Standard charges

Standard charges take a default charge and assign it to a facility (or facility type, center or site) to define how it is retrieved from the Charge Matrix when a permit is created. 


All applicable fees will be charged cumulatively when creating a permit.

Go to section

Charge For

Primary Charge

General Information

Selection Criteria

Fee Information

Discount Information

Tax Information

Age Qualification

Alternate Key Qualification

Online Settings

Custom Question

Scheduled Fee Change


Stage Sequence Information


Many of the details about charges need to be pre-defined in the default charges. This includes defining the specific months, days and times when each charge is applicable, the attendance range required to apply the charge, or the activation range (number of hours or days) required prior to applying the charge. 


If you are not using these features, your default charge may be as simple as a charge named 'Rental'. However, your default charges can be quite complex, for example:

Rental - Off season, anytime, att>100, first 2hrs

Rental - Off season, anytime, att<99, first 2hrs

Rental - Off season, anytime, all att, add hrs

Rental - Mid season, anytime, att>100, first 2hrs

Rental - Mid season, anytime, att<99, first 2hrs

Rental - Mid season, anytime, all att, add hrs

Rental - Peak season, Prime, att>100, first 2hrs

Rental - Peak season, Prime, att>100, add hrs

Rental - Peak season, Prime, att<99, first 2hrs

Rental - Peak season, Prime, att<99, add hrs

Rental - Peak season, Non-prime, att>100, first 2hrs

Rental - Peak season, Non-prime, att>100, add hrs

Rental - Peak season, Non-prime, att<99, first 2hrs

Rental - Peak season, Non-prime, att<99, add hrs


These default charges are then selected when creating standard charges (Charge description field) and modified for the particular customer type and facility (or facility type, center or site).

Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up standard charges within the Charge Matrix, the following data points must be configured:

Default Charges

Customer Types



Facility Types


Event Types

GL Accounts

Stage Sequences

Custom lists

Where are they found?

    1. Select the Administration tab.

    2. Select the following menu links: Facility Settings > Charge matrix.

    3. Search for and select the desired standard charge or select the New Standard Charge link to add a new standard charge.

How are charges added or modified?

To add

From the Charge Matrix Search page (or the Charge Matrix List page), clicking the New Standard Charge link (or the Add New button) will open the Change Standard Charge page, allowing you to create the details for a new record.


To modify

From the Charge Matrix List page, clicking a standard charge Description displays the Change Standard Charge page, allowing you to change details as necessary.


The Change Standard Charge page contains the fields defined below, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Charge For

Charge is for

Radio button

Specify whether the charge is intended for bookable equipment or lendable equipment.

Primary Charge

Charge Name

Dropdown list

The name of the primary charge to attach to this fee, as selected from a predefined list of charges.


General Information

Charge Type

Dropdown list

Type of fee, as selected from a predefined list.


The options are Fee or Discount.

Selection Criteria

Note: You can choose ONE of Center, Facility/Equipment, Facility/Equipment Type, or Site OR both Facility/Equipment Type and Site.

Customer Type Dropdown list

The customer type attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.



Dropdown list

The instructor attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.


Dropdown list

The center attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.

Equipment / Facility Dropdown list The equipment or facility attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.

Equipment / Facility Package

Dropdown list

The equipment or facility package attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.

Equipment / Facility Category

Dropdown list

The equipment or facility category attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.

Equipment  / Facility Type*

Dropdown list

The equipment or facility type attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.

Site* Dropdown list The site attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.
Event Type Dropdown list The event type attached to this charge, as selected from a predefined list.
Prefill Condition Dropdown list The condition under which this field should be automatically charged, as selected from the following options:
  • Never

  • Always

  • If Resident

  • If Non-resident

  • If Minor

  • If Senior

  • If Internet (transaction is on the customer site)

  • If Member

  • If Non-member


The prefill condition is applied as follows:

  • If the prefill condition is met then the fee will automatically be charged.

  • If the prefill condition is not met, or if the prefill condition is Never, then the fee will not be automatically charged but can be selected from the list.

  • All fees with applicable prefill conditions will be charged (fort example: if customer is both a member and a resident, all fees with either condition will be charged).

