
Customers are the people who register for activities, reserve facilities, purchase memberships, and perform other transactions with the agency.


The Customer Account Functions page includes several hyperlinks. These are links to pages that allow you to modify specific areas of customer information:

Name and other Details

Customer Lists

Financial Information

Transactions and Schedules


Customer History


The following information appears on the Customer Account Functions page:

Name of Field Type Description
Customer Name Text

First and last name of the customer.



Address of the customer.



Full or partial home or work number of the customer.

E-mail Address


E-mail address of the customer.

Login Name


Login name of the customer.

Member Since


Date the customer became a member.

Add/Change Image


Clicking this link opens the Take Photo page where you can:

  • Select a camera: Select this button to choose a camera for pass card production. The Select Source dialog box opens where you can select a camera from the Source list.

  • Note: A camera should be attached to the workstation for this feature to work.

  • Upload Picture: Select this button to select a .jpg file from your local folder.

  • Take Photo: Select this button to take the customer's picture using the camera selected.

Note that PNG, JPG, BMP and GIF image formats are supported.

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