Daycare program fees

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Primary Charge

General Information

Fee Information

Fee Splits

Discount Information

Scholarship/Financial Aid Information

Tax Information

Multi-person Qualifications

Session Bookings Per Billing Unit Qualifications

Per Week Qualifications

Multi-week Qualifications

Per Month Qualifications

Age Qualifications

Session Qualifications

Alternate Key Qualification

Scheduled Fee Change

Date Range

About Daycare Program Fees

Daycare program fees are charges that have been set up in the system and then are attached to specific daycare programs. A program can have multiple charges (including discounts) attached.


You can also set up multi-session discounts to span separate programs. The Qualifies for Multi-session Registration fields on the Change Global Discount page needs to be filled in for this option to be enabled.


Note that multi-session global discounts only apply to items on the same receipt.


Although there are a number of options for Unit of Measure that you can use when maintaining daycare program fees, there are some best practices to keep in mind when setting up fees:

Your fee configuration affects the registration screen for the program:

Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up daycare program fees, configure the following:


GL Accounts

Daycare Programs


Administration > Daycare Settings > Programs > [select daycare program] > Change Fees

Adding and Modifying Fees

To add

From the Daycare Program Fees page, click Add New to display the Change Daycare Program Fee Detail page.


To modify

From the Daycare Program Fees list page, click an underlined Fee Description to display the Change Daycare Program Fee Detail page.


The followowing options are included on the Change Daycare Program Fee Detail page:

Name of Field Type Description

Primary Charge

Charge Name

Dropdown list

The name of the charge to attach to this program.


General Information

Charge Name


The name of the program as it appears when selling or reporting on programs. 


Refer to Program Charges to see best practices for activities and programs

Charge Type


The type of the charge.


The options are:

  • Fee - This fee is charged to the customer.

  • Discount - Indicates this is a discount that can be applied to fees.

Allow Override

Dropdown list

The option to permit a user to change the amount of this fee at the time of sale, and whether or not this is based on their login permissions.


Prefill Condition

Dropdown list

The condition under which this field should be automatically charged:

  • If the prefill condition is met then the fee is automatically charged. For example: If the prefill condition is resident and the customer is a resident.

  • If the prefill condition is not met, or if the prefill condition is never, then the fee is not automatically charged but can be selected from the list.

  • All fees with applicable prefill conditions are charged. For example: If the prefill condition on one fee is resident and the prefill condition on another fee is member and the customer is a resident member.

Customer Type

Dropdown list

Customer type under which the customer is classified.


This determines the charges applied for facility reservations, as set in the Charge Matrix.


You can specify the default customer type at System Settings > General.

Fee Order


The rank defining where this fee appears in the list of charges.


In cases where multiple fees apply to a program, agencies often wish to have the most commonly used fee appear first in the list.


Required, is automatically populated with the next available number.

Prorate Fees


The option to prorate daycare registration fees based on registration dates and sessions. For example: a customer who registers half way through a session only pays a prorated amount that is reduced to represent the remaining hours in the session.


You can prorate fees for past dates or all dates (this includes prorating for future months).

Charge Description


Description of the charge.

Primary Fee?


Option to make this fee a standard fee for the program.


Primary fees are displayed on the customer (public access) site as the standard fee.

Apply to Original Enrollment Only?


Use this option to control whether or not to apply the program fee/discount to a customer's original enrollment:

  • If you select this checkbox, the fee/discount is only applied to the original enrollment (i.e. when the customer enrolls in the program again, he/she no longer receives the discount).

  • If you clear this checkbox, the fee/discount is applied to the enrollment whether it is the original enrollment or not.

Fee Information

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee goes.


This field defaults to:

  • The G/L account from the activity category attached to the daycare program.

  • The G/L account from the charge record if there was no G/L account in the activity category (or if no activity category is attached to the daycare program).


Required (if charge is not a discount).

Fee Amount


Enter the amount of this fee.


If a default amount was entered when creating the charge record, this field defaults to that amount but it can be changed as necessary.


Note that this is an optional field, so it is possible to have a zero dollar fee for tracking purposes.

Unit of Measure

Dropdown list

The measure by which this fee is charged:


  • Each: The fee is charged by default once per registration. At the time of registration there is the option to charge this more than once per registration. This fee is cumulative with other fees.

  • Per Hour: The fee is charged once for each hour included in the registration. This fee is cumulative with other fees.

  • Per Day: The fee is charged once for every day selected. This fee is cumulative with other fees but can be configured using the 'per week qualification' below so that it is exclusive of the per Week fee.

