Adding or modifying a POS/equipment lending button layout

To change the buttons that appear on the screen when selling POS items or lending equipment, modifying your button layout. You can have multiple POS/equipment lending layouts; you can also have a primary layout that links to one or more additional layouts.


Specify a default layout for all users on the POS Configuration page or specify custom layouts for individual sites or workstations.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Choose one or more of the following:

    3. To modify the buttons of a new or existing layout, click Buttons for the layout that you want to modify.

    4. To add a function to a blank button or to modify the function of an existing button, click the button that you want to modify.

    5. Select a type of button from the Button Type list:

    6. Enter caption and color information for this button in the Button Appearance section.

    7. Click Save.

    8. Click Done.

    Related topics

    Creating or modifying a button layout for an equipment lending station

    Adding or modifying a POS product

    Adding or modifying equipment


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