This option only affects activity or daycare program charges.

Fee Information

These fields will appear if Fee is selected as the charge type.

G/L Account Dropdown list The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee will go.
If a default G/L account was selected when creating the charge record, this field will be pre-filled with that account but it can be changed as necessary.
Required (if charge is not a discount).
Default Fee Numeric The amount of this fee.
If a default amount was entered when creating the charge record, this field will default to that amount but it can be changed as necessary.
Note that this is an optional field, therefore the fee can be a zero dollar value if desired for tracking purposes.
Holiday Rates Numeric Specify the fee to charge instead of the default fee if the charge is for a skip date that applies to this resource and if this resource has enabled holiday rates.
Note: If you leave the holiday rate blank then this charge will not be applied on skip dates.
Unit of Measure Dropdown list The measure by which this fee is charged, as selected from the following options:
  • Each: The fee is charged per permit.

  • Per Hour: The fee is charged once for each hour included in the permit.

  • Per Day: The fee is charged once for every day (unless there are multiple bookings in a day in which case the fee will be charged multiple times). A day will be calculated as a 24 hour period or as midnight to midnight depending on the setting on the Facility Configuration page.

  • Per Week: The fee is charged once for every calendar week included in the permit regardless of the number of days reserved (Sunday through Saturday).

  • Per Month: The fee is charged once for every calendar month included in the permit regardless of the number of days reserved.

  • Per Class: The fee is charged once for every booking in the permit.

  • Per Person: The fee is charged for every person attending the booking in the permit.

Required. Default is Each.
Default Quantity


The default quantity only affects the fee if the unit of measure is each


Other units of measure are calculated based on the bookings in the permit.


The default quantity determines the number of times this fee will be charged per permit. 


The quantity can be changed at the time of creating the permit.


This is particularly useful for additional charges that may be added. For example: You may offer catering at a rate of $20 per person and want to allow the user to change the quantity of this charge at the time of permit creation.

Charge once per permit?


Option to charge this fee only once per permit even if there are other facilities booked in this same permit that charges the same fee.



Option to determine if discounts may be applied to this fee.

Extra Booking Fee?


To allow users to apply extra booking fees when making a rental through the staff site, select this option.


You can set a specific date and time range for the extra booking fees, and they are included in the Permit Extra Booking Fees report.

Charge is a deposit?


Option to make this charge a security deposit.     


At the time of permit creation, deposits can be collected prior to the rest of the fees.


Deposits and refunded deposits will also be listed separately for the permit financials.

Is a Claim Charge?


Option to specify that this charge can be paid for using a permit deposit.  


Use a claim charge to charge customers for damages to facilities or equipment that are deducted from the customer's damage deposit.

Discount Information

These fields will appear if Discount is selected as the charge type.

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee will go.


If a default G/L account was selected when creating the charge record, this field will be pre-filled with that account but it can be changed as necessary.

Required (if charge is not a discount).

Discount Type

Dropdown list

Select if this fee is set up to be a Fixed or Percentage discount.

Discount Percent


The percentage amount of the discount.

Fixed Amount


If the discount is a fixed amount, the number will automatically be entered in this field.

Holiday Rates


Specify the amount or percentage to discount instead of the default amount if the charge is for a skip date that applies to this resource and if this resource has enabled holiday rates.
Note: If you leave the holiday rate blank then this discount will not be applied on skip dates.

Unit of Measure


The measure by which this fee is charged, as selected from the following options:

  • Each: The fee is charged per permit.

  • Per Hour: The fee is charged once for each hour included in the permit.

  • Per Day: The fee is charged once for every day (unless there are multiple bookings in a day in which case the fee will be charged multiple times). A day will be calculated as a 24 hour period or as midnight to midnight depending on the setting in the Facility Configuration page.

  • Per Week: The fee is charged once for every calendar week included in the permit regardless of the number of days reserved (Sunday through Saturday).

  • Per Month: The fee is charged once for every calendar month included in the permit regardless of the number of days reserved.

  • Per Class: The fee is charged once for every booking in the permit.

