
Workstations identify the logical or physical location of transactions in ACTIVE Net and are used for auditing and reporting purposes.


Select a workstation when you log in to ACTIVE Net. Since a workstation typically reflects the physical computer itself, part-time users who share a computer may log in to the same workstation.

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Equipment Lending


Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up workstations, the following data points must be configured:


Workstation Groups


The following data points are also needed to finish configuring workstations, although they may be added at a later date:


Facility Group

Entry Points

POS/Equipment Lending Layouts

POS Control Codes

Accessing Workstations

Click Administration > System Settings > Workstations.

Sorting the List

Adding Workstations

Modifying Workstations

From the Workstation List page, clicking an underlined workstation Name displays the Change Workstation Detail page, allowing you to make any necessary changes.


On the Change Workstation Detail page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description


Name Text

The name of the workstation.


The recommendation is that workstations are named for the physical computer that will be used.


For example, your Front Counter computers may be named: Front Desk 1, Front Desk 2 and Front Desk 3.


Site Dropdown list The name of the site (business area) where the workstation is located.
Center Dropdown list

The name of the center where the workstation belongs to.

If a site is selected, only active centers under the site are available.

If a center is selected, the facility list is automatically updated.

By default, it is blank.


Group Dropdown list The description of the workstation group, if applicable.
Facility Dropdown list The name of the facility, if applicable.
The facility identifies the physical location of the workstation.  
While the entry point identifies the facility valid for entering based on the membership package, the facility assignment identifies the actual location of the workstation.
Facility/Equipment Group

Dropdown list

The name of the facility or equipment group that Quick Reserve will default to when connected to this workstation.

Use scanning as primary customer search record


Option to use scanning as the primary way to search for a customer record.


Selecting this option will move the customer ID search to the top of the search page.

Prevent Further Use?


Option to retire the workstation so that it does not show up on the list of available workstations.


Using the dropdown lists, select which payment methods are allowed for this particular workstation:

  • Allow payment with a Credit Memo?

  • Allow payment with Payment Plan?

  • Allow payment by Cash?

  • Allow cash refunds?

  • Allow payment by Electronic Check - staff?


Note: These settings override payment methods set on the Financial Configuration (system level) and site level.

Accept Encrypted Payments From

Dropdown list

To indicate that debit and credit cards on this workstation should be entered using an ACTIVE payment device, select PinPad Device Debit and Credit Cards.


Note: You will only see this option if your organization is licensed for debit card processing. Contact your ACTIVE Network account representative for more information about obtaining this license.


To indicate that all credit card numbers on this workstation should be entered using an encrypted MagneSafe device, select Magnesafe Device Credit Cards.


To learn more about taking payments using an encrypted MagneSafe device, click here.


To leave credit card processing unchanged, leave this option blank.

MagneSafe™ Device Type Dropdown list

Select the type of MagenSafe scanner that you will use at this workstation.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected to Accept Encrypted Payments From > Magnesafe Device Credit Cards.

Enable MagneSafe™ Service for all supported browsers


To use MagneSafe MagTek devices on all supported web browsers via the Work Station Service (WSS), select this checkbox.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected to Accept Encrypted Payments From > Magnesafe Device Credit Cards.

MagneSafe™ Service Port Numeric

Enter the service port number for the MagneSafe™ device.


To automatically fill in the correct port number, with the Work Station Service running, click the Populate Port automatically link.


If the Populate Port automatically function is unable to automatically determine the port number, then view instructions for manually determining the port number by clicking the Install MagneSafe™ Service link.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected the Enable MagneSafe™ Service for all supported browsers checkbox.

MagneSafe™ Service Timeout (seconds) Numeric

Enter the timeout period (in seconds).


It is recommended that this setting is left at the default value of 60 seconds.


Note: This option is only visible if you have selected the Enable MagneSafe™ Service for all supported browsers checkbox.

ACTIVE Payment Device - Setup and Troubleshooting Help Hyperlink

To see installation instructions for the ACTIVE payment device and to download a device driver, click this link.


For all workstations, Pinpad client logging is enabled by default. The Pinpad device help page > Troubleshooting section displays the log file path.

