
Membership packages are what you sell to your customers.


Each package set up in the system will contain a unique combination of category, site, entry point, and fees as well as usage, age and member restrictions.

Go to section

General Information

Financial Information

Location, Dates and Times

Usage Restrictions

Family Membership Package

Member Restrictions



Entry Points

Custom Question

Custom Questions for Membership Renewal

Commission Qualification

Prerequisite Components

Prior to entering the packages, the following data points must be configured:

Pass Layouts


Entry Points

Custom Questions

Adding or Modifying

To add

From the Package Search page, click the New Package link or, from the Package List page, click on the Add New button. Either of these actions brings you to the Change Package page, allowing you to create the details for a new record.


To modify

From the Package List page, clicking an underlined package Name displays a general information Package Functions page with several hyperlinks. These are links to pages that allow you to modify specific areas of package information:


In the Package List section, you can:


To copy

From the Package Functions page, clicking the Copy Package link will open the Change Package page with a new record loaded with the copied information. Edit the new record as desired, then click Save to save the new package record.


The Change Package page contains the following fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

General Information

Name Text

The name of the package as it will appear in select pages when selling or reporting on membership packages.


Though not required by the system, it is suggested this name be unique.



Text A brief description of the package.
Category Dropdown list The title of the package category selected from a previously defined list.
Status Dropdown list The status of the package selected from two options:
  • Open: This package will appear in the list of packages available to be sold. Active packages should be given a status of Open.

  • Closed: This package will not appear in the list of packages available to be sold. Packages which are no longer offered for sale should be given a status of Closed.

Assign Pass # Dropdown list The method of assigning pass numbers selected from two options:
  • System-wide: Unique pass numbers will be automatically assigned by the system at the time a pass is sold.

  • Prompt: A temporary pass number will be assigned at the time a pass if sold. When in Pass Production, the user will be prompted to enter a pass number. An agency using pre-printed barcode numbers would select the Prompt option to allow for entry of a pass number at the time of sale.

Pass Layout Dropdown list The layout used when printing a card selected from a list of previously maintained card layouts. Required.
Print Barcode on Receipt Checkbox To print a barcode on the receipt (identical to the membership pass card barcode), select this option.
Barcodes print on receipts generated on both the staff and public sites.
Tip: This function is useful to allow customers to use their receipt as a scannable temporary pass, until they receive a permanent membership card.
Catalog Description Text The description of the package as it will appear on the customer web site.

Financial Information

Tax Receipt

Tax Eligible


If the Tax Eligible check box is selected, payments made for the specified activity/membership package/Flexi Registration program are included in the Tax Receipt report.

If the Tax Eligible check box is not selected (default), payments made for the specified activity/membership package/Flexi Registration program are not included in the Tax Receipt report.

Deferred Revenue Settings

Enable Deferred Revenue?

Dropdown list

Select Yes to turn on deferred revenue for this particular membership package (overriding site or global deferred revenue settings).


Note: If deferred revenue is not activated globally, this option is hidden.

Revenue Deferral Period

Dropdown list

This setting overrides the global revenue deferral period for membership packages.
The period frequency determines when revenue will be recognized (i.e. when the deferred revenue account is debited and the revenue account is credited).

If you select Yearly:

  • The system will use the fiscal year as an interval, similar to how it uses month, day, quarter, or week for the other selections.

  • Revenue for the portion of inventory delivered in the current fiscal year is recognized immediately (at the time of the transaction) - just as though the site were using a straight cash-equals-revenue model - but with the following exception:

  • Revenue for the portion of the inventory that is delivered in the next fiscal year is recognized on the first day of the relevant fiscal year.


If you select To Membership Pass Start Date, ACTIVE Net will recognize all revenue on the first meeting date of the program.


If you select To Membership Pass Start Date and Fiscal Year End, transactions within the current fiscal year will be recognized on the first meeting date of the program. The remaining amounts will be recognized on the first date of the next fiscal year.

Deferred Revenue GL Account

Dropdown list

Select the GL account that you want to use for deferred revenue for this membership package.
This setting overrides the global revenue deferral period for programs.

Third Party Billing


  • If the Front Desk Home > Customer > Specific Customer > Change Third Party Billing > Amount of Support section > % amount setting is configured for the customer account, the third party billing settings at the package level does not apply.
  • per third party payer and % per package settings are displayed only when the Allow third party payer setting is enabled.
Allow Third Party Billing?