  • Per Week: The fee is charged once for every calendar week included in the registration (Sunday through Saturday). This fee is cumulative with other fees but can be configured using the 'per week qualification' below so that it is exclusive of the per Day fee.

  • Per Month: The fee is charged once for every calendar month included in the registration

  • Per Session: The fee is charged once for every session (therefore if there is a session in the morning and a session in the afternoon this fee would be charge twice for the registration regardless of the number of days the person is registered for). This fee is cumulative with other fees.

  • Per Session per Reservation Unit: The fee is charged once for every session included in the reservation unit.

  • Per Person: The fee is charged for each person attending the daycare program. For multiple persons, total fee amount = default fee * number of attandants.

To check the methods for payment schedule calculation, click here.

Qualified for Session

Dropdown list

Select a session to apply the fee to. This is used for block pricing - for example, you can set morning sessions at a certain fee and evening sessions at a different fee.

Trial Class Fee?


If this checkbox is selected for the fee charge and attached to a program's fee charge structure, it is treated as the trial class fee and applied when a trial class is booked for that activity.



Option to determine if discounts may be applied to this fee.

Excluded from Payment Plans?


Option to exclude the fee fom payment plans.

One-time Fees?


Option to determine if this fee will be charged only once.



Option to configure a non-refundable FlexReg fee.

This Non-refundable check box can be enabled for fees in the 'Each', 'Per Person', 'Per Session' and 'Per Week' units of measure.

Fee Splits

You can split an membership package fee into up to five GL accounts.

G/L account

Dropdown list

The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee will go, as selected from a predefined list.



The percentage for each fee split

Discount Information

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee goes.

This field defaults to:

  • The G/L account from the activity category attached to the daycare program.

  • The G/L account from the charge record if there was no G/L account in the activity category (or if no activity category is attached to the daycare program).

Required (if charge is not a discount).

Discount Type

Dropdown list

Select a discount type if this fee is set up to be a discount rather than a charge:

  • If the discount is a fixed discount, the amount is automatically entered in the Fixed Amount field.

  • If the discount is a percentage discount, then you can enter the amount in the Discount Percent field.

Discount Percent


The discount percentage.

Fixed Amount


If the discount is a fixed amount, the amount is automatically entered in this field.

Unit of Measure

Dropdown list

The measure by which this discount is applied (The fixed discount calculation method is same as fee amount):


  • Each: The fee is charged by default once per registration. At the time of registration there is the option to charge this more than once per registration. This fee is cumulative with other fees.

  • Per Hour: The fee is charged once for each hour included in the registration. This fee is cumulative with other fees.

  • Per Day: The fee is charged once for every day selected. This fee is cumulative with other fees but can be configured using the 'per week qualification' below so that it is exclusive of the per Week fee.

  • Per Week: The fee is charged once for every calendar week included in the registration (Sunday through Saturday). This fee is cumulative with other fees but can be configured using the 'per week qualification' below so that it is exclusive of the per Day fee.

  • Per Month: The fee is charged once for every calendar month included in the registration

  • Per Session: The fee is charged once for every session (therefore if there is a session in the morning and a session in the afternoon this fee would be charge twice for the registration regardless of the number of days the person is registered for). This fee is cumulative with other fees.

  • Per Session per Reservation Unit: The fee is charged once for every session included in the reservation unit. 

  • Per Person: The fee is charged for each person attending the daycare program. For multiple persons, total fee amount = default fee * number of attandants.



Trial Class Discount?


If this checkbox is selected for the fee charge and attached to a program's fee charge structure, it is treated as the trial class fee and applied when a trial class is booked for that activity.

Scholarship/Financial Aid Information

G/L Account

Dropdown list

The general ledger account to which the revenue from this fee goes.


This field defaults to:

  • The G/L account from the activity category attached to the daycare program.

  • The G/L account from the charge record if there was no G/L account in the activity category (or if no activity category is attached to the daycare program).


Required (if charge is not a discount).

Discount Order


Order in which this discount is applied (default is 0, which applies this discount first).

Type of Scholarship/Financial Aid

Dropdown list

Select whether the discount is a fixed amount or a percentage discount.



The discount percentage.


Note: If the discount is a fixed amount discount the amount is entered in the Default Amount field.

Default Amount


If the discount is a fixed amount, the number is automatically entered in this field.

Unit of Measure

Dropdown list

Select whether the unit of measure is Each (default) or Per Day.

Trial Class Scholarships?


If this checkbox is selected for the fee charge and attached to a program's fee charge structure, it is treated as the trial class fee and applied when a trial class is booked for that activity.

Tax Information



Select the taxes that apply to this fee.

