Global discounts list

This page allows you to create or modify global discounts.


Note that if you arrive at this page via the Specify Qualifying Items link on the Charge List page, the following fields will be updated to default based on the selected charge type:

Go to section


Discount - Amount

Discount - Prefill

Qualifies for Multi-person Registration

Qualifying Activities

Qualifies for Multi-activity Registration

Qualifying Programs

Qualifies for Multi-session Registration

Qualifying Memberships

Qualifying Products



Administration > Financial Settings > Global Discounts

Adding and Modifying

To add

From the Global Discount List page, clicking Add New brings you to the Change Global Discount page, allowing you to create a new record.


To modify

From the Global Discount page, clicking a discount Name link displays the Global Discount page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Global Discount page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Discount Name Text

Name of the global discount.


Dropdown list

Charge that the global discount is attached to, as selected from a predefined list.


Note: Except for If Member and If Non-member, prefill conditions are not applied for charges used for global discounts on the staff site.

G/L Account Dropdown list General ledger (GL) account where the global discount will be credited.

Discount Order



Discount Group Number


Enter a discount group number in this text box.


(The group number should be any positive integer from 0 to 1000 and must be a whole number.)


The discounts attached the same group number will be treated as in a same discount group.



Select this option if retired global discounts should be included in the list of returned global discounts.


Retired global discounts are discounts that are flagged not to show up in the returned list of discounts.

Exclude other discounts in same group number?


Select this checkbox to prevent combining the discount or scholarship with other discounts or scholarships in the same group number.

Discount - Amount

Discount Type

Dropdown list

The discount type, as selected from either Fixed Discount or Percentage Discount.


Note: For percentage discounts, you must specify a G/L account. For fixed discounts, a G/L account is optional.

Discount Amount


The discount amount attached to the global discount.


Note: Required if Fixed Amount is selected as Discount Type.

Discount Percent


The discount percentage attached to the global discount.


Note: Required if Percentage Discount is selected as Discount Type.

Discount - Prefill

Prefill Condition (Override) Dropdown list Select the condition where a global discount is automatically applied:
  • Never: The global discount is not applied automatically, unless manually selected.

  • Always: The global discount is always applied automatically, unless deselected.

  • If Resident: The global discount is applied automatically if the customer is a resident.

  • If Non-resident: The global discount is applied automatically if the customer is a non-resident.

  • If Minor: The global discount is applied automatically if the customer's age is less than or equal to the minor age configured in the system.

  • If Senior: The global discount is applied automatically if the customer age is greater than or equal to the senior age configured in the system.

  • If Internet: The global discount is applied automatically if the transaction is performed on the customer (public access) site.

  • If Member: Selecting this option will display the Specific packages and Specific package categories list boxes. Then you can:

    • Click the Add packages/Add package categories link to add packages/package categories to the list box.

    • Click the Remove selected package(s)/Remove selected package categories link to remove packages/package categories  from the list box.

    The global discount is applied automatically if the customer has a membership belongs to the specific packages or packages categories that you added in the list boxes.

  • If Non-member: The global discount is applied automatically if the customer does not have any membership package.



Qualifies for Multi-person Registration

Minimum people


The minimum number of people that must be registered in order to be eligible for the multi-person global discount.

Maximum people


The maximum number of people that must be registered in order to be eligible for the global discount.


If the number of people is outside of the range, then the multi-person global discount will not apply.

Applies to all registrants up to max? (Otherwise applies to min - max only).


If this checkbox is selected, the global discount will be applied to each registrant used to reach the Minimum people and up to the Maximum people.


For example: if the Minimum people is set to 2 and the Maximum people is set to 4, and 5 people were registered, the global discount will be applied to persons 1 to 4 but not 5.


If this checkbox is not selected, the global discount is only applied to the Minimum people to Maximum people registrants.


For example: if the Minimum people is set to 2 and the Maximum people is set to 4, and 5 people are registered, the global discount will be applied to persons 2 to 4 but not 1 or 5.

Qualifying Activities

Activity Site


Link to the Site Search page where activity sites for which the global discount is valid can be selected.

To remove an activity site from the list, select the activity site and then click the Remove button.



Link to the Activity Search page where activities for which the global discount is valid can be selected.


To remove an activity from the list, select the activity and then click the Remove button.

Activity Department


Link to the Activity Department page where activities for which the global discount is valid can be selected.