If members are eligible to receive third party billing payments for this package, select this option.

per third party payer


When this membership package is sold or automatically renewed, the third party payer can only be charged an amount less than or equal to this fixed amount.

% per package


When this membership package is sold or automatically renewed, the third party payer can only be charged an amount less than or equal to this percentage amount.

Location, Dates and Times


Site Dropdown list The name of the site where the package would be available, as selected from a predefined list.
If All Sites is selected, the package will be available to all sites.

Expiration Information

Note: One of the four expiration options is required.

Never Expire

Radio button

Make the package valid indefinitely, without an expiration date.
Note: If the option is selected, other expiration settings are disabled (for example: Valid From, Expire, Valid Time Period after issue).
Valid From Radio button Make the package valid only within a specific date range.
Enter the From and To dates to specify the date range.
Note: Package start date is the basis for fee proration, if applicable. For example, if an annual package is bought 6 months after the start date, the fee can be prorated to half the price.
Renew for specific period annually Checkbox Automatically renew this package a year later for the same dates.
Note: This option is only available if you have selected the Valid From option.

Expire n days after issue

Numeric The number of days from the date of sale in which this package will expire.

Renew for specific period annually

Checkbox Automatically renew this package a year later for the same dates.
Note: This option is only available if you have selected the Valid From option.
Valid Time Period after issue Dropdown list The time period from the date of sale in which this package will expire.

One-day pass


Make the package valid only for one day on the valid date selected by the customer.


Note: One-day passes cannot be renewed and are not eligible for advanced sales.

Renew for specific period annually

Checkbox Automatically renew this package a year later for the same dates.
Note: This option is only available if you have selected the Valid Time Period after issue option.
Always auto renew? Checkbox Option to always auto renew the package when it expires after the selected time period.
Note: This option is only available if a Time Period is selected as the expiration option.
Force expiration date to the end of the month? Checkbox Option to set the expiration date to the end of the month, regardless of when it was bought.
Note: This option is only available if the following time periods are selected: Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, Semiannually, Annually).

Advanced Sales Limitations

Max Number of Uses Numeric The maximum number of uses (punches or admissions) that can be sold to a customer for this package (applicable to punch type passes).
For example, if set to 20, then only up to 20 uses may be sold to a customer. If left at the default of 0, there is no restriction.
Note: This number must be equal to or greater than the Number of Uses Available set below.
Max Number of Timeperiods Numeric The maximum number of time periods that may be bought in advance for this package.
For example, a monthly package may be bought in advance for a maximum of 12 months. If left at the default of 0, there is no restriction.
Allow online advance sales checkbox

Option to hide the Number of Enrollment Periods Available section in the CUI and prohibit end users from purchasing multiple periods in advance.

  • If this checkbox is selected, then end users can see the Number of Enrollment Periods Available section and purchase multiple periods of the membership package in advance.
  • If this checkbox is unselected (when creating a new package, this checkbox is unselected by default), then the Number of Enrollment Periods Available section is hidden in the CUI and end users can only purchase or manually renew a single period. They are unable to purchase multiple periods of the membership package in advance.

Usage Restrictions

Number of Uses Available Numeric The default number of uses (punches or admissions) sold for this package.
Entering a value in this field will allow the package to function as a punch type of pass.
If left at the default of 0, the package is not a punch type pass.
Note: This number must be equal to or less than the Max Number of Uses set above.
For example: If the Number of Uses Available is set to 5, this means the pass is sold in increments of 5 up to the maximum defined in the Max Number of Uses field above.
Max Uses Per Day Numeric The maximum number of times a package may be used in a calendar day.
An entry in this field may work as a security feature for agencies that wish to manage misuse of passes through the transferring of a card from person to person.
If left at the default of 0, there is no restriction.

Days of Use Per Week


The maximum number of times a package may be used in one 7-day period.


An entry in this field may work as a security feature for agencies that wish to manage misuse of passes through the transferring of a card from person to person.


If left at the default of 0, there is no restriction.

Expire Warning (days)


The number of days before a package is set to expire when a warning will be sent to the member.


If left at the default of 0, there is no expiration warning.

Family Membership Package

Family Membership Package? Checkbox Select this option to specify that this membership package can be linked to some or all of the other people in the main passholder's family.
A family membership grants membership benefits to multiple customers in the same family, and can be used to generate multiple passes.
Leave this option disabled to specify that this membership package is valid for the main passholder only.
In this case, the passholder's family members require their own membership packages in order to gain membership benefits.

