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Creating an email

For each email message, you can specify a list of recipients based on certain criteria. You can also apply visual and message templates.

  1. Click the Communications tab, and then click Create an email .
  2. In the From name box, enter a name if you don't want to use the default name displayed.
  3. Click Select, and then select recipient lists.
  4. In the Subject box, enter your email subject.
  5. Enter your email message. If you want, format it using the rich text editor.
  6. (Optional) Apply a visual template.
  7. (Optional) Choose a message template and revise it as desired.
  8. (Optional) Add a logo to your email.
  9. (Optional) Add a register button to your email.
  10. (Optional) Schedule your email to be sent automatically at a future date and time.
  11. Enter a description. This description can be used for searching your email.
  12. Click Send or Save as draft.