To remove an activity from the list,  select the activity and then click the Remove button.

Activity Category


Link to the Activity Category page where categories for which the global discount is valid can be selected.


To remove an activity from the list, select the activity and then click the Remove button.

Activity Other Category


Link to the Activity Other Category page where 'other categories' for which the global discount is valid can be selected.


To remove an activity from the list, select the activity and then click the Remove button.

Activity Group Number


The number of activities (outside of the activity where the multi-person discount is defined) whose enrollments contribute to the defining activity’s global discount.


Customers registered in activities (other than the activity where the multi-person discount is defined) will only receive a global discount if their activity also has a multi-person discount attached.


Note that the Activity Group Match Characters setting on the Registration Settings - Configuration page must be set at '0' for this feature to be enabled.

Any Activity?


If this option is selected, all activities will qualify for the discount.


If this option is deselected, only the specified activities will qualify for the global discount.

Qualifies for Multi-activity Registration

Minimum activities


The minimum number of activities that must be enrolled in on one receipt to be eligible for the global discount.

Maximum activities


The maximum number of activities that must be enrolled in on one receipt to be eligible for the global discount.

Applies to all registrants up to max? (Otherwise applies to min - max only).



If this checkbox is selected, the fee will be applied to each enrollment used to reach Minimum activities and up to Maximum activities.


For example: if the Minimum activities is set to 2 and the Maximum activities is set to 4, and 5 activities were enrolled in, the global discount will be applied to activities 1 to 4 but not 5.


If this checkbox is not selected, the fee is only applied to the Minimum activities to Maximum activities enrollments.


For example: if the Minimum activities is set to 2 and the Maximum activities is set to 4, and 5 activities were enrolled in, the fee would be applied to activities 2 to 4 but not 1 or 5.

Qualifying Programs



Link to the Program Search page where programs for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a program from the list, select the program and then click the Remove button.

Program Type


Link to the Program Types page where program types for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a program from the list, select the program and then click the Remove button.

Program Group Number


The number of programs (outside of the program where the multi-person discount is defined) whose enrollments contribute to the defining activity’s global discount.


Customers registered in programs (other than the program where the multi-person discount is defined) will only receive a global discount if their program also has a multi-person discount attached.


Note that the Activity Group Match Characters setting on the Registration Settings - Configuration page must be set at '0' for this feature to be enabled.

Any Program?


If this option is selected, all programs will qualify for the global discount.


If this option is deselected, only the specified programs will qualify for the discount.

Apply to Original Enrollment Only?


This option is used to control whether to apply the global discounts only to a customer's original enrollment or not:

  • If you select this checkbox, the discount will only be applied to the original enrollment. (i.e. when the customer enrolls in the program again, he/she does not receive the discount.)

  • If you unselect this checkbox, the discount will be applied to the enrollment whether it is the original enrollment or not.

Qualifies for Multi-session Registration

Minimum sessions


The minimum number of sessions that the customer must have selected in this program for this discount to be charged.

Maximum sessions


The maximum number of sessions that the customer can have selected in this program for this fee to be charged.

Concurrent sessions?


Select this checkbox if the customer is enrolled in concurrent sessions and the discount is to apply to multi-sessions.


For example: both before school and after school daycare sessions.

Qualifying Memberships



Link to the Package Search page where packages for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a package from the list, select the program and then click the Remove button.

Package Category


Link to the Package Category Search page where package categories for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a package category from the list, select the package category and then click the Remove button.

Any Package?


If this option is selected, all packages will qualify for the global discount.


If this option is deselected, only the specified packages will qualify for the discount.

Qualifying Products

POS Product


Link to the POS Product page where products for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a product from the list, select the product and then click the Remove button.

Product Department


Link to the Product Department page where product departments for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a product department from the list, select the product and then click the Remove button.

Product Class


Link to the Product Class page where product classes for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a product class from the list, select the product class and then click the Remove button.

Product Subclass


Link to the Product Subclass page where product subclasses for which the discount is valid can be selected.


To remove a product subclass from the list, select the product subclass and then click the Remove button.

Any Product?


If this option is selected, then all products will qualify for the global discount.


If this option is deselected, then only the specified products will qualify for the global discount.


Activation Date


Date when the global discount will be in effect; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.

Expiration date



Date when the global discount will no longer be in effect; entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.