Automatically Allocate to All Family Members / Select Family Members

Radio buttons

To automatically link all members of the main passholder's family to this membership package and assign them membership benefits when selling this package, select Automatically Allocate to All Family Members.
To give users the ability to specify which family members are and are not linked to this membership package, select Select Family Members.
Select immediate family members by default Checkbox If Select Family Members is selected above:
  • To display only immediate family members for selection during the membership sale process, select this option.

  • To display all family members for selection during the membership sale process, disable this option.

Package must include at least minimum and no more than maximum customers aged minimum age years or older Numeric To specify that each family membership package must include a certain number of adults, enter the minimum and maximum number of adults per package here, along with the age at which you consider a customer to be an adult.

Member Restrictions

Max Passes Numeric The maximum number of customers who can be linked to this package.
To allow users to select additional family members to link to this package, enter a number greater than 1.
Use this setting to limit the number of people who can gain membership benefits from a single family membership package.
For example, enter 4 here to specify that this membership package can be linked to up to four members of a family. If a family with more than four members wants membership benefits for the whole family, they will be forced to purchase additional membership packages.
Residency Type Dropdown list The residency type for which this package is applicable, as selected from Resident Only, Non-Resident Only, or Both.
Gender Dropdown list The gender for which this package is applicable, as selected from Male, Female, or Coed.
Minimum Age Numeric

The minimum age (in years) of a customer for whom this pass is valid.


Customers must be at least this number of years old to purchase this package.


If left at the default of 0, there is no minimum age restriction.
Maximum Age Numeric The maximum age (in years) of a customer for whom this pass is valid.


Customers must be less than this number of years old to purchase this package.


If left at the default of 0, there is no maximum age restriction.
Alternate Key Type Hyperlink Only the customers with this alternate key type can buy the membership.
  1. Click the underlined Alternate Key Type link to pop-up the Alternate Key Type List window.

  2. Select one or more items to the Alternate Key Type list box or click the Add All Selected button for batch selection.

  3. Click the Done button to finish the selection.


Click the Remove button to remove the selected items in the list box.


You can go to the Alternate Key Type page to learn more about the alternate key types.

Alternate Key Status Hyperlink Only the customers with this alternate key status can buy the membership.
  1. Click the underlined Alternate Key Status link will pop-up the Alternate Key Status List window.

  2. Select one or more items to the Alternate Key Status list box or click the Add All Selected button for batch selection.

  3. Click the Done button to finish the selection.


Click the Remove button to remove the selected items in the list box.


You can go to the Alternate Key Status page to learn more about the alternate key status.


  • If multiple alternate key types and alternate key statuses are specified, customers who match at least one of the conditions will qualify for the membership.

  • When purchasing a membership, if the customer is not with the specified alternate key type and alternate key status, a new override message will be shown. Only authorized staff with the profile: Front Desk: Registration/Daycare/Membership - Registration Override Authority can override the message to continue the transaction.


User Notes Text The notes entered in this field will cause a red alarm alert to appear next to the package when it is selected for sale.
These notes may be used to remind the user of things like special instructions they may need to give the customer purchasing the package.
Customers do not see these notes on the receipt or on the customer (public access) site.
Receipt Notes Text The notes entered in this field will be printed on the receipt issued after payment for this package.  
Notes entered here are specific to the sale of this package and do not override Receipt Text entered at the site or financial level.


Renewable Membership? Checkbox Option to determine if this package will be available for renewal either through the admin or the public sites.
Packages that do not have renewable option selected will only be available for new pass sale not membership renewal.
Qualifies for "if member" fees? Checkbox Option to make members with this package eligible for member rates where the fee condition is if member.
Qualifies for Member Registration Date? Checkbox If you select this option, members who have this package are qualified to register during the member registration date range set for a certain activity.
Hide on Internet? Dropdown list

Option to display or hide this package on the customer (public access) site.

  • Use Category Default (selected by default): the Hide on Internet? setting at the package level follows the Hide on Internet? setting at the package category level.
  • Yes: the Hide on Internet? setting at the package level overrides the Hide on Internet? setting at the package category level. This membership package is hidden in the CUI.
  • No: the Hide on Internet? setting at the package level overrides the Hide on Internet? setting at the package category level. This membership package is displayed in the CUI.

Hide from Online Search Results


Select this option to hide a membership package from search results and the membership list in the CUI/online.