Multi-person Qualifications

To qualify for the multi-person fee, persons must be less than __ years old.


This maximum age for each program is configured on the Change Daycare Program page.

Minimum people


The minimum number of children that must be registered per family to be eligible for the fee.


In order to qualify, children must be registered in programs that meet the Activity Group Match Characters criteria.


To allow multi-person enrollment discounts to roll over to family members, enter in the Minimum People box the minimum number of family members who can enroll in programs of the same daycare category.


Note: The total number of family members who can enroll in programs of the same daycare category must be two or more.

Maximum people


The maximum number of children that can be registered per family with the multi-child fee.


Additional children are charged the standard fee.


In order to qualify, children must be registered in programs that meet the Activity Group Match Characters criteria.


To allow multi-person enrollment discounts to roll over to family members, enter in the Maximum People box the maximum number of family members who can enroll in programs of the same daycare category.

Applies to lower cost enrollment on current receipt?


When you apply a multi-person discount to multiple enrollments (e.g. multiple daycare programs), select this option to apply the discount to the cheapest enrollment.

Exclude enrollments more than _ months in the past


Enter a number in the Exclude enrollments more than _ months in the past box to exclude enrollments older than __ number of months.

Session Bookings Per Billing Unit Qualifications

Minimum Session Bookings


Set the minimum number of sessions within a block or billing unit (set to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly) that qualify for the fee.

Maximum Session Bookings


Set the maximum number of sessions within a block or billing unit (set to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly) that qualify for the fee.

Per Week Qualifications

* Although these options can be filled in anytime they are only relevant if per week or per day is selected as the unit of measure.

Minimum Days


The minimum number of days that must be selected in one week to be eligible for the per week fee.

Maximum Days


The maximum number of days that can be selected in one week to be eligible for the per week fee.

Multi-week Qualifications


Minimum weeks


The minimum number of weeks that must be selected to be eligible for the Multi-week fee.

Maximum weeks


The minimum number of weeks that must be selected to be eligible for the Multi-week fee.

Per Month Qualifications

Minimum Session Hours Per Week


The minimum number of session hours that must be selected in one month to be eligible for the per month fee.

Maximum Session Hours Per Week


The maximum number of session hours that must be selected in one month to be eligible for the per month fee.

Age Qualifications

Minimum Age


The minimum age that the children must be to be eligible for the program.

Maximum Age


The maximum age that the children must be to be eligible for the program.

Session Qualifications

Minimum sessions


The minimum number of sessions that the customer must have selected in this program for this fee to be charged.


For example: A program consists of 8 one-week sessions. Your agency offers a cheaper weekly fee for customers who register in 5 weeks or more. Therefore you can set up one fee that has a maximum sessions = 4 and another fee that has a minimum sessions = 5 to ensure the correct fee is charged.

Maximum sessions


The maximum number of sessions that the customer can have selected in this program for this fee to be charged.

Concurrent sessions?


Select this checkbox if the customer is enrolled in concurrent sessions and the discount is to apply to multi-sessions.


For example: both before school and after school daycare sessions.

Alternate Key Qualification

Use this section to select specific alternate key types and alternate key statuses that are available to a specific daycare program.


Customers who have these alternate keys (for example, student - part time/full time/alumni) qualify for certain fees for a specific daycare program.

Scheduled Fee Change

Effective Date Date Start date when the new fee amount will be applied, entered in month, day, year format or by clicking the icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.

Charge Amount

Numeric New amount of the fee that is scheduled to replace the current fee.

Date Range

Apply based on registration?


To have the fee apply based on when the customer registers, select this checkbox.


To have the fee apply based on the session dates, leave this box unchecked.

Activation Date


Date when the fee is in effect.

Expiration Date


Date when the fee is no longer in effect.



The payment schedule calculation depends on the combination of fee UOM (unit of measure) and payment cycle. There are two methods:


A daycare program enrollment can only be associated with one payment cycle.

A daycare program enrollment can be associated with more than one fee UOM.

If there are multiple fees with different fee UOMs attached to the program and  at least one of the fee UOM triggers the Evenly divided method, the payment plan calculation will be based on the Evenly divided method.




Payment Cycle

Weekly Monthly Every other week Every four weeks Twice a month Quarterly


Per hour Pro-rated Pro-rated Pro-rated Pro-rated Pro-rated Pro-rated
Per day Pro-rated Pro-rated Pro-rated Pro-rated Pro-rated Pro-rated
Per week Pro-rated Evenly divided Pro-rated Pro-rated Evenly divided Evenly divided
Per month Evenly divided Pro-rated Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided Pro-rated
Per session Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided
Per person Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided Evenly divided