Adding or modifying a standard facility, equipment, or instructor charge

Standard charges link a default charge to a specific facility, equipment, or instructor record (or facility type, center or site) and define how it is retrieved from the Charge Matrix when a permit is created.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Choose one of the following:

        1. Search for the facility, equipment, or instructor charge.

        2. Click the charge Name.

    3. For an equipment charge, specify whether the charge is for Bookable Equipment or Lendable Equipment in the Charge For section.

    4. Enter the Charge Name in the Primary Charge section.

    5. Specify whether the charge is a Fee or Discount in the General Information section, if applicable.

    6. Select the Customer Type, Facility/Equipment/Instructor, Site, Event Type, and/or other information in the Selection Criteria section.

Note: You can choose either ONE of Center, Facility/Equipment, Facility/Equipment Type, or Site OR both Facility/Equipment Type and Site. For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Select the taxes that apply to the charge in the Tax Information section.

    3. Enter the Minimum and Maximum Age for activity or daycare program registrants required to be eligible for the fee in the Age Qualification section, if applicable..

Note: Leave the ages at 0 or blank if there is no age requirement.

    1. To specify that customers require a specific alternate key type and/or status to qualify for the charge, fill in the Alternate Key Qualification section, if applicable.

    2. If the charge is never applied automatically, specify the question that must be asked online and/or the Activation Code that must be entered in order to activate the charge online in the Online Settings section, if applicable.

    3. Select custom questions and answers the charge will be in effect in the Custom Question section, if applicable.

    4. In the Scheduled Fee Change section, select if scheduled fee changes are by the:

then select an Effective Date and enter the corresponding Charge Amount which will take effect on that date. To add another fee change, click Add New.

    1. Enter the dates the charge will be in effect in the Dates section, if applicable.

    2. To assign a specific stage sequence to reservations using this fee, select it in the Stage Sequence Information section, if applicable.

    3. Click Save.

Related topics

Updating fee amounts in a batch

Using the facility/equipment/instructor charge matrix

Adding a facility or equipment record

Overview of facilities


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