Available as Prerequisite?


Select this option to allow this package to be used as a prerequisite for enrolling in other membership packages or activities.


This option also renders the records for asset data as ineligible for asset publication.

Print Receipt with each Scan?


If there is a receipt printer connected to the workstation, when customers scan their pass, a receipt is automatically printed (displaying membership privileges and expiration date).


Note: You can also configure this option for individual entry points.

Cancellation Options Dropdown list Possible cancellation options, as selected from the following:
  • Allow refunds - cancel immediately: Refunds are allowed and the membership is canceled immediately.

  • No refunds - cancel immediately: Membership is canceled immediately but no refunds are allowed.

  • Allow refunds - cancel on expiration date: Refunds are allowed but the membership is only canceled on expiration date.

  • No refunds - cancel on expiration date: No refunds are allowed and membership is only canceled on expiration date.

  • One more renew period - cancel on expiration date: When staff cancels a membership, the membership package will first be renewed for one more renewal period. It will be canceled on the expiration date of that renewal period. Note: This option is only available if this membership is renewable.

Disable Usage Fee on Transfers? Checkbox Leave this option unchecked if you want to continue charging usage fees upon membership transfers.
Select this option if you want the following:
  • If there was no usage fee associated with the membership during the initial sale but during the transfer process there is a usage fee associated with the transfer out membership and the usage fee is same as the usage fee associated with the transfer in membership, then the known usage fee shall not apply.

  • If there was a usage fee associated with the membership during the initial sale, but the usage fee was not charged, then during the transfer process, the usage fee associated with the transfer in membership shall not apply.

  • If there was a usage fee associated with the membership during the initial sale, and if during the transfer process the usage fee associated with the transfer out membership is the same as the usage fee associated with the transfer in membership but the usage fee amount has been changed, then the usage fee shall be considered as paid and there will not be an additional charge or refund.

  • If there was a usage fee associated with the membership during the initial sale, and if during the transfer process the usage fee associated with the transfer out membership is different from the usage fee associated with the transfer in membership, then the usage fee associated with the transfer in membership shall be considered as paid and not charged.

Disable Usage Fee on Renewals? Checkbox Leave this option unchecked if you want to continue charging usage fees upon membership renewals.
Select this option if you want the following:
  • If there was no usage fee associated with the membership during the initial sale, then the usage fee will not apply during the renewal process.

  • If there was a usage fee associated with the membership during the initial sale but the usage fee was not charged at the time, then the usage fee will not apply during the renewal process.

  • If there was a usage fee associated with the membership during the initial sale, and if the usage fee amount has been changed between the initial sale and the renewal process, then the difference shall not be charged or refunded.

Note: If the Apply New Usage Fee after Grace Period option is checked and the renewal is after the grace period, then the new amount shall apply.

  • If there was a usage fee associated with the membership during the initial sale transaction and the usage fee has been changed to a different one between the initial sale and the renewal process, then the new usage fee shall be considered as paid and not charged.

Note: If the Apply New Usage Fee after Grace Period option is checked and the renewal is after the grace period, then the new usage fee shall apply.

Allow Automatic Cancellation? Dropdown list

Default: Don’t allow

In the Expiration Information section of the same page, only when “Valid Time Period after issue_”, is selected, all the options below are displayed, otherwise only “Don’t allow” is available.

  • Don’t allow – the package does not allow automatic cancellation

  • Allow in membership sale and membership admin – the automatic cancellation can be set and viewed on both the membership admin page and during the front desk membership sale/transfer.

  • Allow in membership admin only – the automatic cancellation can only be set and viewed on the membership admin page.

Show System-generated Price Online Checkbox

Select this checkbox (seleced by default) to allow consumers in the CUI to view a detailed breakdown of the membership package’s fees.

Show Scholarship Online Checkbox

Select this checkbox (seleced by default) to allow consumers in the CUI to view scholarship contributions in the above detailed breakdown of the membership package’s fees.


Selectable only if the above Show System-generated Price Online is selected.

Undo the punch-pass punch if the customer withdraws Checkbox

Select this option to configure this membership package to undo punch-pass punches if the consumer withdraws from an enrollment.

