked to a POS product to the transaction.

  • Gift Card Inquiry: When this button is clicked in POS, a window appears where you can enter a gift card number. The window then displays the gift card's balance, type, status, date sold, expiry date, and recipient.

  • Tax Exempt: Option to exampt either all items or an individual item from tax. See the Tax Exempt Button Settings section below.

Sign-Out Lendable Equipment Dropdown list option Sign out a piece of equipment when this button is chosen.
Enables the Equipment Lending Options section.
Sign-In Lendable Equipment Dropdown list option Sign in a piece of equipment when this button is chosen.
Enables the Equipment Lending Options section.
Sell a Gift Card Dropdown list option Display the Gift Card Options section, where you can select a gift card type to sell when this button is clicked.
Refill a gift card Dropdown list option When this button is clicked in POS, a window appears where you can enter a gift card number and a refill amount.  The refill amount is added to the existing balance of the gift card.
Link to Activity Drop-In Layout Dropdown list option When this button is clicked, ACTIVE Net displays a new layout, which dynamically presents any activity drop-in products that are configured for the current site.

Tax Exempt Button Settings

Note: This section is only available if you have selected Tax Exempt as the Perform a Function option for this button.

Tax to Exempt


Select one or more taxes that will be exempt when this button is clicked in POS.

Apply to

Radio buttons

Select one of the following options:


  • All items: All items in the transaction will be tax exempted.

  • An Individual Item: Only the selected item will be tax exempted.

Button Appearance

Caption Text Button caption to appear on the screen.
Defaults to the name of the layout, product, digit, or function selected.
If caption is longer than the size of one button, you can create the same button adjacent to the first for the caption to span over two buttons.
When two or more buttons with the same function are adjacent to each other, they will be combined into one large button.
Background Color Text Background color of the button.
Clicking the Change hyperlink displays a palette of colors, where a new color may be selected.
Color Effects Radio buttons Choose one of the following:
  • No Shading: The button surface will not be shaded with a gradient effect.

  • Shading: The button surface will be shaded with a gradient effect.

Corners Radio buttons Choose one of the following:
  • Square: The button corners will not be rounded.

  • Rounded: The button corners will be rounded.

Font Name Dropdown list The font style of the caption on the button, as selected from a predefined list of fonts.
Font Size Numeric The font size of the caption on the button.
Bold Checkbox The option to display in bold the caption on the button.
Italic Checkbox The option to italicize the caption on the button.
Visible Checkbox The option to make the caption visible on the screen.
Note: By default, when adding a button to the layout the option will not be selected. In order to have the button appear in POS, this option will need to be selected.
Same Across all Layouts Checkbox The option to make this button the same across all layouts that are linked to a single layout.
This is recommended for functions (and products) that are consistent between the layouts – especially payment types.
Font/Color Sample   Displays the appearance of the caption based on the above options.

Product Sale Options

Note: In the POS interface, to print a POS receipt manually (i.e. if one is not automatically generated), click Print POS Receipt.

Product Type Dropdown list Specify whether you want to sell a Standard POS Product or an Activity Drop-In when this button is clicked.
Sell a Product Dropdown list Select a product to sell when this button is clicked. The products that appear in this list depend on the Product Type that you have selected above.
Sale options Radio buttons Choice between:
  • None: No unique features for product.

  • Single button sale: Product is sold and cash payment is assumed.

  • Prompt for price: The Enter Price prompt is displayed with the default price loaded, but a new price may be entered.

  • Note: Only one radio button may be selected.

Discount prior item only? Checkbox The option to discount the prior item only (not the entire receipt).
Applicable only if the product assigned to the button is a discount.
If selected, the discount will apply only to the previous item selected (provided that the product is discountable; if not, no discount will be applied).
If option is not selected, the discount will be applied to the entire transaction.
Prompt for customer notes? Checkbox The option to display a prompt where customer notes may be entered when the button is selected.
The notes will be printed on the receipt.

Equipment Lending Options

Lendable Equipment

Dropdown list

Choice between:

  • None: The user will be prompted to select equipment when the button is chosen.

  • Existing equipment: The selected equipment will always be used when the button is chosen.

Prompt for sign-out quantity? Checkbox The option to prompt for a quantity of equipment during sign-out.
Scan customer if none selected? Checkbox The option to automatically prompt to scan a customer if none is already selected when the button is chosen.
Automatically finish transaction & repeat? Checkbox The option to automatically finish the transaction when the button is chosen.
The user will not have to manually click another button to finish the transaction.
Note: The transaction will only finish automatically if there is already a selected customer and if there no other transaction items pending.

Layout Button Options


Radio button No unique features for product.

Single button sale

Radio button Product is sold and cash payment is assumed.

Prompt for price

Radio button The Enter Price prompt is displayed with the default price loaded, but a new price may be entered.
Prompt for customer notes? Checkbox To prompt for a note from staff to be included on the receipt, select this option.

Gift Card Options

Gift Card Type Dropdown list Select a gift card type to sell when this button is clicked.
The Gift Card Type list displays any active gift card types for the site that you are signed in to.
Standard Radio button Select this option if, when this button is clicked, then this gift card type is added to the list of any other POS items in this transaction. ACTIVE Net asks for a gift card number and amount, if necessary.
Single button sale Radio button

Select this option if, when this button is clicked, then this gift card type is immediately sold using a cash payment. ACTIVE Net asks for a gift card number and amount, if necessary.