System users

System users are the staff who can log in to the admin site of ACTIVE Net.

Go to section


System User Profiles


Departments Security

Print Options

Override Banner Tabs Configurations

Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up system users, the following data points must be configured:


Accessing System Users

Click Administration > System Settings > System users.


Note: The System User List page is split into two sections: System User List and Active System User List. For simplicity, the Active System User List section contains administrator profiles for Active staff, and is separated from the profiles you create in the System User List section. By default, the Active System User List is collapsed.

Sorting the List

Batch updating email addresses and mobile phone numbers

To prepare for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) when signing into ACTIVENet, every system user must have either an email address or mobile phone number (or both) to which sign-in verification codes can be sent.


System Administrators can batch upload system users' email addresses and mobile phone numbers as follows:


    1. Click the Administration > System Settings > System users > Batch upload emails/mobile phone numbers link.

    2. Download a CSV file listing all (except retired) system users, email addresses and mobile phone numbers by clicking the Download system users file link.

    3. Open the downloaded CSV file in a spreadsheet application and add or edit email addresses and mobile phone numbers for each system user.

    4. Click the Choose file button and select the updated CSV file.

    5. Click the Submit button.

Adding System Users

From the System User List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change System User page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify a system user record

From the System User List page, click an underlined user Name to display the Change System User page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change System User page are the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:


Note: * indicates a required field:

Name of Field Type Description


First Name* Text

The first name of the user.


Last Name* Text The last name of the user.

Employee ID


Enter the employee ID number for this staff member. See also Employee ID.

Login Name*


The login name (up to 50 characters) this user will use when connecting to the admin (staff) site.


Password* Text Password to connect to the admin site (restrictions may apply depending on setting in the General Configuration page).
A password strength indicator will also be displayed.
As the password in entered, the strength is indicated by the bars turning from red to green.
At least 2 bars are required for the password to be valid.
Re-enter Password* Text Re-entry of password for verification purposes.
Password Never Expires? Checkbox Select whether the login and password for this user will expire or not:
  • To have the user's login and password never expire, select this checkbox.

  • To have the user's login and password expire after a set period of time, clear this checkbox.

Note: Set login and password expiration time periods for all users using the Login Expire Months and Password Change Months values in the Password Security section. These settings apply when the Password Never Expire checkbox is not selected.

Email* E-mail E-mail address of the user.
This address will be used to receive verification codes for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) during sign in, and to automatically send email notifications of registrations or permits requiring approval.
Mobile Phone Number Number Mobile phone number of the user.
This mobile phone number will be used to receive verification codes for Multi-Factor Authentication  (MFA) during sign in,
Site* Checkbox Sites which the system user is allowed to access.


Checked the All Sites check box to allow the user to access all sites.


Uncheck the All Sites check box to select one or more sites for the user to access. Multi-select the site(s) from the Available box and click the » button to add the selected sites to the Selected box.

Receive Email for New Accounts Created on Public Pages?


Option to allow the user to receive email notifications when an account is created on the customer (public access) site.


Note: The Online user setup: Must be approved by staff? option and the Online user setup: Is only activated after user completes email validation? option on the Online Configuration page must be OFF for the user to receive these email notifications.

System Admin?


Option to designate the user as a System Admin regardless of user profile.


A system admin is given all system options and permissions, and will be automatically given all new system options as they are added to the system.

Permit Administrator?


Option to specify that this user can be linked to permits as an administrator.


If this option is selected, this user can be assigned to a permit as the staff representative who is primarily responsible for communication with the permit's customers.

Prevent further Use? Checkbox Option to retire user record so that the user can no longer log in to the admin site.
Commission Scheme Dropdown list Select a commission scheme from the dropdown list and the system users will be assigned the selected commission scheme.



  1. If you select None from the dropdown list, the system user will not be assigned the commission scheme.

  2. This setting is used to override the setting at system user profile level.

Customer Record View Type Dropdown list Select the default view for the Customer page for this user:

System User Profiles

Primary Profile

Dropdown list

The main security profile assigned to this user, as selected from a predefined list.
A user's security profile defines which system options and functions the user will have access to.

Additional User Authority Profiles


Move any other security profiles that apply to this user to the Selected Profiles box.


If any of a user's profiles (including the Primary Profile) grants a particular permission, then the user will have that permission no matter what other profiles the user might have.


For example: If a user has the "Admin" profile which includes access to the Administration - System Settings option, and they also have the "Front Counter" profile which does not include this access, then the user will be able to access Administration > System Settings.


Customer Record View Type

Dropdown list

Select the type of layout to display when this user views customer records.

Enhanced Customer View Layout

Dropdown list

Select the type of enhanced customer view layout to display for this user.


To edit the layouts in this list, go to Administration > Population Settings > Configuration > Layout section. See Configuring enhanced customer account view.


Note: This option is only available if you have selected Use Enhanced Customer View as the Customer Record View Type above.

Departments security

All Departments?


To give the user access to all organization departments, select this option.

Assign specific departments to system user


Note: To see this function, you must uncheck All Departments?


To assign access to one or more departments to the user, use this function.


In the Available box, select departments, and click >> to move them to the Selected box.

Print Options

Auto-print Receipts

Dropdown list

Select whether or not to automatically print receipts for this user's transactions.

Auto-print Permits Dropdown list Select whether or not to automatically print permits for this user's reservations.


The Override Banner Tabs fields contain the following fields with the option to Save at the bottom of the page. System users can override changes made on the Change Banner page and customize their setting to suit their needs.

Name of Field



Override Banner Tab Configuration



Select this button to make this menu item the default wording.


The next time that you log in to ACTIVE Net, this new banner name will be selected and the associated page will be loaded.

Menu Item

Dropdown list

Option to choose from the possible menu items as selected from a predefined list.


The menu item selected will display in the banner tab and the associated page will appear when you click on this tab.

Customized Label


Option to further customize the label of the selected tab.

Related topics

Overview of system user functionality