  • Per Person: The fee is charged for every person attending the booking in the permit.


Required. Default is Each.

Default Quantity


The default quantity only affects the fee if the unit of measure is each


Other units of measure are calculated based on the bookings in the permit.


The default quantity determines the number of times this fee will be charged per permit. 


The quantity can be changed at the time of creating the permit.


This is particularly useful for additional charges that may be added. For example: You may offer catering at a rate of $20 per person and want to allow the user to change the quantity of this charge at the time of permit creation.

Charge once per permit?


Option to charge this fee only once per permit even if there are other equipment or facilities booked in this same permit that charges the same fee.

Tax Information



Option of which taxes (as defined in the site record) are applicable to be charged for this fee.

Age Qualification

Minimum Age Numeric The minimum registrant age required to be eligible for the fee.
If left at 0 or blank, there is no minimum age requirement.


This option only affects activity or daycare program charges.

Maximum Age Numeric The maximum registrant age required to be eligible for the fee.
If left at 0 or blank, there is no maximum age requirement.


This option only affects activity or daycare program charges.

Alternate Key Qualification

Alternate Key Type Hyperlink Only the customers with this alternate key type are qualified for the charge.
  1. Click the underlined Alternate Key Type link will pop-up the Alternate Key Type List window.

  2. Select one or more items to the Alternate Key Type list box or click the Add All Selected button for batch selection.

  3. Click the Done button to finish the selection.


Click the Remove button to remove the selected items in the list box.


You can go to the Alternate Key Type page to learn more about the alternate key types.

Alternate Key Status Hyperlink Only the customers with this alternate key status are qualified for the charge.
  1. Click the underlined Alternate Key Status link will pop-up the Alternate Key Status List window.

  2. Select one or more items to the Alternate Key Status list box or click the Add All Selected button for batch selection.

  3. Click the Done button to finish the selection.


Click the Remove button to remove the selected items in the list box.


You can go to the Alternate Key Status page to learn more about the alternate key status.

Note: If multiple alternate key types and alternate key statuses are specified, the customers who match only one of the conditions will qualify for the charge.

Online Settings

(The Prefill Condition must always be set to Never and the unit of measure must be set to Each to use Online Settings.)

Online Question


Question to ask on the customer (public access) site to determine if this charge (or discount) should apply to the reservation.


This question will be displayed along with a checkbox for the customer to select, therefore this question should be worded appropriately.

Activation Code


Password required to activate this charge (or discount) on the customer (public access) site.


For example: Members may be eligible for a special price, and may be given the activation code to take advantage of this price.

Allow Qty to be selected online


Option to allow renters on the customer site to select how many units of the fee to include in the charge.

Minimum Qty allowed


Minimum number of units of the fee required to qualify for the charge. 

Maximum Qty allowed


Maximum number of units of the fee allowed to qualify for the charge. 

Custom Question

Question Title

Dropdown list

Title of the custom question.

Default: Blank



It displays the question details.


Drop down list

Radio button


List Box

It displays answers configured for the question and allow user to specify the answers.

Scheduled Fee Change

Charge the scheduled fee by TRANSACTION date Radio button Select this option to apply scheduled fees by the date on which a booking is made.
Charge the scheduled fee by BOOKING date Radio button Select this option to apply scheduled fees by the starting date on which the booked resource will be used.
Effective Date Date Start date when the new fee amount will be applied, entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.

Charge Amount

Numeric New amount of the fee that is scheduled to replace the current fee.

Add new

Link Click this link to add another fee change.


Link Click this link to delete the corresponding fee change.


Activation Date Date

Date when the fee will be in effect; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.

Expiration Date Date Date when the fee will no longer be in effect; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.

Stage Sequence Information

Stage Sequence

Dropdown list

The approval stage sequence assigned to this fee.  


This determines which stages are assigned to any permit where this fee is applicable.

Permit level stage sequence

Option button

Choose this option to apply the charge to a single reservation request.


When you are reserving multiple facilities, use this option.

Facility level stage sequence

Option button

Choose this option to apply the charge to a facility.


When you are reserving one facility, use this option.