PinPad Device Interface Type Dropdown list

Select the type of pinpad device that you are using for card payments:

  • Moneris - Ingenico iPP320

  • Chase Paymentech EMV - Ingenico iPP320

  • Elavon - Ingenico - iPP320 or Lane/3000

  • Global Payments Portico - PAX (USB)

  • Global Payments Portico - PAX (TCP/IP)

  • Global Payments Portico - DataCap (Canada) - Verifone P400

  • Global Payments Portico / Chase Paymentech - DataCap (US) - Ingenico Lane/3000

  • Moneris Cloud - Verifone P400 (Canada only)

  • Moneris Go - Ingenico DX8000 Series

  • OpenEdge – Ingenico iPP320

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA - Verifone T650

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA (V2) - Verifone T650 (alternative to the Global Payments Portico - UPA - Verifone T650 option for new PinPad deployments or existing deployments exhibiting Unable to call pinpad (x.x.x.x:zzz)Unterinated string. Expected delimeter. " Path data payment", line 41 position 23 errors).


Note: This option is only available if you have selected to Accept Encrypted Payments From: PinPad Device Debit and Credit Cards above.

Pinpad Terminal Number / ID Text

Pinpad Terminal Number / ID.


Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type >:

  • Chase Paymentech EMV - Ingenico iPP320

  • Elavon - Ingenico - iPP320 or Lane/3000

  • Global Payments Portico - PAX (USB)

  • Global Payments Portico - PAX (TCP/IP)

  • Moneris Cloud – Verifone P400 (After configuring this field, pair the PinPad device with the Moneris Cloud by clicking the Pair / Unpair / Initialize PIN Pad with the Moneris Cloud link and following the pairing instructions.)

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA - Verifone T650

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA (V2) - Verifone T650

Pinpad Port Name Numeric

COM port used to connect to the payment device (e.g. COM4).


Note: Use the virtual COM port created by the device driver installation.

Pinpad Timeout (seconds) Numeric

Number of seconds that the payment device will wait for your customer to enter their PIN.


Default: 60


Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type >:

  • Moneris - Ingenico iPP320

  • Chase Paymentech EMV - Ingenico iPP320

  • Elavon - Ingenico - iPP320 or Lane/3000

  • Global Payments Portico - PAX (TCP/IP)

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA - Verifone T650

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA (V2) - Verifone T650

Pinpad Processing Timeout (seconds) Numeric

Number of seconds that the payment device will wait for the payment processor to respond before timing out.


Default: 60


Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type >:

  • Moneris - Ingenico iPP320

  • Chase Paymentech EMV - Ingenico iPP320

  • Elavon - Ingenico - iPP320 or Lane/3000

DataCap NETePay Server Text

Host address for DataCap NETePay Server running on the client network (or if running locally on the client workstation).


Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type > :

  • Global Payments Portico - DataCap (Canada) - Verifone P400

  • Global Payments Portico / Chase Paymentech - DataCap (US) - Ingenico Lane/3000

DataCap Merchant ID Text

Merchant ID for DataCap NETePay.


Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type > :

  • Global Payments Portico - DataCap (Canada) - Verifone P400

  • Global Payments Portico / Chase Paymentech - DataCap (US) - Ingenico Lane/3000

Pinpad USB COM Port Text

USB COM port for DataCap NETePay.


Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type > :

  • Global Payments Portico - DataCap (Canada) - Verifone P400

  • Global Payments Portico / Chase Paymentech - DataCap (US) - Ingenico Lane/3000

OpenEdge Terminal XWebTerminalID Text

XWeb terminal ID for OpenEdge – Ingenico iPP320 Pinpads.


Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type > OpenEdge – Ingenico iPP320 above.

OpenEdge Terminal XWebID Text

XWeb ID for OpenEdge – Ingenico iPP320 Pinpads.


Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type > OpenEdge – Ingenico iPP320 above.

OpenEdge Terminal XWebAuthKey Text

XWeb authentication key for OpenEdge – Ingenico iPP320 Pinpads.

Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type > OpenEdge – Ingenico iPP320 above.

Device IP Address Text

Pinpad terminal IP address for:

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA - Verifone T650

  • PAX - TCP/IP (Portico EMV)



Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type > :

  • Global Payments Portico - PAX (TCP/IP)

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA - Verifone T650

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA (V2) - Verifone T650

Device IP Port Numeric

Pinpad terminal IP port number for:

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA - Verifone T650

  • Global Payments Portico - PAX (TCP/IP)



Note: This option is only available if you have selected PinPad Device Interface Type > :

  • Global Payments Portico - PAX (TCP/IP)

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA - Verifone T650

  • Global Payments Portico - UPA (V2) - Verifone T650

Digital Signature

Enable Digital Signature Checkbox Default: Not Enabled
If it is enabled, you can capture, store and retrieve digital signatures that are associated with legal waivers. .