Show Automatically Renew Option Online? Dropdown


  • Use Category Default, to follow the setting for the membership package category (default setting) to determine whether to display the membership automatic renewal option to consumers when they purchase the membership package in the CUI.
  • Yes, to override the setting for the membership package category and display the membership automatic renewal option to consumers when they purchase the membership package in the CUI.
  • No, to override the setting for the membership package category and hide the membership automatic renewal option from consumers when they purchase the membership package in the CUI.

Entry Points

Available Entry Points Listbox List of all entry points maintained in the system that have not been attached to the package.
A package may have multiple entry points and an entry point can be attached to multiple packages.
To make an entry point available for a package, highlight the name of the entry point in the left column (Available Entry Points) and click the right pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Entry Points).
Selected Entry Points Listbox List of entry points where the package will be valid.


To remove an entry point from a package, highlight the name of the entry point under the right column (Selected Entry Points) and click the left-pointing arrow to return it to the left column (Available Entry Points).

Custom Question

Custom Question Groups





A list of all custom question groups that can be attached to the package.


A package may have multiple question groups and a question group may be attached to multiple packages.


To make a custom question group available for a package, highlight the name of the custom question group in the left column (Available Question Groups) and click on the right-pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Question Groups).





A list of custom question groups which can be attached to the package.


A package may have multiple question groups and a question group may be attached to multiple packages.


To remove a custom question group from a package, highlight the name of the custom question group under the right column (Selected Questions) and click on the left-pointing arrow to move it to the left column (Available Question Groups).

Move to top Hyperlink

Move a selected custom question to the top of the list.


The group of questions on top will be asked first during registration.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups listbox then click the Move to top hyperlink.

Move up one Hyperlink

Move a selected custom question group one position up on the list.


The group of questions are asked during registration from top to bottom.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups listbox then click the Move up one hyperlink.

Move to bottom Hyperlink

Move a selected custom question group to the bottom of the list.


The bottom group of questions will be asked last during registration.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups listbox then click the Move to bottom hyperlink.

Move down one Hyperlink

Move a selected custom question group one position down on the list.


The group of questions are asked during registration from top to bottom.


Select a custom question group from the Selected Question Groups listbox then click the Move down one hyperlink.

Individual Custom Questions




List of individual custom questions in the system that have not been attached to the package.  


Individual custom questions are asked when a membership package is sold.


A package may have multiple questions and a question may be attached to multiple packages.


To attach an individual custom question to a package, highlight the individual custom question on the left column (Available Questions) and click the right-pointing arrow to move it to the right column (Selected Questions).




List of all individual custom questions that have been attached to the package.


These questions will be asked when the membership package is sold.


To remove an individual custom question from a package, highlight the individual custom question on the right column (Selected Questions) and click the left-pointing arrow to return it to the left column (Available Questions).

Move to top Hyperlink

Option to move a selected individual custom question to the top of the list.


The question on top will be asked first during the membership sale transaction.


Select an individual custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move to top hyperlink.

Move up one Hyperlink

Option to move a selected individual custom question one position up on the list.


The questions are asked during the membership sale transaction from top to bottom.


Select an individual custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move up one hyperlink.

Move to bottom Hyperlink

Option to move a selected individual custom question to the bottom of the list.


The bottom question will be asked last during the membership sale transaction.


Select an individual custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move to bottom hyperlink.

Move down one Hyperlink

Option to move a selected individual custom question one position down on the list.


The questions are asked during the membership sale transaction from top to bottom.


Select an individual custom question from the Selected Questions listbox then click the Move down one hyperlink.

Custom Questions for Membership Renewal

Select the Set questions for membership renewal only? checkbox to load a separate custom questions section for the manual membership renewal.  


Note:  This checkbox can only be enabled if the Renewable Membership? checkbox in the Option section is checked.

Commission Qualification

Select whether the transactions involving this membership package qualify for sales commission:

  • Use Category Default - Use the same setting as the package category this package belongs to.

  • Yes - Transactions involving the package qualify for sales commission (this overrides the package category setting).

  • No - Transactions involving the package do not qualify for sales commission (this overrides the package category setting). Search Channels

To specify the search channels on that will categorize this membership, choose one of the following:

  • To select sub-channels for this membership within the default channels specified on the Package Category page:

    1. Select Select Sub Channels under the Default Channels.

    2. Select the sub-channels that you want to use for this membership.

  • To select from all possible channels or sub-channels for this membership:

    1. Select Override Default.

    2. Select a channel for this membership from the Channel 1 list.

    3. Select the sub-channels to use within this channel.

    4. To add another channel, click Choose Another Channel.