Configuring discounts, coupons and scholarships

Discounts are applied either automatically or by virtue of certain criteria being met such as holding a membership or being a resident. Scholarships operate very similarly to discounts except that they are drawn from a set pool of funds (this fund can be replenished by donation campaigns). Finally, coupons provide the ability to apply discounts by virtue of redeeming them by entering a code. Hence, coupons and discounts are promotional tools.

Creating a discount template

    1. Discount templates are created in Administration > Financial Settings > Charges. For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

    2. For the Charge Type, select Discount.

    3. Select Allow Override settings to control how the discount, fee or scholarship may be applied:

Creating a scholarship template

Scholarships can only be used with activity records. When you use scholarships, set the associated fees as Discountable so that you can apply a scholarship against them.

Scholarship templates are created in Administration > Financial Settings > Charges. For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Applying discounts to activity records

After creating an activity, use the Change Fees section to apply the templates created earlier to the activity record.


    1. Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Activities.

    2. On the Activity Functions page, click Change Fees.

    3. When you select the template from a list, some of the fields are automatically populated.

    4. Fee Order influences where the fee appears in the list of fees.

    5. In the Member-qualifying criteria, select the specific packages (or categories) to determine the qualifying criteria for the discount.

    6. Different Prefill Conditions allow you to select different options in this section.

    7. The Online Settings may only be used if the Prefill Condition is set to Never.

Configuring coupons

Coupons allow customers to get a discount. Coupons are used as promotions for marketing campaigns. Tracking the number of coupons used provides data showing the effectiveness of a campaign.  Coupons encourage participation in a campaign and define qualifying criteria for customer types, customers, and/or organizations. Coupons may be created individually or in batches.


    1. Create a discount template (see above) before creating the coupon. For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

    2. Give the coupon a name, a code, and a description.

    3. Specify an amount for the coupon to associate it with a discount template, so that you can track it on the discounts report.

    4. Specify when the coupon can be redeemed or if it can be reused.

    5. Enter the information for qualifying activities and qualifying customers and companies to set additional criteria.  

    6. Click Save.

Related topics

Creating or modifying a coupon

Creating a batch of coupons

Financial reports


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