Adding or modifying a department

Use the Change Department page to create or modify organization departments which can be used to classify and group activities.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Choose one of the following:

Note: To specify the holidays and other facility closed dates for a department, click Skip Dates for the department listed.

    1. Enter the department Name.

    2. Select the Default Income GL Account and Default Expense GL Account for the department.

Note: The income and expense GL accounts for a department override income and expense GL accounts set at the activity fee level.

    1. To retire the department record so that it no longer appears in the list of available departments, click Prevent Further Use?

    2. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Creating a new activity

Adding or modifying a facility

Adding or modifying a daycare program

Adding or modifying a center

Adding or modifying a site


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