Before implementing this solution clients should seek independent legal counsel to determine whether the signed digital signature is enforceable in their jurisdiction.

If the waiver needs to be referenced in case of a dispute or legal action:

• ACTIVE Network can advise on how the waiver was obtained and what our records show in terms of date / time.

• ACTIVE Network cannot guarantee that the waiver is legally binding.

• ACTIVE Network cannot guarantee that the signature is enforceable.

Digital Signature Device Type Dropdown list

Value: Topaz T-LBK57GC

Default: Topaz T-LBK57GC


When ‘Enable Digital Signature’ is enabled, this setting displays.

SigWeb Installation Help Link Link to the SigWeb Installation Help page.
When ‘Enable Digital Signature’ is enabled, this setting displays.


Entry Point Dropdown list The entry point to be associated with this workstation, as selected from a predefined list.
This will determine which passes are eligible to scan for entry.
Magstripe prefix Text The prefix, if one is encoded in the magstripe on the card.
Note: Enter a magstripe prefix that matches the prefix used by your magstripe printer.
Magstripe suffix


The suffix, if one is encoded in the magstripe on the card.


Note: Enter a magstripe suffix that matches the suffix used by your magstripe printer.

Default Image Directory


Path to where the images are stored. ACTIVE Net will read the images from the file path.

Enable Entry Screening Device


Setting to enable the connection between the ACTIVENet AUI and a temperature screening device.

This setting is displayed only when the Administration Home > Membership Settings > Configuration page > new Entry Screening section >Enable Entry Screening checkbox is enabled.  

Use Background Scanning?


Enable membership scanning in the background while you are working elsewhere in ACTIVE Net.


Note: This option is only available if you have selected an entry point and the gatekicker type.

Use Local Serial Port For Gate-Kicker


Selecting this option will enable a workstation to kick a local gate (using the serial port) when a membership is validated for the relevant entry points.

Enable Membership Scanning Sounds? Dropdown list

To play sounds at this workstation when one or more predefined events occur during a membership scan, select Yes.


To disable scanning sounds at this workstation, select No.

Birthday Alert Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member scans a membership pass on his or her birthdate.
No sounds play if the member does not have a birthdate defined.
Staff or Customer Notes Alert Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member scans a membership pass that has either staff notes or customer notes associated with it (notes that have been entered during the Membership Fees step of the membership sale).
Pass at Last Use Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member scans a membership pass that has no further uses available after this scan.
Pass Debit Balance Greater Than amount Numeric/Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member who has a debit balance that is equal to or greater than this amount scans a membership pass.
Pass Expiry within number Days Numeric/Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member scans a membership pass and when the number of days until the pass' expiry date is equal or less than this number.
Pass Invalid Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member scans a membership pass that is not valid at this workstation.
Pass Multiple Select Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member has more than one membership pass that is valid at this workstation.
Pass Scanned Same Day Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member scans a membership pass that was scanned at this workstation previously on the same day.
Pass Valid Dropdown list Select a sound to play when a member scans a membership pass that is valid at this workstation.


POS Layout Dropdown list The POS layout to be associated with this workstation, as selected from a predefined list.
This will determine what screen layout shows when selling POS products at this workstation.
If there is no layout attached to the workstation record, the layout will be taken from the site record.  
If there is no layout attached to the site record, the layout will be taken from the POS configuration page.
If there is no layout attached to the workstation, site, or default configuration page, the user will be prompted with the Change Workstation Detail page.
Printer COM Port Numeric COM port on computer where POS printer is connected.
Cash Drawer? Checkbox Option to denote that there is a cash drawer attached to the computer where this workstation will be used.
Open Cash Drawer for Payment Type
Use this function to control when to open the cash drawer.
You can set the POS system to only open for specific transaction types.
Select one or more of the following:
  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Credit Memo

  • Check

  • Debit Card (only available if your organization is licensed for debit card processing)

  • From Account

Receipt Printer Dropdown list The format for the printer available for use at this workstation selected from a list of 4 options:
  • Windows Only – will only print from Windows printer

  • POS Only – will only print from POS printer

  • Either (automatic) – will print using either printer depending on transaction (POS transactions print to POS printer)

  • Both – will print on both Windows and POS printer

POS Receipt Dropdown list Select the POS receipt that you want to print at this workstation.
Different POS receipts have different headers and footers.
To customize your POS receipts, go to Administration > POS Settings > POS Receipts.
Ask User to Confirm POS Receipt Print Checkbox Use this option to control whether or not to prompt before printing a POS receipt:
  • To automatically print a receipt (depending on the setting for Receipt Printer, above), clear this option.

