
Stages represent the individual approval points for a reservation. 


Each stage has a particular user assigned to approve the request prior to moving forward towards an approval with the reservation.  


Stages are grouped together into stage sequences which define the order of the stages. Stage sequences are attached to standard charges.


For individual steps, forms or waivers that need to be completed, a checklist item can be attached directly to the event type.

Prerequisite Components

Prior to creating stages, the following data points must be created:

System Users


Administration > Facility Settings > Stages

Adding and Modifying Stages

To add

From the Stage List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Stage page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Stage List page, clicking an underlined stage Description displays the Change Stage page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Stage page, you will find the following fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Description Text The name of the stage to be selected at the time of approval or when adding stages to the stage sequences.
Site Dropdown list The site attached to the stage, as selected from a predefined list.
The site selected will be the only site where the stage can be used, unless the user has multi-site permission.
Selecting All Sites will make the stage available to all sites.
System User Dropdown list The system user responsible for approving this stage, as selected from a predefined list.
This user will be sent an email when a request has been made. 
When the system user clicks on the link to the permit in the Stage Approval Request email, the financial, charges, and payments and refunds information will be displayed for reference to help make an informed decision whether to approve or decline the permit request.
  • If assigned with Front Desk: Reserve - Permits and Front Desk: Reserve - Permits (Multi-Site), the system user can view the financial, charges, and payments and refunds information of the permits.

  • If assigned with Front Desk: Reserve - Permits, the system user can only view the financial, charges, and payments and refunds information of the permits that are generated by the site that he/she belongs to.


Once a user has approved a stage, the next stage will be started alongside the list of stage sequence (either the next email is sent for the next stage or the permit is ready to be approved).
  • If the stage sequence is at the permit level, the system user can view all the financial, charges, and payments and refunds information of the permits.

  • If the stage sequence is at the facility level, the system user can view only the financial, charges, and payments and refunds information of the permits for the facility that the current stage sequence is applied to.


To attach files

You can attach files already uploaded to ACTIVE Net to the different stages as follows:

    1. From the Stage List page, click an underlined Stage Description to display the Change Stage page.

    2. In the Attached File section, click the Add New button to display the Change Attached File page.

    3. From the Change Attached File page, enter a description or a name of the file in the Description field.

    4. Select a file from the Upload Attached File dropdown list.

    5. Note: You can also click the Upload a new file link to upload files to the dropdown list.

    6. Click Save.


The detailed information for the attached files including Description, Attached File and Size is displayed in the Attached File section. You can:


To delete the file, go to the Change Attached File page then click Delete.

To upload files

You can upload new files as follows:

    1. From the Change Attached File page, click the underlined Upload a new file link to display the Upload a New File pop-up window.

    2. In the Upload a New File window, complete the Display Name and Display Description fields. (Required)

    3. From the Local File to Upload option, click Browse to select a file on your computer. (Required)

    4. Click Upload.