  • To prompt the user with an option to print or not print a POS receipt, select this option.

Control Code Set Dropdown list The control code set to be associated with this workstation, as selected from a predefined list.
This will determine what control codes are used when selling POS products at this workstation.  
If there is no control code set attached to the workstation record, the layout will be taken from the POS configuration page.

Cash Summary

Note: The options in this section are only relevant if you have configured ACTIVE Net to use cash summary sheets as part of the cash out process at Administration > Financial Settings > Configuration > Financial Options section > Run Cash Out Process Based on Cash Summary Sheet.

Cash Summary Sheet Layout Dropdown list Select the cash summary sheet layout that you want to use as a template for cash summary sheets at this workstation.
Float Amount Numeric Enter the default float amount that you want to use when starting a new cash summary sheet at this workstation.
Multi User, Single Cash Drawer Checkbox If you have one cash drawer per user at this workstation, leave this option disabled.
Each user at this workstation will have their own cash summary sheet, and they will not be able to edit any cash summary sheets other than their own.
If you have many users sharing a single cash drawer at this workstation, select this option.
The first user that logs into this workstation will open up a new cash summary sheet, and subsequent users will choose between opening a new cash summary sheet or adding to an existing cash summary sheet.
Cash Summary Sheet Prompt Radio buttons Specify when ACTIVE Net should prompt staff users to enter a float amount for their cash summary sheets.
To prompt staff users to enter a float amount as soon as they sign in, select Prompt when user logged on.
To prompt staff users to enter a float amount when they take their first payment after signing in, select Prompt when payment is taken.

Equipment Lending

Equipment Lending Layout

Dropdown list The equipment lending layout to be associated with this workstation, as selected from a predefined list.
This will determine what screen layout shows when lending equipment at this workstation.
If there is no layout attached to the workstation record, the layout will be taken from the site record.  
If there is no layout attached to the workstation or site page, the user will be prompted with the Change Workstation Detail page.
Default Customer Scan Type Dropdown list The default scan type to use when scanning a customer at this workstation.
Enable Equipment Lending Sounds? Checkbox Use this option to enable dropdown lists that can link sounds to equipment lending events.
Success Sound for Equipment Lending Sign-Out Dropdown list The sound to play for a successful equipment lending sign-out.
Click the Upload New Audio File hyperlink to select an existing sound file to use.
Success Sound for Equipment Lending Sign-In Dropdown list The sound to play for a successful equipment lending sign-in.
Click the Upload New Audio File hyperlink to select an existing sound file to use.
Warning Sound for Missing Sign-Out Prerequisite Dropdown list The sound to play when a customer attempts to sign out equipment without the required prerequisites.
Click the Upload New Audio File hyperlink to select an existing sound file to use.
Warning Sound when Customer Sign-out Quantity Exceeded Dropdown list The sound to play when a customer attempts to sign out more than the maximum sign-out quantity of a piece of equipment.
Click the Upload New Audio File hyperlink to select an existing sound file to use.
Warning Sound for Sign-Out Inventory Short Dropdown list The sound to play when a customer attempts to sign out equipment for which there is no inventory available.
Click the Upload New Audio File hyperlink to select an existing sound file to use.


Note: This section is only visible if you have enabled facility waitlisting in the Facility Waitlisting section of the Facility Configuration page.

Enable Facility Waitlist Alerts

Dropdown list Option to alert Front Desk users at this workstation when they free up available timeslots that are of interest to waitlisted customers.
Overrides the corresponding system-wide setting in the Facility Waitlisting section of the Facility Configuration page.
Maximum Results to Return Numeric Enter the maximum number of waitlisted customers to display in the facility waitlist alert.
Overrides the corresponding system-wide setting in the Facility Waitlisting section of the Facility Configuration page.
Warn if Reserving a Waitlisted Timeslot Dropdown list Option to warn Front Desk users at this workstation if they attempt to create a new permit booking in a timeslot that has a waitlist.
Overrides the corresponding system-wide setting in the Facility Waitlisting section of the Facility Configuration page.

Switching Workstations

When you switch to a different workstation in the same ACTIVE Net deployment, ACTIVE Net automatically switches you to the site where the new workstation is located.


Note: You can also switch sites and remain logged in to the same workstation, even if it is not located at the new site. See Switch Sites.


To switch workstations:

    1. Click your name at the top-right corner of the screen and click the workstation in the account menu that appears.

    2. From the Existing Workstation Name drop-down list, select the workstation you want to log in to.

    3. Click Submit.